: <textLang> (text language)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <textLang> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <textLang> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

10 Manuscript Description

10.2 The Manuscript Description Element

  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
   <author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
   <author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
   <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">De origine et
       gestis Regum Angliae</title>
   <rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
   <incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa &amp; de multis</incipit>
   <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="codex">
   <supportDesc material="perg">
    <extent>i + 55 leaves
    <dimensions scope="alltype="leaf"

    <layout columns="2">
     <p>In double columns.</p>
   <p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
   <p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
   <p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300"
13th cent.</origDate>
   <p>On fol. 54v very faint is
   <quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/>
         Roberti ordinis fratrum
    </quote>, 14th cent. (?):
   <quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page
       (15th cent.).</p>
   <p>Bought from the rev. <name key="MCRAYWD">W. D. Macray</name> on
   <date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p>

10.6.6 Languages and Writing Systems

<textLang>Old Church Slavonic, written in Cyrillic script.</textLang>

10.6.6 Languages and Writing Systems

<textLang mainLang="chu">Old Church Slavonic</textLang>

10.6.6 Languages and Writing Systems

<textLang mainLang="chu"
 otherLangs="RUS HEL">
Mostly Old Church
Slavonic, with some Russian and Greek material</textLang>

10.6.6 Languages and Writing Systems

<textLang mainLang="chu-Cyrs">Old Church Slavonic in Cyrillic script</textLang>

10.6.6 Languages and Writing Systems

<textLang xml:lang="frmainLang="de"
allemand et latin</textLang>


<msItem class="#saga">
 <locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
 <title>Agrip af Noregs konunga sögum</title>
 <incipit>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> setiho
 <gap reason="illegibleextent="7"/>sc
   heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>
 <explicit>h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>
  <ex>oc</ex>þa buit hesta .ij. aNan viþ
   fé enh<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> aNan til
 <textLang mainLang="non">Old Norse/Icelandic</textLang>


 <textLang mainLang="zh-tw">繁體中文</textLang>
<!-- http://catalog.ndap.org.tw/?URN=2155367 -->


<msItemStruct n="2defective="false"

 <locus from="24vto="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus
   in apoka<lb/>lipsin eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<ex>iscop</ex>i
   Pacensis eccl<ex>esi</ex>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<ex>IT</ex> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS
   DEO GR<ex>ACI</ex>AS AGO. FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>


<msItemStruct n="2defective="false"

 <locus from="24vto="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus in apoka<lb/>lipsin
   eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<ex>iscop</ex>i Pacensis eccl<ex>esi</ex>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<ex>IT</ex> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS QVA<ex>M</ex>
   FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>


 <locus from="1to="4">pp.1-4</locus>
 <title xml:lang="zh-TW">麻薯舊社屯外委潘清章等立招給墾批總約字</title>
  <ref target="http://catalog.ndap.org.tw/?URN=2155368">數位典藏聯合目錄</ref>,國立臺灣大學圖書館管理</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="zh-tw">繁體中文</textLang>


<textLang mainLang="enotherLangs="la"> Predominantly in English with Latin


<textLang mainLang="enotherLangs="la"> En français essentiellement, avec des gloses en


<textLang mainLang="enotherLangs="la"> 主要為英文,摻以拉丁字彙。</textLang>

10.10 Manuscript Parts

<msDesc xml:id="KBR_ms_10066-77"

  <settlement key="tgn_7007868">Brussels</settlement>
  <repository>Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België / Bibliothèque royale de Belgique</repository>
  <idno>ms. 10066-77</idno>
  <summary xml:lang="lat">Miscellany of various texts; Prudentius, Psychomachia; Physiologus de natura animantium</summary>
  <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="composite_manuscript"/>
   <idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 140r-156v</idno>
   <summary xml:lang="lat">Physiologus</summary>
   <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
   <idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 112r-139r</idno>
   <summary xml:lang="lat">Prudentius, Psychomachia</summary>
   <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>


  <repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository>
  <idno>MS 3</idno>
  <msName>Maurdramnus Bible</msName>
  <summary xml:lang="lat">Miscellany of various texts; Prudentius, Psychomachia; Physiologus de natura animantium</summary>
  <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="composite_manuscript"/>
   <idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 140r-156v</idno>
   <summary xml:lang="lat">Physiologus</summary>
   <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
   <idno>MS 6</idno>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
<!-- more parts here -->

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents Notes and Statement of Language

<textLang>Latin, with some glosses in Anglo-Saxon and French</textLang> Notes and Statement of Language

<textLang mainLang="laotherLangs="ang fr">Latin, with some glosses in Anglo-Saxon and French</textLang> Notes and Statement of Language

<textLang xml:lang="frmainLang="de"
allemand et latin</textLang>