Markup of an early English dictionary printed in two columns:
<pb/> <cb n="1"/> <entryFree> <form>Well</form>, <sense>a Pit to hold Spring-Water</sense>: <sense>In the Art of <hi rend="italic">War</hi>, a Depth the Miner sinks into the Ground, to find out and disappoint the Enemies Mines, or to prepare one</sense>. </entryFree> <entryFree>To <form>Welter</form>, <sense>to wallow</sense>, or <sense>lie groveling</sense>.</entryFree> <!-- remainder of column --> <cb n="2"/> <entryFree> <form>Wey</form>, <sense>the greatest Measure for dry Things, containing five Chaldron</sense>. </entryFree> <entryFree> <form>Whale</form>, <sense>the greatest of Sea-Fishes</sense>. </entryFree>