<catDesc> (범주 기술) 간단한 산문체 기술 형식 또는 TEI의 형식적 텍스트 기술에 의해 사용된 상황 매개변수를 통해 분류법 또는 텍스트 유형 내에서 어떤 범주를 기술한다. [2.3.7 The Classification Declaration] | |
모듈 | header — The TEI Header |
속성 | att.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @rend, @style, @rendition, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) |
에 의해 포함된 | header: category |
포함할 수 있다 | core: abbr address choice date distinct email emph expan foreign gloss hi measure measureGrp mentioned name num ptr ref rs soCalled term time title corpus: textDesc dictionaries: lang header: idno msdescription: catchwords depth dim dimensions height heraldry locus locusGrp material objectType origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width |
선언 |
element catDesc { att.global.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.catDescPart )* } |
예 | |
예 | <catDesc> <textDesc n="novel"> <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel> <constitution type="single"/> <derivation type="original"/> <domain type="art"/> <factuality type="fiction"/> <interaction type="none"/> <preparedness type="prepared"/> <purpose type="entertain" degree="high"/> <purpose type="inform" degree="medium"/> </textDesc> </catDesc> |