
att.lexicographic provides a set of attributes common to all elements in the dictionary module. [9.2 The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Moduledictionaries — Dictionaries
Memberscase colloc def entryFree etym form gen gram gramGrp hom hyph iType lang lbl mood number oRef oVar orth pRef pVar per pos pron re sense subc syll tns usg xr
Attributesatt.datcat (@datcat, @valueDatcat)
expandgives an expanded form of information presented more concisely in the dictionary
Status Optional
norm(normalized) gives a normalized form of information given by the source text in a non-normalized form
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
 <pos norm="noun">n</pos>
splitgives the list of split values for a merged form
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
valuegives a value which lacks any realization in the printed source text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
orig(original) gives the original string or is the empty string when the element does not appear in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
locationindicates an anchor element typically elsewhere in the document, but possibly in another document, which is the original location of this component.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
mergedIngives a reference to another element, where the original appears as a merged form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
opt(optional) indicates whether the element is optional or not
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default false