Exemple: <idno> (identifier)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <idno> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <idno> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

2 The TEI Header


   <title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>
   <author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>
    <resp>Originally prepared by</resp>
    <name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>
    <resp>Revised and edited by</resp>
    <name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>
   <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
    <addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>
   <idno type="OTA">119</idno>
    <p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>
   <date when="1968">1968</date>
   <bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,
   <p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling
       concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the
       editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>
    <p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>
    <p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured
         forms are not encoded.</p>
  <refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">
   <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"

    <p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that
         listed here: <list>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi>
      <item>a period</item>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi>
      <item>a space</item>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi>
    <date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>
    <date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>


   <title>La Parisienne</title>
   <author>Henry BECQUE</author>
   <distributor>ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française)</distributor>
   <idno type="FRANTEXT">L434</idno>
    <addrLine>44, avenue de la Libération</addrLine>
    <addrLine>BP 30687</addrLine>
    <addrLine>54063 Nancy Cedex</addrLine>
   <availability status="free">
    <p>Dans un cadre de recherche ou d'enseignement</p>
      <publisher>Paris : Fasquelle, 1922.</publisher>

2.2.4 Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.

 <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>
 <idno type="ISBN">0-19-254705-4</idno>
  <p>Copyright 1989, Oxford University Press</p>

2.2.4 Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.

 <publisher>Sigma Press</publisher>
  <addrLine>21 High Street,</addrLine>
  <addrLine>Cheshire M24 3DF</addrLine>
 <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
 <idno type="OTA">1256</idno>
  <p>Available with prior consent of depositor for
     purposes of academic research and teaching only.</p>


 <distributor>ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française)</distributor>
 <idno type="FRANTEXT">L434</idno>
  <addrLine>44, avenue de la Libération</addrLine>
  <addrLine>BP 30687</addrLine>
  <addrLine>54063 Nancy Cedex</addrLine>
 <availability status="free">
  <p>Dans un cadre de recherche ou d'enseignement</p>


<idno type="ISBN">978-1-906964-22-1</idno>
<idno type="ISSN">0143-3385</idno>
<idno type="DOI">http://dx.doi.org/10.1000/123</idno>
<idno type="URI">http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/185922478</idno>
<idno type="URI">http://authority.nzetc.org/463/</idno>
<idno type="LT">Thomason Tract E.537(17)</idno>
<idno type="Wing">C695</idno>
<idno type="oldCat">
 <g ref="#sym"/>345


<idno type="ISSN">0143-3385</idno>
<idno type="OTA">116</idno>
<idno type="ISBN">1-896016-00-6</idno>

2.2.5 The Series Statement

 <title level="s">Machine-Readable Texts for the Study of
   Indian Literature</title>
  <resp>ed. by</resp>
  <name>Jan Gonda</name>
 <biblScope unit="vol">1.2</biblScope>
 <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno>


 <title>Machine-Readable Texts for the Study of Indian Literature</title>
  <resp>ed. by</resp>
  <name>Jan Gonda</name>
 <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope>
 <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno>


  <resp>directeur de collection</resp>
  <name>Jacques Dubois</name>
  <resp>directeur de collection</resp>
  <name>Hubert Nyssen</name>
 <idno type="ISSN">1140-3853</idno>


 <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno>
 <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.11.1 Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References

    <forename full="init">R.</forename>
   <idno type="scopus">6506403994</idno>
   <idno type="lcaf">http://id.loc.gov/authorites/names/n50012763.html</idno>
  <title level="m">Envisioning Information</title>
   <pubPlace>Cheshire, Conn.</pubPlace>
   <publisher>Graphics Press</publisher>
   <date when="1990"/>
</biblStruct> Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

  <title level="a">Markup Systems and The Future of Scholarly Text
  <idno type="DOI">http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/32206.32209</idno>
  <title level="j">Communications of the ACM</title>
  <biblScope unit="vol">30</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="issue">11</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="pp">933–947</biblScope>
 <ref type="url">http://xml.coverpages.org/coombs.html</ref>
</biblStruct> Titles, Authors, and Editors

 <author>Lominandze, DG</author>.
<title level="m">Cyclotron waves in plasma</title>.
  <resp>Translated by</resp>
  <name>AN. Dellis</name>
  <resp>edited by</resp>
  <name>SM. Hamberger</name>
<edition>1st ed.</edition>
<publisher>Pergamon Press</publisher>,
<extent>206 p.</extent>
 <title level="s">International series in natural philosophy</title>.
<note place="inline">Translation of:
 <title xml:lang="ru-Latnlevel="m">Ciklotronnye volny v
 <idno type="isbn">ISBN 0-08-021680-3</idno>.
</bibl> Document Identifiers

  <title type="short">Foure treatises tending to disswade all Christians from foure no lesse hainous then common sinnes</title>
  <idno type="stc2ndEd">7141</idno>
   <pubPlace>At London</pubPlace>
   <publisher>Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greyhound</publisher>
   <date when="1609">1609</date>
</biblStruct> Document Identifiers

<biblStruct type="patent"

   <orgName type="national">US</orgName>
  <idno type="docNumber">6885550</idno>
   <classCode scheme="http://www.uspto.gov/">B1</classCode>
   <date type="publicationDate"
April 26, 2005</date>
</biblStruct> Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information

  <author>Nicholas, Charles K.</author>
  <author>Welsch, Lawrence A.</author>
  <title level="m">On the interchangeability of SGML and ODA</title>
  <idno type="NIST">NISTIR 4681</idno>
   <pubPlace>Gaithersburg, MD</pubPlace>
   <publisher>National Institute of Standards and Technology
   <date when="1992-01">January 1992</date>
  <extent>19 pp.</extent>
</biblStruct> Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information

  <author>Hansen, W.</author>
  <title level="u">Creation of hierarchic text
     with a computer display</title>
  <idno type="ANL">ANL-7818</idno>
  <note place="inline">Ph.D. dissertation</note>
   <publisher>Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford Univ.</publisher>
   <pubPlace>Stanford, CA</pubPlace>
   <date when="1971-06">June 1971</date>
</biblStruct> Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information

<biblStruct type="patent"

   <orgName type="national">EP</orgName>
  <idno type="docNumber">1558513</idno>
   <classCode scheme="http://www.epo.org/">A1</classCode>
   <date type="publicationDate"

   <classCode scheme="http://www.epo.org/">B1</classCode>
   <date type="publicationDate"


8 Transcriptions of Speech


  <author>Craig Warner</author>
  <title>Strangers on a Train</title>
  <title type="sub">Based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith</title>
  <edition>French's acting edition</edition>
  <idno type="ISBN">978 0 573 01972 2</idno>
  <publisher>Samuel French Ltd</publisher>

10 Manuscript Description

10.2 The Manuscript Description Element

  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
 <p>In Latin, on parchment: written in more than one hand of the 13th
   cent. in England: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with
   a few coloured capitals.</p>
 <p>'Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,' the De origine et gestis Regum
   Angliae of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis: beg. 'Cum
   mecum multa &amp; de multis.'</p>
 <p>On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de
   buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],' 14th cent. (?):
   'hanauilla' is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought
   from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s.</p>

10.2 The Manuscript Description Element

  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
   <quote>Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,</quote> the
  <title>De origine et gestis Regum Angliae</title>
     of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis):
     beg. <quote>Cum mecum multa &amp; de multis.</quote>
     In Latin.</p>
   <material>Parchment</material>: written in
     more than one hand: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double
     columns: with a few coloured capitals.</p>
  <p>Written in
  <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the
  <origDate>13th cent.</origDate> On fol. 54v very faint is
  <quote>Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti
       ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],</quote> 14th cent. (?):
  <quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
     (15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for
     £1 10s.</p>

10.2 The Manuscript Description Element

  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
   <author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
   <author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
   <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">De origine et
       gestis Regum Angliae</title>
   <rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
   <incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa &amp; de multis</incipit>
   <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="codex">
   <supportDesc material="perg">
    <extent>i + 55 leaves
    <dimensions scope="alltype="leaf"

    <layout columns="2">
     <p>In double columns.</p>
   <p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
   <p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
   <p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300"
13th cent.</origDate>
   <p>On fol. 54v very faint is
   <quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/>
         Roberti ordinis fratrum
    </quote>, 14th cent. (?):
   <quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
       (15th cent.).</p>
   <p>Bought from the rev. <name key="MCRAYWD">W. D. Macray</name> on
   <date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p>


  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno type="Bod">MS Poet. Rawl. D. 169.</idno>
   <author>Geoffrey Chaucer</author>
   <title>The Canterbury Tales</title>
   <p>A parchment codex of 136 folios, measuring approx
       28 by 19 inches, and containing 24 quires.</p>
   <p>The pages are margined and ruled throughout.</p>
   <p>Four hands have been identified in the manuscript: the first 44
       folios being written in two cursive anglicana scripts, while the
       remainder is for the most part in a mixed secretary hand.</p>


  <repository xml:lang="fr">Bibliothèque nationale de France. Réserve des livres rares></repository>
  <idno>RES P- YC- 1275</idno>
<!-- dans le cas des recueils : cote uniquement sans les sous-cotes -->
   <idno>Y. 1341</idno>
   <note>Cote de la Bibliothèque royale au XVIIIe s. (Catalogue de 1750).</note>
<!-- pour le traitement des recueils la solution possible est de répéter l'élément <msItem> -->
    <titlePart type="main"/>
    <titlePart type="sub"/>
    <publisher>F. Torresani</publisher>
<!-- dans le Catalogue général: "in aedibus haeredum Aldi et Andreae soceri" -->
    <publisher>G.-F. Torresani</publisher>
   <docDate when="1535">1535</docDate>
<!-- in-32°; in-24°; in-16°; in-8°; in-4°; in-folio; gr. folio -->
   <note>Exemplaire avec rehauts peints en argent, or et bleu.</note>
    <ref target="http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb31088624r">Notice bibliographique
         dans le Catalogue général</ref>
   <ref target="http://bnf.fr/ark://">Image de la reliure dans l'iconothèque</ref>
<!-- RC-B-05225 (plat sup.) -->
     <dimensions type="binding">
      <height unit="mm">170</height>
      <width unit="mm">98</width>
      <depth unit="mm">15</depth>
   <binding contemporary="true">
     <index indexName="typo_reliure">
      <term>Reliure à décor</term>
     <index indexName="typo_decor">
      <term>Entrelacs géométriques</term>
     </index> Reliure en <material>maroquin</material> brun jaspé</p>
    <decoNote type="plats"> à décor d’entrelacs géométriques (structure de losange et
         rectangle) complété de fers évidés.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="plat_sup">Titre <q>ivvenalis. persivs</q> et ex-libris de Jean
         Grolier <q>io. grolierii et amicorvm.</q> dorés respectivement au centre et au bas
         du plat supérieur. </decoNote>
    <decoNote type="plat_inf">Devise de Jean Grolier<q>portio mea sit in terra
           viventivm</q> dorée au centre du plat inférieur.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="dos">Dos à cinq nerfs, sans décor ; simple filet doré sur chaque
         nerf et en encadrement des caissons ; passages de chaînette marqués de même.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles simples unicolores, vert foncé.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="coupes">Filet doré sur les coupes.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="annexes"/>
    <decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="contreplats">Contreplats en vélin.</decoNote>
    <decoNote type="chasses">Filet doré sur les chasses.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
    <decoNote type="gardes">Gardes en papier et vélin (2+1+2 / 2+1+2) ; filigrane au
         pot.<ref>Briquet N° XX</ref>
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
    <decoNote type="structure">Defet manuscrit utilisé comme claie au contreplat
         inférieur (visible par transparence, sous la contregarde en vélin).</decoNote>
    <condition>Traces de mouillures anciennes plus ou moins importantes au bas des
         feuillets, qui n'ont pas affecté la reliure ; éraflure en tête du plat
  <origin notBefore="1540-01-01"

   <p>Reliure exécutée pour Jean Grolier par Jean Picard, Paris, entre 1540 et 1547.</p>
  <acquisition notBefore="1680-12-31"
Estampille n° 1, utilisée de
     la fin du XVIIe siècle à 1724 (page de titre).</acquisition>
    <source>Notice établie à partir du document original</source>
    <change when="2009-10-05who="Markova">Description mise à jour le <date type="crea">5 octobre 2009 </date>en vue de l'encodage en TEI des descriptions des reliure
         de la Réserve des livres rares</change>
    <change when="2009-06-01who="Le Bars">Description revue le <date type="maj">1er
           juin 2009 </date> par Fabienne Le Bars.....</change>
    <change when="2009-06-25who="Le Bars">Description validée le<date type="valid">25
           juin 2009</date>par Fabienne Le Bars</change>


  <idno type="cbeta">Taisho Tripitaka Vol. T08, No. 230</idno>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>
 <idno>26 C 9</idno>
 <msName>The Ellesmere Chaucer</msName>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>
 <idno>El 26 C 9</idno>
 <msName>The Ellesmere Chaucer</msName>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

<idno>El 26 C 9</idno>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

<idno>El 26 C 9</idno>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <repository xml:lang="fr"> Bibliothèque de l'Académie des Sciences de Hongrie
 <collection>Oriental Collection</collection>
 <collection>Sandor Kégl Bequest</collection>
 <idno>MS 1265</idno>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <region>New Jersey</region>
 <repository>Princeton University Library</repository>
 <collection>Scheide Library</collection>
 <idno>MS 71</idno>
 <msName>Blickling Homiliary</msName>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <repository>Det Arnamagnæanske Institut</repository>
 <idno>AM 45 fol.</idno>
 <msName xml:lang="la">Codex Frisianus</msName>
 <msName xml:lang="is">Fríssbók</msName>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <repository>Biblioteca Nacional</repository>
 <idno>MS 10237</idno>
  <repository>Duque de Osuna</repository>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <institution>University of California</institution>
 <repository>Bancroft Library</repository>
 <idno>UCB 16</idno>
  <idno>2MS BS1145 I8</idno>

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
 <idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>
 <altIdentifier type="SC">

10.4 The Manuscript Identifier

 <msName xml:lang="la">Codex Suprasliensis</msName>
 <altIdentifier type="partial">
  <repository>Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica</repository>
  <idno>MS Kopitar 2</idno>
  <note>Contains ff. 10 to 42 only</note>
 <altIdentifier type="partial">
  <repository>Biblioteka Narodowa</repository>
  <idno>BO 3.201</idno>
 <altIdentifier type="partial">
  <repository>Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka</repository>


 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>


 <repository xml:lang="fr">Bibliothèque nationale de France. Réserve des livres rares></repository>
 <idno>B- 73</idno>
<!-- dans le cas des recueils : cote uniquement sans les sous-cotes -->
  <note> Cote de la bibliothèque royale au XVIIIe siècle (inscrite à l'encre, sur la
     doublure de tabis).</note>
  <idno>Double de B. 274. A (Réserve)</idno>
  <note>Cote inscrite face à la page de titre, en remplacement de la cote "1541",




 <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
 <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
 <idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>


 <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
 <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
 <idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>


 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>
 <idno>El 26 C 9</idno>
 <msName>The Ellesmere Chaucer</msName>


 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>


 <idno>B 106</idno>
 <note>Cote de la Bibliothèque royale au XVIIIe siècle.</note>



10.9.2 Surrogates

  <title type="gmd">microfilm (master)</title>
  <idno>G.neg. 160</idno> n.d.</bibl>
  <title type="gmd">microfilm (archive)</title>
  <idno>G.pos. 186</idno> n.d.</bibl>
  <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
  <idno>AM 795 4to</idno>
  <date when="1999-01-27">27 January 1999</date>
  <note>copy of G.pos. 186</note>
  <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
  <idno>reg.nr. 75</idno>
  <date when="1999-01-25">25 January 1999</date>
  <note>photographs of the spine, outside covers, stitching etc.</note>


  <title type="gmd">diapositive</title>
  <idno>AM 74 a, fol.</idno>
  <date>May 1984</date>
  <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
  <idno>AM 75 a, fol.</idno>


   <title type="gmd">diapositive</title>
   <idno>AM 74 a, fol.</idno>
   <date>May 1984</date>
   <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
   <idno>AM 75 a, fol.</idno>


  <title type="gmd">透明正片</title>
  <idno>AM 74 a, fol.</idno>
  <date>May 1984</date>
  <title type="gmd">黑白輸出</title>
  <idno>AM 75 a, fol.</idno>

10.10 Manuscript Parts

  <repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository>
  <idno>MS 3</idno>
  <msName>Maurdramnus Bible</msName>
<!-- other elements here -->
   <idno>MS 6</idno>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
   <idno>MS 7</idno>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
<!-- other msParts here -->


  <altIdentifier type="catalog">
   <idno>48, Nr. 145</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="catalog">
   <collection>Wiener Liste</collection>
  <title xml:lang="la">Gregorius: Homiliae in Ezechielem</title>
  <origPlace key="tgn_7008085">Weissenburg (?)</origPlace>
  <origDate notBefore="0801"
IX. Jh., Anfang</origDate>


  <repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository>
  <idno>MS 3</idno>
  <msName>Maurdramnus Bible</msName>
<!-- other elements here -->
   <idno>MS 6</idno>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
<!-- more parts here -->

11 Representation of Primary Sources Correction and Conjecture

<msDesc xml:id="Gg">
  <repository>University Library</repository>
  <idno>Gg.1. 27</idno>
<!-- further description of the manuscript here -->

13 Names, Dates, People, and Places Varieties of Location

 <geo>53.226658 -0.541254</geo>
  <title>Roman Inscriptions of Britain</title>, <idno>262</idno>