예: <graphic>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <graphic> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <graphic> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 5 Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
3.6 Simple Links and Cross-References
<term rend="ldquo rdquo">rewriting systems</term>, have a long history
among mathematicians, but the specific form of <ptr target="#fig22"/>
was first studied extensively by Chomsky <ptr type="bibliog" target="#chom59"/>.
<!-- ... -->
<figure xml:id="fig22">
<graphic url="fig22.jpg"/>
<!-- elsewhere, in the bibliography -->
<bibl xml:id="chom59">
<!-- citation for the book referenced above -->
3.9 Graphics and Other Non-textual Components
through my first, second, third, and
fourth volumes. -- In the fifth volume
I have been very good, -- the precise
line I have described in it being this:
<graphic url="zigzag2.png"
By which it appears, that except at the
curve, marked A. where I took a trip
to Navarre, -- and the indented curve B.
which is the short airing when I was
there with the Lady Baussiere and her
page, -- I have not taken the least frisk
3.9 Graphics and Other Non-textual Components
<graphic url="http://www.iath.virginia.edu/gants/Ornaments/Heads/hp-ral02.gif"/>
<graphic url="fig1.png"/>
<head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head>
<figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a
series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc>
<graphic url="fig1.png"/>
<head>Figure Une : Jan van Eyck, La Vierge du chancelier Rolin</head>
<p>Si, attiré par la curiosité, on a l'imprudence de l'approcher d'un peu trop prés, c'est fini, on est pris pour tout le temps que peut durer l'effort d'une attention soutenue ; on s'extasie devant la finesse du détail ... il va toujours plus loin, franchit une à une les croupes des collines verdoyantes ; se repose un moment sur une ligne lointaine de montagnes neigeuses; pour se perdre ensuite dans l'infini d'un ciel à peine bleu, où s'estompent de flottantes nuées. </p>
<graphic url="fig1.png"/>
<figDesc> 波提且利 1484-1486年 畫布、蛋彩 佛羅倫斯,烏菲滋美術館</figDesc>
1 The TEI Infrastructure
<head>The TEI Logo</head>
<figDesc>Stylized yellow angle brackets with the letters <mentioned>TEI</mentioned> in
between and <mentioned>text encoding initiative</mentioned> underneath, all on a white
<graphic height="600px" width="600px"
<head>Le logo TEI</head>
<graphic height="600px" width="600px"
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="400" lry="280">
<zone points="220,100 300,210 170,250 123,234">
<graphic url="handwriting.png "/>
5 Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes
<glyph xml:id="r1">
<graphic url="r1img.png"/>
<glyph xml:id="r2">
<graphic url="r2img.png"/>
<!-- in the charDecl -->
<glyph xml:id="Filig">
<graphic url="Filig.png"/>
<g ref="#per">per</g>
</abbr> ardua</p>
<!-- in the charDecl -->
<glyph xml:id="per">
<glyphName>LATIN ABBREVIATION PER</glyphName>
<graphic url="per.png"/>
<graphic url="glyph-rstroke.png"/>
<glyphName>N latin minuscule précédé d'une apostrophe</glyphName>
<graphic url="glyph-napos.png"/>
11 Representation of Primary Sources
<graphic url="page1.png"/>
<graphic url="page2.png"/>
<graphic url="page3.png"/>
<graphic url="page4.png"/>
<graphic url="page1.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
<graphic url="page3.png"/>
<graphic url="page4.png"/>
<surfaceGrp n="leaf1">
<graphic url="page1.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="500" lry="321">
<graphic url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Handschrift.karlsruhe.blb.jpg"/>
<surface ulx="50" uly="20" lrx="400"
<zone ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="500" lry="321">
<graphic url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Handschrift.karlsruhe.blb.jpg"/>
<zone ulx="50" uly="20" lrx="210" lry="280">
<!-- left hand page -->
<zone ulx="240" uly="25" lrx="400"
<!-- right hand page -->
<zone ulx="90" uly="40" lrx="200" lry="225">
<!--- written part of left hand page -->
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<zone ulx="25" uly="25" lrx="180" lry="60">
<!-- contains the title -->
<zone ulx="28" uly="75" lrx="175" lry="178"/>
<!-- contains the paragraph in italics -->
<zone ulx="105" uly="76" lrx="175"
<!-- contains the figure -->
<zone ulx="45" uly="125" lrx="60" lry="130"/>
<!-- contains the word "pendans" -->
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<zone points="4.8,31.0 5.4,30.7 5.5,32.2 5.8,32.8 6.1,33.4 5.5,33.7 5.1,33.3 4.6,32.2"/>
<graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<zone xml:id="B49r" ulx="0" uly="0"
lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<zone ulx="105" uly="76" lrx="175"
<graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>
<zone xml:id="B49rHead" ulx="25" uly="25"
lrx="180" lry="60"/>
<!-- contains the title -->
<zone xml:id="B49rPara2" ulx="28" uly="75"
lrx="175" lry="178"/>
<!-- contains the first paragraph in italics -->
<zone xml:id="B49rFig1" ulx="105" uly="76"
lrx="175" lry="160"/>
<!-- contains the figure -->
<zone xml:id="B49rW457" ulx="45" uly="125"
lrx="60" lry="130"/>
<!-- contains the word "pendans" -->
<fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<head facs="#B49rHead"> DU SON ET ACCORD DES CLOCHES ET <lb/> des alleures des
chevaulx, chariotz & charges, des fontaines:& <lb/> encyclie du monde,
& de la dimension du corps humain.<lb/> Chapitre septiesme</head>
<div n="1">
<p>Le son & accord des cloches pendans en ung mesme <lb/> axe, est faict en
contraires parties.</p>
<p rend="it" facs="#B49rPara2">LEs cloches ont quasi fi<lb/>gures de rondes
pyra<lb/>mides imperfaictes & <lb/> irregulieres: & leur accord se
<lb/> fait par reigle geometrique. Com<lb/>me si les deux cloches C & D
<lb/> sont <w facs="#B49rW457">pendans</w> à ung mesme axe <lb/> ou essieu A B:
je dis que leur ac<lb/>cord se fera en co<ex>n</ex>traires parties<lb/>
co<ex>m</ex>me voyez icy figuré. Car qua<ex>n</ex>d <lb/> lune sera en
hault, laultre declinera embas. Aultrement si elles decli<lb/>nent toutes deux
ensembles en une mesme partie, elles seront discord, <lb/> & sera leur
sonnerie mal plaisante à oyr.<figure facs="#B49rFig1">
<graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>
<surface start="#PB49R">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="PB49R"/>
<fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<!-- ... -->
<graphic url="page1.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
<graphic url="page3.png"/>
<graphic url="page4.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<surfaceGrp n="leaf1">
<surface facs="page1.png">
<zone>All the writing on page 1</zone>
<graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
<graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
<line>A line of writing on page 2</line>
<line>Another line of writing on page 2</line>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200"
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200"
<graphic url="Bovelles-49v.png"/>
<graphic url="stone.jpg"/>
<zone points="4.6,6.3 5.25,5.85 6.2,6.6 8.19222,7.4125 9.89222,6.5875 10.9422,6.1375 11.4422,6.7125 8.21722,8.3125 6.2,7.65"/>
<surface ulx="50" uly="20" lrx="400"
<zone ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="500" lry="321">
<graphic url="graphic.png "/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<zone ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<!-- ... -->
<zone ulx="28" uly="75" lrx="175" lry="178">
<line>LEs cloches ont quasi
<line>gures de rondes pyra</line>
<line>mides imperfaictes &
<line> irregulieres: & leur accord se</line>
<line> fait par reigle geometrique. Com</line>
<line>me si les deux cloches C
& D </line>
<line> sont <zone ulx="45" uly="125" lrx="60"
lry="130">pendans</zone> à ung mesme axe</line>
<line> ou essieu A B: je dis que
leur ac</line>
<line>cord se fera en cõtraires parties</line>
<line> cõme
voyez icy figuré. Car quãd </line>
<line> lune sera en hault, laultre
declinera embas. Aultrement si elles declinent toutes deux ensembles en une
mesme partie, elles seront discord,</line>
<line> & sera leur sonnerie
mal plaisante à oyr.</line>
<zone ulx="105" uly="76" lrx="175"
<graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>
11.4 Advanced Uses of <surface> and <zone>
<graphic url="whitman-02.jpg"/>
<zone xml:id="entered"
points="142,122 155,113 178,122 208,144 198,154 178,139"/>
11.4 Advanced Uses of <surface> and <zone>
uly="16.14" lrx="0" lry="0">
<graphic url="stone.jpg"/>
<zone xml:id="county"
points="4.6,6.3 5.25,5.85 6.2,6.6 8.2,7.4 9.9,6.6 10.9,6.1 11.4,6.7 8.2,8.3 6.2,7.6"/>
11.4 Advanced Uses of <surface> and <zone>
<surface ulx="50" uly="20" lrx="400"
<zone ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="500" lry="321">
<graphic url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Handschrift.karlsruhe.blb.jpg"/>
14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
<graphic url="bar1.jpg"/>
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>
<ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
<graphic url="bar1.jpg"/>
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<graphic url="Fig1.pdf"/>
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<graphic url="Fig1.pdf"/>
<head>The View from the
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<graphic url="pullman.png"/>
<p>The drawing room of the Pullman house, the white and gold saloon
where the magnate delighted in giving receptions for several
hundred people.</p>
<figDesc>The figure shows an elaborately decorated room, at least
twenty-five feet side to side and fifty feet long, with ornate
mouldings and Corinthian columns on the walls, overstuffed
armchairs and loveseats arranged in several conversational
groupings, and two large chandeliers.</figDesc>
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<graphic url="Fig1.jpg"/>
<head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head>
<figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four
or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a
series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc>
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<figure n="a">
<graphic url="./figs/6.45a.png"/>
<ab type="caption">Parallel</ab>
<figure n="b">
<graphic url="./figs/6.45b.png"/>
<ab type="caption">Perspective</ab>
<ab type="caption">The two canonical view volumes, for the (a) parallel
and (b) perspective projections. Note that -z is to the right.</ab>
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<graphic url="fig1th.png"/>
for enlightenment
<figure xml:id="IM1">
<graphic url="fig1.jpg"/>
<head>The View from the Bridge</head>
<figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a
series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc>
<graphic url="http://www.example.org/fig1.png"
<head>La tour rouge, de Giorgio De Chirico</head>
<figDesc>Le tableau représente un donjon au pied duquel s'étend un espace quasiment vide,
hormis quelques détails</figDesc>
<graphic url="http://www.cineclubdecaen.com/cinepho/peint/dechericho/tourrouge.jpg"
<head>圖一: 橋上的視野</head>
<graphic url="http://www.example.org/fig1.png"
<graphic url="emblem1.png"/>
<head>Emblemi d'Amore</head>
<figDesc>A pair of naked winged cupids, each holding a
flaming torch, in a rural setting.</figDesc>
<graphic url="chap3fig2.png"/>
<head>Dick Kennedy </head>
<figDesc>Gravure de E. Riou représentant un jeune homme assis sur une chaise, les
pieds sur une autre et tenant à la main une canne. En arrière plan, une théière, et
l'inscription <q>Map of Africa</q> .</figDesc>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
<graphic url="Images/compic.png"/>
<figDesc>The figure shows the page from the <title>Orbis
pictus</title> of Comenius which is discussed in the text.</figDesc>