<closer> fasst Datumszeile, Verfasserangabe, Grußformeln und ähnliche Angaben zusammen, die abschließend am Ende eines Abschnitts stehen, vor allem bei Briefen. [4.2.2 Openers and Closers 4.2 Elements Common to All Divisions] | |
Modul | textstructure — Default Text Structure |
Attribute | att.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.rendition (@rend, @style, @rendition)) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) (att.global.responsibility (@cert, @resp)) att.written (@hand) |
Mitglied des | |
Enthalten in | |
Kann enthalten | core: abbr add address binaryObject cb choice corr date del distinct email emph expan foreign gap gb gloss graphic hi index lb measure measureGrp media mentioned milestone name note num orig pb ptr ref reg rs sic soCalled term time title unclear figures: figure formula notatedMusic gaiji: g header: idno msdescription: catchwords depth dim dimensions height heraldry locus locusGrp material objectType origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width namesdates: addName affiliation bloc climate country district forename genName geo geogFeat geogName location nameLink offset orgName persName placeName population region roleName settlement state surname terrain trait |
Beispiel | <div type="letter"> <p> perhaps you will favour me with a sight of it when convenient.</p> <closer> <salute>I remain, &c. &c.</salute> <signed>H. Colburn</signed> </closer> </div> |
Beispiel | <div type="chapter"> <p> <!-- ... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p> <closer> <dateline> <name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name> <date>1914–1921</date> </dateline> </closer> </div> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Deklaration | <rng:element name="closer"> element closer { att.global.attributes, att.global.rendition.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.global.responsibility.attributes, att.written.attributes, ( text | model.gLike | signed | dateline | salute | model.phrase | model.global )* } |