10 Manuscript Description
- 10.1 Overview
- 10.2 The Manuscript Description Element
- 10.3 Phrase-level Elements
- 10.4 The Manuscript Identifier
- 10.5 The Manuscript Heading
- 10.6 Intellectual Content
- 10.7 Physical Description
- 10.8 History
- 10.9 Additional Information
- 10.10 Manuscript Parts
- 10.11 Manuscript Fragments
- 10.12 Module for Manuscript Description
TEI: Overview¶10.1 Overview
The msdescription module40 defines a special purpose element which can be used to provide detailed descriptive information about handwritten primary sources. Although originally developed to meet the needs of cataloguers and scholars working with medieval manuscripts in the European tradition, the scheme presented here is general enough that it can also be extended to other traditions and materials, and is potentially useful for any kind of inscribed artefact.
The scheme described here is also intended to accommodate the needs of many different classes of encoders. On the one hand, encoders may be engaged in retrospective conversion of existing detailed descriptions and catalogues into machine tractable form; on the other, they may be engaged in cataloguing ex nihilo, that is, creating new detailed descriptions for materials never before catalogued. Some may be primarily concerned to represent accurately the description itself, as opposed to the ideas and interpretations the description represents; others may have entirely opposite priorities. At one extreme, a project may simply wish to capture an existing catalogue in a form that can be displayed on the Web, and which can be searched for literal strings, or for such features such as titles, authors and dates; at the other, a project may wish to create, in highly structured and encoded form, a detailed database of information about the physical characteristics, history, interpretation, etc. of the material, able to support practitioners of quantitative codicology as well as librarians.
To cater for this diversity, here as elsewhere, these Guidelines propose a flexible strategy, in which encoders must choose for themselves the approach appropriate to their needs, and are provided with a choice of encoding mechanisms to support those differing degrees.
TEI: The Manuscript Description Element¶10.2 The Manuscript Description Element
The msDesc element will normally appear within the sourceDesc element of the header of a TEI-conformant document, where the document being encoded is a digital representation of some manuscript original, whether as an encoded transcription, as a collection of digital images (as described in 11.1 Digital Facsimiles), or as some combination of the two. However, in cases where the document being encoded is essentially a collection of manuscript descriptions, the msDesc element may be used in the same way as the bibliographic elements (bibl, biblFull, and biblStruct) making up the TEI element class model.biblLike. These typically appear within the listBibl element.
- msDesc (descripción del manuscrito) contiene la definición de un único manuscrito.
The msDesc element has the following components, which provide more detailed information under a number of headings. Each of these component elements is further described in the remainder of this chapter.
- msIdentifier (identificador del manuscrito) contiene la información necesaria para identificar el manuscrito que se examina.
- head (encabezamiento) contiene cualquier tipo de encabezamiento, por ejemplo el título de una sección o el encabezado de una lista, glosario, descripción de un manuscrito, etc.
- msContents (contenido del manuscrito) describe el contenido intelectual de un manuscrito o parte de un manuscrito, a través de párrafos o fragemtos del manuscrito.
- physDesc (descripción física) contiene una descripción física completa de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes que puede ser ulteriormente subdividida utilizando elementos específicos de la clase model.physDescPart.
- history agrupa elementos que describen la historia completa de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- additional agrupa información adicional, combinando informaciones bibliográficas relativas al manuscrito o a copias adicionales del mismo con informaciones de carácter conservacional o administrativo.
- msPart (parte del manuscrito) contiene información relativas a un manuscrito o a parte de un manuscrito originariamente distintas pero actualmente parte de un manuscrito compuesto.
- msFrag (fragmento del manuscrito) contains information about a fragment of a scattered manuscript now held as a single unit or bound into a larger manuscript.
The first of these components, msIdentifier, is the only one which is mandatory; it is described in more detail in 10.4 The Manuscript Identifier below. It is followed optionally by one or more head elements, each holding a brief heading (see 10.5 The Manuscript Heading), and then either one or more paragraphs, marked up as a series of p elements, or one or more of the specialized elements msContents (10.6 Intellectual Content), physDesc (10.7 Physical Description), history (10.8 History), and additional (10.9 Additional Information). These elements are all optional, but if used they must appear in the order given here. Finally, in the case of a composite manuscript (a manuscript composed of several codicological units) or a fragmented manuscript (a manuscript whose parts are now dispersed and kept at different places), a full description may also contain one or more msPart (10.10 Manuscript Parts) elements and msFrag (10.11 Manuscript Fragments) elements, respectively.
To demonstrate the use of this module, consider the following sample manuscript description, chosen more or less at random from the Bodleian Library's Summary catalogue ([177])

<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<p>In Latin, on parchment: written in more than one hand of the 13th cent. in
England: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with a few coloured
<p>'Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,' the De origine et gestis Regum Angliae of
Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis: beg. 'Cum mecum multa & de
<p>On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ...
Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],' 14th cent. (?): 'hanauilla' is written
at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March
17, 1863, for £1 10s.</p>
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<quote>Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,</quote> the <title>De origine et gestis
Regum Angliae</title> of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis): beg.
<quote>Cum mecum multa & de multis.</quote> In Latin.</p>
<material>Parchment</material>: written in more than one hand: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i
+ 55 leaves, in double columns: with a few coloured capitals.</p>
<p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate>13th
cent.</origDate> On fol. 54v very faint is <quote>Iste liber est fratris
guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],</quote> 14th
cent. (?): <quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot of the page (15th
cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s.</p>
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
<author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
<author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
<title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">De origine et gestis Regum Angliae</title>
<rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa & de multis</incipit>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>i + 55 leaves <dimensions scope="all" type="leaf"
<layout columns="2">
<p>In double columns.</p>
<p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
<p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
<p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notAfter="1300"
notBefore="1200">13th cent.</origDate>
<p>On fol. 54v very faint is <quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est fratris
guillelmi de buria de <gap/> Roberti ordinis fratrum
</quote>, 14th cent. (?): <quote>hanauilla</quote> is
written at the foot of the page (15th cent.).</p>
<p>Bought from the rev. <name key="MCRAYWD">W. D. Macray</name> on <date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p>
TEI: Phrase-level Elements¶10.3 Phrase-level Elements
When the msdescription module is in use, several extra elements are added to the phrase level class, and thus become available within paragraphs and elsewhere in the document. These elements are listed below in alphabetical order:
- catchwords describe el sistema utilizado para garantizar la ordenación correcta de los cuadernos que constituyen un códex o un incunable, obtenido normalmente por medio de anotaciones a pie de página.
- dimensions contiene cualquier tipo de especificación referente a las dimensiones.
- heraldry contiene una fórmula o frade heráldica, normalmente parte de un escudo de armas, blasón, etc.
- locus define una posición al interno de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes, generalmente como secuencia (no necesariamete contínua) de referencias de folios.
- locusGrp groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation.
- material contiene una palabra o sintagma que describe el material del que se compone un manuscrito (o parte del manuscrito).
- watermark contiene una palabra o sintagma que describe una filigrana o una técnica similar.
- objectType contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to.
- origDate (fecha origen) contiene cualquier tipo de fecha utilizada para indicar la fecha de origen de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- origPlace (lugar de origen) contiene cualquier tipo de nombre de lugar utilizado para indicar el lugar de origen de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- secFol (segundo folio) la palabra o palabras extraídas de un punto preciso de un códex (normalmente el inicio del segundo folio) con el fin de identificar lo mismo en modo unívoco.
- signatures contiene el registro de las signaturas del folio o del cuaderno pertenecientes al códex.
Within a manuscript description, many other standard TEI phrase level elements are available, notably those described in the Core module (3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents). Additional elements of particular relevance to manuscript description, such as those for names and dates, may also be made available by including the relevant module in one's schema.
TEI: Origination¶10.3.1 Origination
The following elements may be used to provide information about the origins of any aspect of a manuscript:
- origDate (fecha origen) contiene cualquier tipo de fecha utilizada para indicar la fecha de origen de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- origPlace (lugar de origen) contiene cualquier tipo de nombre de lugar utilizado para indicar el lugar de origen de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
The origDate and origPlace elements are specialized forms of the existing date and name elements respectively, used to indicate specifically the date and place of origin of a manuscript or manuscript part. Such information would normally be encoded within the history element, discussed in section 10.8 History. origDate and origPlace can also be used to identify the place or date of origin of any aspect of the manuscript, such as its decoration or binding, when these are not of the same date or from the same location as rest of the manuscript. Both these elements are members of the att.editLike class, from which they inherit many attributes.
The origDate element is a member of the att.datable class, and may thus also carry additional attributes giving normalized values for the associated dating.
TEI: Material and Object Type¶10.3.2 Material and Object Type
The material element can be used to tag any specific term used for the physical material of which a manuscript (or binding, seal, etc.) is composed. The objectType element may be used to tag any term specifying the type of object or manuscript upon with the text is written.
- material contiene una palabra o sintagma que describe el material del que se compone un manuscrito (o parte del manuscrito).
- objectType contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to.
<p>Brown <material>calfskin</material>, previously with two clasps.</p>
<objectType>codex</objectType> with half <material>goat-leather</material>
TEI: Watermarks and Stamps¶10.3.3 Watermarks and Stamps
Two further elements are provided to mark up other decorative features characteristic of manuscript leaves and bindings:
- watermark contiene una palabra o sintagma que describe una filigrana o una técnica similar.
- stamp contiene una palabra o sintagma que describe un sello o una técnica similar.
paper</material> with <watermark>anchor</watermark> watermark
<lb/>manii imperii <stamp>Bodleian stamp</stamp>
<p>Modern calf recasing with original armorial stamp <stamp>with legend
<mentioned xml:lang="LA">Ex Bibliotheca J. Richard
If, as here, any text contained by a stamp is included in its description it should be clearly distinguished from that description. The element mentioned may be used for this purpose, as shown above.
TEI: Dimensions¶10.3.4 Dimensions
The dimensions element can be used to specify the size of some aspect of the manuscript, and thus may be thought of as a specialized form of the existing TEI measure element.
- dimensions contiene cualquier tipo de especificación referente a las dimensiones.
type indica que aspecto del objeto se mide. Posibles valores: 1] leaves; 2] ruled; 3] pricked; 4] written; 5] miniatures; 6] binding; 7] box
The dimensions element will normally occur within the element describing the particular feature or aspect of a manuscript whose dimensions are being given; thus the size of the leaves would be specified within the support or extent element (part of the physDesc element discussed in 10.7.1 Object Description), while the dimensions of other specific parts of a manuscript, such as accompanying materials, binding, etc., would be given in other parts of the description, as appropriate.
The following elements are available within the dimensions element:
- height refiere la medida tomada del largo del eje paralelo del dorso.***
- width contiene la medida tomada al largo del eje perpendicular del dorso.***
- depth refiere la medida tomada del ancho del dorso.***
- dim contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort.
These elements, as well as dimensions itself, are all members of the att.dimensions class, which also inherits attributes from the att.ranging class. They all thus carry the following attributes:
- att.dimensions proporciona atributos que califican una determinata medición.
scope especifica la aplicabilidad de esta medición, en los casos en que se mida más de un objeto. Posibles valores: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range extent indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words. unit especifica las unidades usadas para la medición. Los valores sugeridos incluyen: 1] cm(centimetres) ; 2] mm(millimetres) ; 3] in(inches) ; 4] lines; 5] chars(characters) quantity especifica la longitud en las unidades especificadas - att.ranging provides attributes for describing numerical ranges.
atLeast gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement. atMost gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement. min where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed. max where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
Attributes scope, min, and max are used only when the measurement applies to several items, for example the size of all leaves in a manuscript; attributes atLeast and atMost are used when the measurement applies to a single item, for example the size of a specific codex, but has had to be estimated. Attribute quantity is used when the measurement can be given exactly, and applies to a single item; this is the usual situation. In this case, the units in which dimensions are measured may be specified using the unit attribute, the value of which will normally be taken from a closed set of values appropriate to the project, using standard units of measurement wherever possible, such as cm, mm, in, line, char. If however the only data available for the measurement uses some other unit, or it is preferred to normalize it in some other way, then it may be supplied as a string value by means of the extent attribute.
<height scope="most" quantity="90"
<width scope="most" quantity="48" unit="mm"/>
<dimensions type="leaves">
<height min="157" max="160" unit="mm"/>
<width quantity="105"/>
<dim type="circumference" quantity="48"
<height quantity="90" unit="mm"/>
The order in which components of the dimensions element may be supplied is not constrained.
TEI: References to Locations within a Manuscript¶10.3.5 References to Locations within a Manuscript
The locus and its grouping element locusGrp element are specialized forms of the ref element, used to indicate a location, or sequence of locations, within a manuscript.
- locus define una posición al interno de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes, generalmente como secuencia (no necesariamete contínua) de referencias de folios.
from indica el punto de inicio de una localización en una forma estándard. to indica el punto final de una localización en una forma estándard. scheme identifica la foliación en base a la posición especificada. - locusGrp groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation.
scheme identifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
The locus element is used to reference a single location within a manuscript, typically to specify the location occupied by the element within which it appears. If, for example, it is used as the first component of a msItem or msItemStruct element, or of any of the more specific elements appearing within one (see further section 10.6 Intellectual Content below) then it is understood to specify the location (or locations) of that item within the manuscript being described.
TEI: Identifying a Location¶ Identifying a Location
<locus>ff. 1-24r</locus>
<title>Apocalypsis beati Ioannis Apostoli</title>
<locus from="1r" to="24r">ff. 1-24r</locus>
<title>Apocalypsis beati Ioannis Apostoli</title>
<locus>ff. 1-12v, 18-24r</locus>
<title>Apocalypsis beati Ioannis Apostoli</title>
<locus from="1r" to="12v">ff. 1-12v</locus>
<locus from="18" to="24r">ff. 18-24r</locus>
<title>Apocalypsis beati Ioannis Apostoli</title>
<locus from="1r" to="12v"/>
<locus from="18" to="24r"/>
<title>Apocalypsis beati Ioannis Apostoli</title>
TEI: Linking a Location to a Transcription or an Image¶ Linking a Location to a Transcription or an Image
The locus attribute can also be used to associate a location within a manuscript with facsimile images of that location, using the facs attribute, or with a transcription of the text occurring at that location. The former association is effected by means of the facs attribute; the latter by means of the target attribute.
<locus facs="images/08v.jpg images/09r.jpg images/09v.jpg images/10r.jpg images/10v.jpg">fols. 8v-10v</locus>
<title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
<p>Several of the miniatures in this section have been damaged and overpainted
at a later date (e.g. the figure of Christ on <locus facs="http://www.example.com/images.fr#F33R">fol. 33r</locus>; the face of the
Shepherdess on <locus facs="http://www.example.com/images.fr#F59V">fol.
59v</locus>, etc.).</p>
<locus target="#f1r #f1v #f2r">ff. 1r-2r</locus>
<author>Ben Jonson</author>
<title>Ode to himself</title>
<rubric rend="italics">
<lb/> An Ode
<lb/> to him selfe.</rubric>
<incipit>Com leaue the loathed stage</incipit>
<explicit>And see his chariot triumph ore his wayne.</explicit>
<name>Beal</name>, <title>Index 1450-1625</title>, JnB 380</bibl>
<!-- within transcription ... -->
<pb xml:id="f1r"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="f1v"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="f2r"/>
<!-- ... -->
When (as in this example) a sequence of elements is to be supplied as target value, it may be given explicitly as above, or using the xPointer range() syntax defined at range(). Note however that support for this pointer mechanism is not widespread in current XML processing systems.
The target attribute should only be used to point to elements that contain or indicate a transcription of the locus being described. To associate a locus element with a page image or other comparable representation, the global facs attribute should be used instead.
TEI: Using Multiple Location Schemes¶ Using Multiple Location Schemes
<locus scheme="#modern">135</locus>
<locusGrp scheme="#modern">
TEI: Names of Persons, Places, and Organizations¶10.3.6 Names of Persons, Places, and Organizations
The standard TEI element name may be used to identify names of any kind occurring within a description:
- name (nombre, nombre propio) contiene un nombre propio o un sintagma nominal
As further discussed in 3.5.1 Referring Strings, this element is a member of the class att.canonical, from which it inherits the following attributes:
- att.canonical provides attributes which can be used to associate a representation such as a name or title with canonical information about the object being named or referenced.
key provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind. ref (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
<name type="place">Villingaholt</name>
<name type="org">Vetus Latina Institut</name>
<name type="person" ref="#HOC001">Occleve</name>
<birth notBefore="1368"/>
<!-- other personal data -->
Alternatively, the key attribute may be used to supply a unique identifying code for the person referenced by the name independently of both the existence of a person element and the use of the standard URI reference mechanism. If, for example, a project maintains as its authority file some non-digital resource, or uses a database which cannot readily be integrated with other digital resources for this purpose, the unique codes used by such ‘offline’ resources may be used as values for the key attribute. Although such practices clearly reduce the interchangeability of the resulting encoded texts, they may be judged more convenient or practical in certain situations. As explained in 3.5.1 Referring Strings, interchange is improved by use of tag URIs in ref instead of key.
All the person elements referenced by a particular document set should be collected together within a listPerson element, located in the TEI header. This functions as a kind of prosopography for all the people referenced by the set of manuscripts being described, in much the same way as a listBibl element in the back matter may be used to hold bibliographic information for all the works referenced.
When the namesdates module described in chapter 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places is included in a schema, similar mechanisms are used to maintain and reference canonical lists of places or organizations, as further discussed in sections 13.2.3 Place Names and 13.2.2 Organizational Names respectively.
TEI: Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio¶10.3.7 Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio
last leaf verso in roman numerals.</catchwords>
bounding line, reading from top to bottom.</catchwords>
first four leaves of quires 1-14 are the remains of a series of quire signatures
a-o plus roman figures in a cursive hand of the fourteenth century.</signatures>
signatures in letters, [b]-v, and roman numerals; those in quires 10 (1) and 17
(s) in red ink and different from others; every third quire also signed with red
crayon in arabic numerals in the centre lower margin of the first leaf recto:
"2" for quire 4 (f. 19), "3" for quire 7 (f. 43); "4", barely visible, for quire
10 (f. 65), "5", in a later hand, for quire 13 (f. 89), "6", in a later hand,
for quire 16 (f. 113).</signatures>
TEI: Heraldry¶10.3.8 Heraldry
passant within a bordure bezanty, in chief a crescent for difference</heraldry>
[Cole], crest, and the legend <quote>Cole Deum</quote>.</p>
<!-- ... -->
<p>A c. 8r fregio su due lati, <heraldry>stemma e imprese medicee</heraldry>
racchiudono l'inizio dell'epistolario di Paolino.</p>
TEI: The Manuscript Identifier¶10.4 The Manuscript Identifier
The msIdentifier element is intended to provide an unambiguous means of uniquely identifying a particular manuscript. This may be done in a structured way, by providing information about the holding institution and the call number, shelfmark, or other identifier used to indicate its location within that institution. Alternatively, or in addition, a manuscript may be identified simply by a commonly used name.
- msIdentifier (identificador del manuscrito) contiene la información necesaria para identificar el manuscrito que se examina.
A manuscript's actual physical location may occasionally be different from its place of ownership; at Cambridge University, for example, manuscripts owned by various colleges are kept in the central University Library. Normally, it is the ownership of the manuscript which should be specified in the manuscript identifier, while additional or more precise information on the physical location of the manuscript can be given within the adminInfo element, discussed in section 10.9.1 Administrative Information below.
The following elements are available within msIdentifier to identify the holding institution:
- country contiene el nombre de una unidad geopolítica, como una nación, país, colonia, etc. más grande o administrativamente superior que una región y más pequeño que un bloque.
- region >contiene el nombre de una unidad administrativa, como un estado, una región o una província, que sea mayor que un pequeño asentamiento, pero menor a un país.
- settlement contiene el nombre de un asentamiento, del tipo ciudad, pueblo, villa etc. identificado como una unidad geopolítica o administrativa.
- institution contiene el nombre de una organización (una universidad o una biblioteca por ejemplo) donde se encuentra el manuscrito.***
- repository contiene el nombre de un depósito, parte o no de una institución, en el que se conservan los manuscritos.
These elements are all structurally equivalent to the standard TEI name element with an appropriate value for its type attribute; however the use of this ‘syntactic sugar’ enables the model for msIdentifier to be constrained rather more tightly than would otherwise be possible. Specifically, only one of each of the elements listed above may appear within the msIdentifier and they must, if present, appear in the order given.
Like name, these elements are all also members of the attribute class att.canonical, and thus can use the attributes key or ref to reference a single standardized source of information about the entity named.
The following elements are used within msIdentifier to provide different ways of identifying the manuscript within its holding institution:
- collection contiene el nombre de una colección de manuscritos, no necesariamente colocados en un único depósito.
- idno (número identificativo) proporciona un número, estándard o no, usado para la identificación de un elemento bibliográfico.
- altIdentifier (identificador alternativo) contiene un identificador estructurado, alternativo o precedente, utilizado para un manuscrito, p.ej. un número antiguo de catalogación.
- msName (nombre alternativo.) contiene cualquier forma de nombre alternativo no estructurado usado para un manuscrito, como por ejemplo ‘ocellus nominum’, o sobranombre.
<settlement>San Marino</settlement>
<repository>Huntington Library</repository>
<idno>26 C 9</idno>
<msName>The Ellesmere Chaucer</msName>
<settlement>San Marino</settlement>
<repository>Huntington Library</repository>
<idno>El 26 C 9</idno>
<msName>The Ellesmere Chaucer</msName>
<idno>El 26 C 9</idno>
<idno>El 26 C 9</idno>
<repository xml:lang="fr"> Bibliothèque de l'Académie des Sciences de Hongrie </repository>
<collection>Oriental Collection</collection>
<collection>Sandor Kégl Bequest</collection>
<idno>MS 1265</idno>
<region>New Jersey</region>
<repository>Princeton University Library</repository>
<collection>Scheide Library</collection>
<idno>MS 71</idno>
<msName>Blickling Homiliary</msName>
<repository>Det Arnamagnæanske Institut</repository>
<idno>AM 45 fol.</idno>
<msName xml:lang="la">Codex Frisianus</msName>
<msName xml:lang="is">Fríssbók</msName>
<repository xml:lang="it">Biblioteca arcivescovile</repository>
<msName xml:lang="la">Codex Rossanensis</msName>
<msName xml:lang="la">Codex purpureus</msName>
<msName xml:lang="en">The Rossano Gospels</msName>
in the collection of the Duque de Osuna, but which now has the shelfmark MS 10237
in the National Library in Madrid: <settlement>Madrid</settlement>
<repository>Biblioteca Nacional</repository>
<idno>MS 10237</idno>
<repository>Duque de Osuna</repository>
<institution>University of California</institution>
<repository>Bancroft Library</repository>
<idno>UCB 16</idno>
<idno>2MS BS1145 I8</idno>
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>
<altIdentifier type="SC">
Cases of such changed or alternative identifiers should be clearly distinguished from cases of ‘fragmented’ (10.11 Manuscript Fragments) manuscripts, that is to say manuscripts which although physically disjoint are nevertheless generally treated as single units.
As mentioned above, the smallest possible description is one that contains only the element msIdentifier; good practice in all but exceptional circumstances requires the presence within it of the three sub-elements settlement, repository, and idno, since they provide what is, by common consent, the minimum amount of information necessary to identify a manuscript.
TEI: The Manuscript Heading¶10.5 The Manuscript Heading
- head (encabezamiento) contiene cualquier tipo de encabezamiento, por ejemplo el título de una sección o el encabezado de una lista, glosario, descripción de un manuscrito, etc.
TEI: Intellectual Content¶10.6 Intellectual Content
The msContents element is used to describe the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. It comprises either a series of informal prose paragraphs or a series of msItem or msItemStruct elements, each of which provides a more detailed description of a single item contained within the manuscript. These may be prefaced, if desired, by a summary element, which is especially useful where one wishes to provide an overview of a manuscript's contents and describe only some of the items in detail.
- msContents (contenido del manuscrito) describe el contenido intelectual de un manuscrito o parte de un manuscrito, a través de párrafos o fragemtos del manuscrito.
- msItem (elemento del manuscrito) describe una obra individual o un elemento al interno del contenido intelectual de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- msItemStruct (elemento estructurado del manuscrito) contiene una descripción estructurada de una obra individual o de un objeto al interno del contenido intelectual de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- summary contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements.
<p>A collection of Lollard sermons</p>
<p>Atlas of the world from Western Europe and Africa to Indochina, containing 27
maps and 26 tables</p>
<p>Biblia sacra: Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, con prefacios, prólogos y
argumentos de san Jerónimo y de otros. Interpretaciones de los nombres
<msItem n="1">
<locus>fols. 5r -7v</locus>
<title>An ABC</title>
<msItem n="2">
<locus>fols. 7v -8v</locus>
<title xml:lang="fr">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title>
<msItem n="3">
<locus>fol. 8v</locus>
<msItem n="4">
<locus>fols. 8v-10v</locus>
<title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
<msItem n="5">
<locus>fols. 10v -11v</locus>
<title xml:lang="la">De amico ad amicam</title>
<title xml:lang="la">Responcio</title>
<biblScope>16 & 19</biblScope>
<msItem n="6">
<locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus>
<title>Troilus and Criseyde</title>
<note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to mutilation
The summary element may be used in conjunction with one or more msItem elements if it is desired to provide both a general summary of the contents of a manuscript and more detail about some or all of the individual items within it. It may not however be used within an individual msItem element.
<summary>A collection of Lollard sermons</summary>
<msItem n="1">
<locus>fol. 4r-8r</locus>
<title>3rd Sunday Before Lent</title>
<msItem n="2">
<locus>fol. 9r-16v</locus>
TEI: The msItem and msItemStruct Elements¶10.6.1 The <msItem> and <msItemStruct> Elements
Each discrete item in a manuscript or manuscript part can be described within a distinct msItem or msItemStruct element, and may be classified using the class attribute.
These are the possible component elements of msItem and msItemStruct.
- author en una referencia bibliográfica, contiene el nombre del autor/es, personal o empresa de una obra; la declaración esencial de responsabilidad para cualquier ítem bibliográfico.
- respStmt (declaración de responsabilidad) proporciona la declaración de la responsabilidad para el contenido intelectual de un texto, edición, grabación o serie, donde no basten o no se apliquen los elementos especializados para autores, editores, etc.
- title contiene el título completo de una obra de cualquier tipo.
type clasifica el título de acuerdo con alguna tipología funcional. Posibles valores: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive) - rubric contiene el texto de eventuales rúbricas o títulos asignados a un determinado fragmento del manuscrito; se trata de series de palabras que señalan el inicio de una división textual, a menudo tales series contienen información sobre el autor o el título, y se evidencian del resto mediante tinta roja, un estilo distinto o una dimensión distinta del carácter, u otro rasgo gráfico visible.
- incipit contiene el incipit de un manuscrito, es decir, las primeras palabras del texto propriamente dicho, a excepción de eventuales títulos en rojo que lo preceden; los incipit tienen una longitud a deteminar según de que obra se trate y, antiguamente, eran utilizados a menudo para referirse a las obras mismas en lugar de títulos eventuales.
- quote (cita) contiene una frase o pasaje atribuido por el narrador o autor a un agente externo al texto.
- explicit contiene el explicit de un manuscrito, es decir, las palabras de clausura del texto como tal, a excepción de las eventuales rúbricas o colofón sucesivos.
- finalRubric contiene una serie de palabras que señala el fin de una división textual; a menudo declara el autor y el título, y dicha serie normalmente es evidenciada del resto mediante tinta roja, un estilo distinto o una dimensión distinta de los caracteres, u otro rasgo gráfico visible.
- colophon contiene el colophon de un manuscrito, es decir, una declaración que contiene informaciones relativas a fecha, lugar, agente, o finalidad de la producción del manuscrito.
- decoNote (observaciones de la decoración) contiene una nota que describe un componente decorativo de un manuscrito o una clase razonablemente homogénea de tales componentes.
- listBibl (lista de cita) contiene una lista de citas bibliográficas de cualquier tipo.
- bibl (cita bibliográfica.) contiene una cita bibliográfica estructurada libremente, los componentes de la cual pueden nohaber sido etiquetados explícitamente.
- filiation contiene información referente a la filiación de un manuscrito, p.ej. su relación con otros manuscritos supervivientes del mismo texto, es decir, sus protógrafos, antígrafos y apógrafos.
- note contiene una nota o aclaración
- textLang (lengua del texto) describe las lenguas y los sistemas de escritura usados en un manuscrito (no se ha de confundir con la descripción contenida en el elemento langUsage. ****
In addition, a msItemStruct may contain nested msItemStruct elements, just as an msItem may contain nested msItem elements.
The main difference between msItem and msItemStruct is that in the former, the order and number of child elements is not constrained; any element, in other words, may be given in any order, and repeated as often as is judged necessary. In the latter, however, the sub-elements, if used, must be given in the order specified above and only some of them may be repeated; specifically, rubric, finalRubric. incipit, textLang and explicit can appear only once.
While neither msItem nor msItemStruct may contain untagged running text, both permit an unstructured description to be provided in the form of one or more paragraphs of text. They differ in this respect also: if paragraphs are supplied as the content of an msItem, then none of the other component elements listed above is permitted; in the msItemStruct case, however, paragraphs may appear anywhere as an alternative to any of the component elements listed above.
As noted above, both msItem and msItemStruct elements may also nest, where a number of separate items in a manuscript are grouped under a single title or rubric, as is the case, for example, with a work like The Canterbury Tales.
- att.msExcerpt (extracto de manuscrito) proporciona atributos usados para describir extractos de un manuscrito ******
defective indica si el pasaje que se describe es completo o no, p.ej. si ha sufrido pérdidas o daños.
<msItem defective="true">
<locus from="1r" to="9v">1r-9v</locus>
<title>Knýtlinga saga</title>
<msItem n="1.1">
<locus from="1r:1" to="2v:30">1r:1-2v:30</locus>
<incipit defective="true">dan<ex>n</ex>a a engl<ex>an</ex>di</incipit>
<explicit defective="true">en meðan <expan>haraldr</expan> hein hafði
k<ex>onung</ex>r v<am>
<g ref="http://www.example.com/abbrevs.xml#er"/>
yf<ex>ir</ex> danmork</explicit>
<!-- msItems 1.2 to 1.4 -->
The elements ex, am, and expan used in the above example are further discussed in section Abbreviation and Expansion; they are available only when the transcr module defined by that chapter is selected. Similarly, the g element used in this example to represent the abbreviation mark is defined by the gaiji module documented in chapter 5 Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes.
TEI: Authors and Titles¶10.6.2 Authors and Titles
When used within a manuscript description, the title element should be used to supply a regularized form of the item's title, as distinct from any rubric quoted from the manuscript. If the item concerned has a standardized distinctive title, e.g. Roman de la Rose, then this should be the form given as content of the title element, with the value of the type attribute given as uniform
. If no uniform title exists for an item, or none has been yet identified, or if one wishes to provide a general designation of the contents, then a ‘supplied’ title can be given, e.g. missal, in which case the type attribute on the title should be given the value supplied
Similarly, if used within a manuscript description, the author element should always contain the normalized form of an author's name, irrespective of how (or whether) this form of the name is cited in the manuscript. If it is desired to retain the form of the author's name as given in the manuscript, this may be tagged as a distinct name element, within the text at the point where it occurs.
Note that the key attribute can also be used, as on names in general, to specify the identifier of a person element carrying full details of the person concerned (see further 10.3.6 Names of Persons, Places, and Organizations).
<resp>in the translation of</resp>
<name>Ambrogio Traversari</name>
<resp>here erroneously attributed to</resp>
<name>St. Bonaventura</name>
TEI: Rubrics, Incipits, Explicits, and Other Quotations from the Text¶10.6.3 Rubrics, Incipits, Explicits, and Other Quotations from the Text
<locus>f. 1-223</locus>
<author>Radulphus Flaviacensis</author>
<title>Expositio super Leviticum </title>
<locus>f. 1r</locus> Forte Hervei monachi</incipit>
<locus>f. 223v</locus> Benedictio salis et aquae</explicit>
<locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
<title type="uniform">Ágrip af Noregs konunga sǫgum</title>
<incipit defective="true">
<lb/>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> seti ho<gap reason="illegible" quantity="7"
<lb/>sc heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>
<explicit defective="true">h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>
<ex>oc</ex> þa buit hesta .ij.
<lb/>annan viþ fé en h<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> annan til
The xml:lang attribute for colophon, explicit, incipit, quote, and rubric may always be used to identify the language of the text quoted, if this is different from the default language specified by the mainLang attribute on textLang.
TEI: Filiation¶10.6.4 Filiation
<incipit>Ecce morior cum nichil horum ... <ref>[Dn 13, 43]</ref>. Verba ista
dixit Susanna de illis</incipit>
<explicit>ut bonum comune conservatur.</explicit>
<bibl>Schneyer 3, 436 (Johannes Contractus OFM)</bibl>
<filiation>weitere Überl. Uppsala C 181, 35r.</filiation>
TEI: Text Classification¶10.6.5 Text Classification
<msItem n="1" defective="false"
<locus from="1v" to="71v">1v-71v</locus>
<title type="uniform">Jónsbók</title>
<incipit>Magnus m<ex>ed</ex> guds miskun Noregs k<ex>onungu</ex>r</incipit>
<explicit>en<ex>n</ex> u<ex>ir</ex>da þo t<ex>il</ex> fullra aura</explicit>
, which defines the classification concerned. Such category elements will typically appear within a taxonomy element, within the classDecl element of the TEI header (2.3.7 The Classification Declaration) as in the following example: <taxonomy>
<!-- -->
<category xml:id="law">
<category xml:id="war">
<catDesc>Military topics</catDesc>
<!-- -->
<p>A treatise on Clausewitz</p>
<!-- details of the item here -->
TEI: Languages and Writing Systems¶10.6.6 Languages and Writing Systems
otherLangs="RUS HEL">Mostly Old Church Slavonic, with
some Russian and Greek material</textLang>
The form and scope of language identifiers recommended by these Guidelines is based on the IANA standard described at vi.1. Language Identification and should be followed throughout. Where additional detail is needed correctly to describe a language, or to discuss its deployment in a given text, this should be done using the langUsage element in the TEI header, within which individual language elements document the languages used: see 2.4.2 Language Usage.
otherLangs="la">allemand et
TEI: Physical Description¶10.7 Physical Description
Under the general heading ‘physical description’ we subsume a large number of different aspects generally regarded as useful in the description of a given manuscript. These include:
- aspects of the form, support, extent, and quire structure of the manuscript object and of the way in which the text is laid out on the page (10.7.1 Object Description);
- the styles of writing, such as the way it is laid out on the page, the styles of writing, decorative features, any musical notation employed and any annotations or marginalia (10.7.2 Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations);
- and discussion of its binding, seals, and any accompanying material (10.7.3 Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material).
Most manuscript descriptions touch on several of these categories of information though few include them all, and not all distinguish them as clearly as we propose here. In particular, it is often the case that an existing description will include information for which we propose distinct elements within a single paragraph, or even sentence. The encoder must then decide whether to rewrite the description using the structure proposed here, or to retain the existing prose, marked up simply as a series of p elements, directly within the physDesc element.
The physDesc element may thus be used in either of two distinct ways. It may contain a series of paragraphs addressing topics listed above and similar ones. Alternatively, it may act as a container for any choice of the more specialized elements described in the remainder of this section, each of which itself contains a series of paragraphs, and may also have more specific attributes.
In general, it is not recommended to combine unstructured prose description with usage of the more specialized elements, as such an approach complicates processing, and may lead to inconsistency within a single manuscript description. A single physDesc element will normally contain either a series of model.pLike elements, or a sequence of specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. There are however circumstances in which this is not feasible, for example:
- the description already exists in a prose form where some of the specialized topics are treated together in paragraphs of prose, but others are treated distinctly;
- although all parts of the description are clearly distinguished, some of them cannot be mapped to a pre-existing specialized element.
<p>Generic descriptive prose...</p>
<!-- other generic elements here -->
<objectDesc form="codex">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- other specific elements here -->
TEI: Object Description¶10.7.1 Object Description
The objectDesc element is used to group together those parts of the physical description which relate specifically to the text-bearing object, its format, constitution, layout, etc. The form attribute is used to indicate the specific type of writing vehicle being described, for example, as a codex, roll, tablet, etc. If used it must appear first in the sequence of specialized elements. The objectDesc element has two parts: a description of the support, i.e. the physical carrier on which the text is inscribed; and a description of the layout, i.e. the way text is organized on the carrier.
Taking these in turn, the description of the support is tagged using the following elements, each of which is discussed in more detail below:
- supportDesc (descripción de ayuda) agrupa los elementos que describen el soporte físico de la parte escrita de un manuscrito.
- support contiene una descripción de los materiales, etc. que constituyen el soporte físico de la parte escrita de un manuscrito.
- extent describe el tamaño aproximado de un texto almacenado en algún medio, digital o no, especificándolo en alguna unidad funcional.
- collation contiene una descripción de cómo los folios o bifolios están físicamente dispuestos.
- foliation describe el sistema o sistemas de numeración usados para contar los fólios o las páginas de un códex.
- condition contiene una descripción de la condición física de un manuscrito.
<p>Mostly <material>paper</material>, with watermarks
<watermark>unicorn</watermark> (<ref>Briquet 9993</ref>) and
<watermark>ox</watermark> (close to <ref>Briquet 2785</ref>). The first and last
leaf of each quire, with the exception of quires xvi and xviii, are constituted
by bifolia of parchment, and all seven miniatures have been painted on inserted
singletons of parchment.</p>
This example combines information which might alternatively be more precisely tagged using the more specific elements described in the following subsections.
TEI: Support¶ Support
<material>Paper</material> with watermark: <watermark>anchor in a circle with
star on top</watermark>, <watermark>countermark B-B with trefoil</watermark>
similar to <ref>Moschin, Anchor N 1680</ref>
TEI: Extent¶ Extent
<measure type="composition" unit="leaf"
quantity="10">10 Bl.</measure>
<measure type="height" quantity="37"
unit="cm">37</measure> x <measure type="width" quantity="29"
unit="cm">29</measure> cm
TEI: Collation¶ Collation
<formula>1-3:8, 4:6, 5-13:8</formula>
<p>There are now four gatherings, the first, second and fourth originally
consisting of eight leaves, the third of seven. A fifth gathering thought to
have followed has left no trace. <list>
<item>Gathering I consists of 7 leaves, a first leaf, originally conjoint with
<locus>fol. 7</locus>, having been cut away leaving only a narrow strip along
the gutter; the others, <locus>fols 1</locus> and <locus>6</locus>,
<locus>2</locus> and <locus>5</locus>, and <locus>3</locus> and
<locus>4</locus>, are bifolia.</item>
<item>Gathering II consists of 8 leaves, 4 bifolia.</item>
<item>Gathering III consists of 7 leaves; <locus>fols 16</locus> and
<locus>22</locus> are conjoint, the others singletons.</item>
<item>Gathering IV consists of 2 leaves, a bifolium.</item>
<p>I (1, 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6, 10); II (11, 12+17, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,
<formula>1-5.8 6.6 (catchword, f. 46, does not match following text) 7-8.8
9.10, 11.2 (through f. 82) 12-14.8 15.8(-7)</formula>
TEI: Foliation¶ Foliation
<p>Neuere Foliierung, die auch das Vorsatzblatt mitgezählt
<p>Folio numbers were added in brown ink by Árni Magnússon ca.
1720-1730 in the upper right corner of all recto-pages.</p>
<p>Original foliation in red roman numerals in the
middle of the outer margin of each recto</p>
<foliation xml:id="modern">
<p>Foliated in pencil in the top right corner of each
recto page.</p>
<!-- ... -->
<locus scheme="#modern">ff 1-20</locus>
TEI: Condition¶ Condition
The condition element is used to summarize the overall physical state of a manuscript, in particular where such information is not recorded elsewhere in the description. It should not, however, be used to describe changes or repairs to a manuscript, as these are more appropriately described as a part of its custodial history (see Availability and Custodial History). It should be supplied within the supportDesc element, if it discusses the condition of the physical support of the manuscript; within the bindingDesc or binding elements ( Binding Descriptions) if it discusses only the condition of the binding or bindings concerned; or within the sealDesc element if it discusses the condition of any seal attached to the manuscript.
<p>The manuscript shows signs of damage from water and mould on its
outermost leaves.</p>
<p>Despite tears on many of the leaves the codex is reasonably well
preserved. The top and the bottom of f. 1 is damaged, and only a thin slip is
left of the original second leaf (now foliated as 1bis). The lower margin of f.
92 has been cut away. There is a lacuna of one leaf between ff. 193 and 194. The
manuscript ends defectively (there are approximately six leaves
TEI: Layout Description¶ Layout Description
The second part of the objectDesc element is the layoutDesc element, which is used to describe and document the mise-en-page of the manuscript, that is the way in which text and illumination are arranged on the page, specifying for example the number of written, ruled, or pricked lines and columns per page, size of margins, distinct blocks such as glosses, commentaries, etc. This may be given as a simple series of paragraphs. Alternatively, one or more different layouts may be identified within a single manuscript, each described by its own layout element.
- layoutDesc (descripción de la disposición) agrupa el conjunto de las descripciones de la distribución aplicable a un manuscrito.
- layout describe la disposición del texto en la página, comprendiendo eventuales informaciones sobre la lineación***, indicaciones de agujereado***, u otras señales de técnicas de preparación de la página utilizadas.
Where the layout element is used, the layout will often be sufficiently regular for the attributes on this element to convey all that is necessary; more usually however a more detailed treatment will be required. The attributes are provided as a convenient shorthand for commonly occurring cases, and should not be used except where the layout is regular. The value NA
(not-applicable) should be used for cases where the layout is either very irregular, or where it cannot be characterized simply in terms of lines and columns, for example, where blocks of commentary and text are arranged in a regular but complex pattern on each page
<p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="24">
<p>Written in one column throughout; 24 lines per page.</p>
<p>Written in 3 columns, with 8 lines of text and interlinear glosses in
the centre, and up to 26 lines of gloss in the outer two columns. Double
vertical bounding lines ruled in hard point on hair side. Text lines ruled
faintly in lead. Remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer (for 8 lines of
text only) margins.</p>
<layout ruledLines="25 32">
<p>On <locus from="1r" to="202v">fols 1r-200v</locus> and <locus from="210r" to="212v">fols 210r-212v</locus> there are between 25 and 32 ruled lines.</p>
<layout ruledLines="34 50">
<p>On <locus from="203r" to="209v">fols 203r-209v</locus> there are between 34
and 50 ruled lines.</p>
TEI: Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations¶10.7.2 Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations
The second group of elements within a structured physical description concerns aspects of the writing, illumination, or other notation (notably, music) found in a manuscript, including additions made in later hands—the ‘text’, as it were, as opposed to the carrier.
- handDesc (descripción de las manos) contiene una descripción de todos los diferentes tipos de escritura usados en un manuscrito.
- handNote (notas sobre la mano) describe un determinado estilo o una determinada mano al interno de un manuscrito.
- scriptDesc contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or similar source.
- scriptNote describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource.
- typeDesc contains a description of the typefaces or other aspects of the printing of an incunable or other printed source.
- typeNote describes a particular font or other significant typographic feature distinguished within the description of a printed resource.
- decoDesc (descripción de la decoración) contiene una descripción de la decoración de un manuscrito en forma de secuencia de párrafos o de secuencia de elementos decoNote organizados por el argumento.
- decoNote (observaciones de la decoración) contiene una nota que describe un componente decorativo de un manuscrito o una clase razonablemente homogénea de tales componentes.
- musicNotation contiene la descripción de un tipo de anotación musical.
- additions contiene una descripción de cualquier adición significativa encontrada al interno de un manuscrito como notas al márgen u otras anotaciones.
TEI: Writing¶ Writing
<p>Written in a <term>late Caroline minuscule</term>; versals in a form of
<term>rustic capitals</term>; although the marginal and interlinear gloss is
written in varying shades of ink that are not those of the main text, text and
gloss appear to have been copied during approximately the same time span.</p>
Note the use of the term element to mark specific technical terms within the context of the handDesc element.
<p>The manuscript is written in two contemporary hands, otherwise unknown, but
clearly those of practised scribes. Hand I writes ff. 1r-22v and hand II ff. 23
and 24. Some scholars, notably Verner Dahlerup and Hreinn Benediktsson, have
argued for a third hand on f. 24, but the evidence for this is
<handNote xml:id="Eirsp-1" scope="minor">
<p>The first part of the manuscript, <locus from="1v" to="72v:4">fols
1v-72v:4</locus>, is written in a practised Icelandic Gothic bookhand. This hand
is not found elsewhere.</p>
<handNote xml:id="Eirsp-2" scope="major">
<p>The second part of the manuscript, <locus from="72v:4" to="194v">fols
72v:4-194</locus>, is written in a hand contemporary with the first; it can also
be found in a fragment of <title>Knýtlinga saga</title>, <ref>AM 20b II
<handNote xml:id="Eirsp-3" scope="minor">
<p>The third hand has written the majority of the chapter headings. This hand
has been identified as the one also found in <ref>AM 221
When a full or partial transcription of a manuscript is available in addition to the manuscript description, the handShift element described in Document Hands can be used to link the relevant parts of the transcription to the appropriate handNote element in the description: for example, at the point in the transcript where the second hand listed above starts (i.e. at folio 72v:4), we might insert <handShift new="#Eirsp-2"/>.
<p>Uses a mixture of Roman and Black Letter types.</p>
<summary>Uses a mixture of Roman and Black Letter types.</summary>
<typeNote>Antiqua typeface, showing influence of Jenson's Venetian
<typeNote>The black letter face is a variant of Schwabacher.</typeNote>
<typeNote xml:id="TSET">Authorial typescript, probably produced on Eliot's own
Remington. </typeNote>
<handNote xml:id="EP" medium="red-ink">Ezra Pound's annotations.</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="TSE" medium="black-ink">Commentary in Eliot's hand.</handNote>
The elements scriptNote and scriptDesc may be used in exactly the same way to document a script used in this and other manuscripts, for example to record that this script was used mainly for the production of books or for charters; or that it is characteristic of some geographical area or scriptorium or date. Such information as the letter forms characteristic of this script may also be recorded. By contrast, the handNote element would be used to document the way that a particular scribe uses a script, for example with long or short descenders, or using a pen which is cut in a different way, or an ink of a given colour, and so forth.
As with typeNote, the scriptNote element can be used in combination with handNote.
TEI: Decoration¶ Decoration
It can be difficult to draw a clear distinction between aspects of a manuscript which are purely physical and those which form part of its intellectual content. This is particularly true of illuminations and other forms of decoration in a manuscript. We propose the following elements for the purpose of delimiting discussion of these aspects within a manuscript description, and for convenience locate them all within the physical description, despite the fact that the illustrative features of a manuscript will in many cases also be seen as constituting part of its intellectual content.
<p>The decoration comprises two full page miniatures, perhaps added by the
original owner, or slightly later; the original major decoration consists of
twenty-three large miniatures, illustrating the divisions of the Passion
narrative and the start of the major texts, and the major divisions of the
Hours; seventeen smaller miniatures, illustrating the suffrages to saints; and
seven historiated initials, illustrating the pericopes and major prayers.</p>
<decoNote type="miniature">
<p>One full-page miniature, facing the beginning of the first Penitential
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>One seven-line historiated initial, commencing the first Penitential
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>Six four-line decorated initials, commencing the second through the seventh
Penitential Psalm.</p>
<decoNote type="initial">
<p>Some three hundred two-line versal initials with pen-flourishes, commencing
the psalm verses.</p>
<decoNote type="border">
<p>Four-sided border decoration surrounding the miniatures and three-sided
border decoration accompanying the historiated and decorated initials.</p>
<decoNote type="miniatures">
<p>Fourteen large miniatures with arched tops, above five lines of text: <list>
<locus>fol. 14r</locus>Pericopes. <term>St. John writing on Patmos</term>,
with the Eagle holding his ink-pot and pen-case; some flaking of pigment,
especially in the sky</item>
<locus>fol. 26r</locus>Hours of the Virgin, Matins.
<term>Annunciation</term>; Gabriel and the Dove to the right</item>
<locus>fol. 60r</locus>Prime. <term>Nativity</term>; the <term>Virgin and
Joseph adoring the Child</term>
<locus>fol. 66r</locus>Terce. <term>Annunciation to the Shepherds</term>,
one with <term>bagpipes</term>
<!-- ... -->
TEI: Musical Notation¶ Musical Notation
<p>Square notation on 4-line red staves.</p>
<p>Neumes in campo aperto of the St. Gall type.</p>
If a manuscript employs more than one notation, they must both be described within the same musicNotation element, for example as different list items.
TEI: Additions and Marginalia¶ Additions and Marginalia
<p>Doodles on most leaves, possibly by children, and often quite
<p xml:lang="fr">Quelques annotations marginales des XVIe et XVIIe s.</p>
<p>The text of this manuscript is not interpolated with sentences from Royal
decrees promulgated in 1294, 1305 and 1314. In the margins, however, another
somewhat later scribe has added the relevant paragraphs of these decrees, see
pp. 8, 24, 44, 47 etc.</p>
<p>As a humorous gesture the scribe in one opening of the manuscript, pp. 36 and
37, has prolonged the lower stems of one letter f and five letters þ and has
them drizzle down the margin.</p>
<p>Spaces for initials and chapter headings were left by the scribe but not
filled in. A later, probably fifteenth-century, hand has added initials and
chapter headings in greenish-coloured ink on fols <locus>8r</locus>,
<locus>8v</locus>, <locus>9r</locus>, <locus>10r</locus> and <locus>11r</locus>.
Although a few of these chapter headings are now rather difficult to read, most
can be made out, e.g. fol. <locus>8rb</locus>
<quote xml:lang="is">floti ast<ex>ri</ex>d<ex>ar</ex>
</quote>; fol.
<quote xml:lang="is">v<ex>m</ex> olaf conung</quote>, and fol.
<quote xml:lang="is">Gipti<ex>n</ex>g ol<ex>a</ex>fs
<p>The manuscript contains the following marginalia: <list>
<item>Fol. <locus>4v</locus>, left margin: <quote xml:lang="is">hialmadr
<lb/>brynjadr</quote>, in a fifteenth-century hand, imitating an addition made
to the text by the scribe at this point.</item>
<item>Fol. <locus>5r</locus>, lower margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þ<ex>e</ex>tta
þiki m<ex>er</ex> v<ex>er</ex>a gott blek en<ex>n</ex>da kan<ex>n</ex> ek icki
betr sia</quote>, in a fifteenth-century hand, probably the same as that on the
previous page.</item>
<item>Fol. <locus>9v</locus>, bottom margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þessa bok
uilda eg <sic>gæt</sic> lært med
<lb/>an Gud gefe myer Gott ad
<lb/>læra</quote>; seventeenth-century hand.</item>
<p>There are in addition a number of illegible scribbles in a later hand (or
hands) on fols <locus>2r</locus>, <locus>3r</locus>, <locus>5v</locus> and
TEI: Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material¶10.7.3 Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material
The third major component of the physical description relates to supporting but distinct physical components, such as bindings, seals and accompanying material. These may be described using the following specialist elements:
- bindingDesc (descripción obligatoria) describe la encuadernación actual y precedente de un manuscrito en forma de una serie de párrafos o de una serie de diversos elementos binding (encuadernación), uno para cada encuadernación del manuscrito.
- binding contiene la descripción de una encuadernación, p.ej. tipo de cubiertas, tablas, etc. presentes en un manuscrito.
- sealDesc (descripción del sello) describe los sellos u otros objetos externos aplicados a un manuscrito mediante una serie de párrafos o una serie de diversos elementos seal (sellos), eventualmente con ulteriores elementos decoNote.
- seal contiene la descripción de un sello o de un elemento externo aplicado a un manuscrito.
- accMat (material adicional) contiene eventuales detalles que conciernen a materiales añadidos estrechamente relacionados con el manuscrito examinado, p.ej. documentos no actuales o fragmentos cosidos junto al manuscrito en un período histórico precedente al actual.
TEI: Binding Descriptions¶ Binding Descriptions
<p>Sewing not visible; tightly rebound over 19th-century pasteboards, reusing
panels of 16th-century brown leather with gilt tooling à la fanfare, Paris c.
1580-90, the centre of each cover inlaid with a 17th-century oval medallion of
red morocco tooled in gilt (perhaps replacing the identifying mark of a previous
owner); the spine similarly tooled, without raised bands or title-piece;
coloured endbands; the edges of the leaves and boards gilt. Boxed.</p>
<p>Bound, s. XVIII (?), in <material>diced russia leather</material>
retaining most of the original 15th century metal ornaments (but with some
replacements) as well as the heavy wooden boards.</p>
<p>On each cover: alternating circular stamps of the Holy Monogram, a
sunburst, and a flower.</p>
<p>On the cornerpieces, one of which is missing, a rectangular stamp
of the Agnus Dei.</p>
<condition>Front and back leather inlaid panels very badly worn.</condition>
<p>Rebacked during the 19th century.</p>
As noted above, ( Condition) the element condition may also be used as an alternative to p for paragraphs concerned exclusively with the condition of a binding, where this has not been supplied as part of the physical description.
TEI: Seals¶ Seals
<seal n="1" type="pendant"
<p>Round seal of <name>Anders Olufsen</name> in black wax: <bibl>
</bibl>. Parchment tag, on which is written: <quote>pertinere nos
predictorum placiti nostri iusticarii precessorum dif</quote>.</p>
<seal n="2" type="pendant"
<p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax: <bibl>
</bibl>. Legend: <quote>S IOHANNES OLAVI</quote>. Parchment tag on
which is written: <quote>Woldorp Iohanne G</quote>.</p>
TEI: Accompanying Material¶ Accompanying Material
The circumstance may arise where material not originally part of a manuscript is bound into or otherwise kept with a manuscript. In some cases this material would best be treated in a separate msPart element (see 10.10 Manuscript Parts below). There are, however, cases where the additional matter is not self-evidently a distinct manuscript: it might, for example, be a set of notes by a later scholar, or a file of correspondence relating to the manuscript. The accMat element is provided as a holder for this kind of information.
- accMat (material adicional) contiene eventuales detalles que conciernen a materiales añadidos estrechamente relacionados con el manuscrito examinado, p.ej. documentos no actuales o fragmentos cosidos junto al manuscrito en un período histórico precedente al actual.
<p>A slip in Árni Magnússon's hand has been stuck to the pastedown on the inside
front cover; the text reads: <quote xml:lang="is">Þidreks Søgu þessa hefi eg
feiged af Sekreterer Wielandt Anno 1715 i Kaupmanna høfn. Hun er, sem eg sie,
Copia af Austfirda bókinni (Eidagás) en<ex>n</ex> ecki progenies Brædratungu
bokarinnar. Og er þar fyrer eigi i allan<ex>n</ex> máta samhlioda
þ<ex>eir</ex>re er Sr Jon Erlendz son hefer ritad fyrer Mag. Bryniolf. Þesse
Þidreks Saga mun vera komin fra Sr Vigfuse á Helgafelle.</quote>
TEI: History¶10.8 History
The following elements are used to record information about the history of a manuscript:
- history agrupa elementos que describen la historia completa de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- origin contiene informaciones relativas al orígen de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
- provenance contiene descripciones o informaciones relativas a un único episodio identificable en la historia de un manuscrito o de una de sus partes que sea posterior al momento de su creación pero anterior al momento de su adquisición.
- acquisition contiene cualquier descripción u otra información concerniente al proceso de adquisición del manuscrito o de una de sus partes.
The three components of the history element all have the same substructure, consisting of one or more paragraphs marked as p elements. Each of these three elements is also a member of the att.datable attribute class, itself a member of the att.datable.w3c class, and thus also carries the following optional attributes:
- att.datable.w3c proporciona atributos para la normalización de elementos que contienen eventos datables.
notBefore especifica la fecha más temprana posible para un evento en un formato estándard, p.ej. aaaa-mm-dd. notAfter especifica la fecha más tardana posible para un evento en un formato estándard, p.ej. aaaa-mm-dd.
Information about the origins of the manuscript, its place and date of writing, should be given as one or more paragraphs contained by a single origin element; following this, any available information on distinct stages in the history of the manuscript before its acquisition by its current holding institution should be included as paragraphs within one or more provenance elements. Finally, any information specific to the means by which the manuscript was acquired by its present owners should be given as paragraphs within the acquisition element.
<p>Written in <origPlace>Durham</origPlace> during <origDate notBefore="1125"
notAfter="1175">the mid-twelfth
<p>Recorded in two medieval catalogues of the books belonging to
<name type="org">Durham Priory</name>, made in <date>1391</date> and
<p>Given to <name type="person">W. Olleyf</name> by <name type="person">William Ebchester, Prior (1446-56)</name> and later belonged to
<name type="person">Henry Dalton</name>, Prior of Holy Island (<name type="place">Lindisfarne</name>) according to inscriptions on ff. 4v and 5.</p>
<p>Presented to <name type="org">Trinity College</name> in
<date>1738</date> by <name type="person">Thomas Gale</name> and his son <name type="person">Roger</name>.</p>
<origin notBefore="1225" notAfter="1275"> Written in Spain or Portugal in the
middle of the 13th century (the date 1042, given in a marginal note on f. 97v,
cannot be correct.)</origin>
<provenance>The Spanish scholar <name type="person">Benito Arias Montano</name>
(1527-1598) has written his name on f. 97r, and may be presumed to have owned
the manuscript. </provenance>
<provenance>It came somehow into the possession of <foreign xml:lang="da">etatsråd</foreign>
<name type="person">Holger Parsberg</name> (1636-1692), who has written his name
twice, once on the front pastedown and once on f. 1r, the former dated
<date>1680</date> and the latter <date>1682</date>.</provenance>
<provenance>Following Parsberg's death the manuscript was bought by
<name type="person">Jens Rosenkrantz</name> (1640-1695) when Parsberg's library
was auctioned off (23 October 1693).</provenance>
<acquisition notBefore="1696"
notAfter="1697">The manuscript was acquired by
Árni Magnússon from the estate of Jens Rosenkrantz, presumably at auction (the
auction lot number 468 is written in red chalk on the flyleaf), either in 1696
or 97.</acquisition>
TEI: Additional Information¶10.9 Additional Information
Three categories of additional information are provided for by the scheme described here, grouped together within the additional element described in this section.
- additional agrupa información adicional, combinando informaciones bibliográficas relativas al manuscrito o a copias adicionales del mismo con informaciones de carácter conservacional o administrativo.
- adminInfo (información administrativa.) contiene información relativa a la gestión y a la disponibilidad del manuscrito y a la descripción misma de la documentación.
- surrogates contiene informaciones relativas a eventuales representaciones digitales o gráficas del manuscrito en exámen eventualmente existentes en la institución depositaria o en cualquier otro lugar.
- listBibl (lista de cita) contiene una lista de citas bibliográficas de cualquier tipo.
None of the constituent elements of additional is required. If any is supplied, it may appear once only; furthermore, the order in which elements are supplied should be as specified above.
TEI: Administrative Information¶10.9.1 Administrative Information
The adminInfo element is used to hold information relating to the curation and management of a manuscript. This may be supplied as a note using the global note element. Alternatively, different aspects of this information may be presented grouped within one of the following specialized elements:
- recordHist (historia registrada) proporciona información relativa a la fuente y sobre el estatus de revisión de la descripción del manuscrito del que deriva.
- availability proporciona información sobre la disponibilidad de un texto, por ejemplo cualquier restricción en cuanto a su uso o distribución, su copyright, etc.
- custodialHist (historial de la custodia) contiene una descripción de la historia de la conservación del manuscrito en forma de prosa o come serie de eventos fechados relativos a la gestión del manuscrito.
TEI: Record History¶ Record History
The recordHist element may contain simply a series of paragraphs. Alternatively it may contain a source element, followed by an optional series of change elements.
- source describe la fuente original que contiene las informaciones sobre la descripción del manuscrito.
- change resume un cambio o corrección determinada llevada a cabo en una versión dada de un texto electrónico en el que trabajan diversos investigadores.
<p>Directly catalogued from the original manuscript.</p>
<p>Information transcribed from <bibl>
<title>The index of Middle English
<p>Information transcribed from <bibl>
<ref target="#IMEV">IMEV</ref>
<bibl xml:id="IMEV">
<author>Carleton Brown</author> and <author>Rossell Hope Robbins</author>
<title level="m">The index of Middle English verse</title>
<pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
<!-- other bibliographic records relating to this manuscript here -->
TEI: Availability and Custodial History¶ Availability and Custodial History
<p>Viewed by appointment only, to be arranged with curator.</p>
<p>In conservation, Jan. - Mar., 2002. On loan to the Bayerische
Staatsbibliothek, April - July, 2002.</p>
<p>The manuscript is in poor condition, due to many of the leaves being brittle
and fragile and the poor quality of a number of earlier repairs; it should
therefore not be used or lent out until it has been conserved.</p>
The custodialHist record is used to describe the custodial history of a manuscript, recording any significant events noted during the period that it has been located within its holding institution. It may contain either a series of p elements, or a series of custEvent elements, each describing a distinct incident or event, further specified by a type attribute, and carrying dating information by virtue of its membership in the att.datable class, as noted above.
- custEvent (acontecimiento de la custodia) describe un único evento en la historia de la conservación de un manuscrito.
<custEvent type="conservation"
notBefore="1961-03-01" notAfter="1963-02-28">
<p>Conserved between March 1961 and February 1963 at Birgitte Dalls
<custEvent type="photography"
notBefore="1988-05-01" notAfter="1988-05-30">
<p>Photographed in May 1988 by AMI/FA.</p>
<custEvent type="transfer"
notBefore="1989-11-13" notAfter="1989-11-13">
<p>Dispatched to Iceland 13 November 1989.</p>
TEI: Surrogates¶10.9.2 Surrogates
The surrogates element is used to provide information about representations such as photographs or other representations of the manuscript which may exist within the holding institution or elsewhere.
- surrogates contiene informaciones relativas a eventuales representaciones digitales o gráficas del manuscrito en exámen eventualmente existentes en la institución depositaria o en cualquier otro lugar.
<title type="gmd">microfilm (master)</title>
<idno>G.neg. 160</idno>
<title type="gmd">microfilm (archive)</title>
<idno>G.pos. 186</idno>
<title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
<idno>AM 795 4to</idno>
<date when="1999-01-27">27 January 1999</date>
<note>copy of G.pos.
<title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
<idno>reg.nr. 75</idno>
<date when="1999-01-25">25 January 1999</date>
<note>photographs of the spine, outside covers, stitching etc.</note>
At a later revision, the content of the surrogates element is likely to be expanded to include elements more specifically intended to provide detailed information such as technical details of the process by which a digital or photographic image was made. For information about the inclusion of digital facsimile images within a TEI document, refer also to 11.1 Digital Facsimiles.
TEI: Manuscript Parts¶10.10 Manuscript Parts
The msPart element may be used in cases where manuscripts or parts of manuscripts that were originally physically separate have been bound together and/or share the same call number.
- msPart (parte del manuscrito) contiene información relativas a un manuscrito o a parte de un manuscrito originariamente distintas pero actualmente parte de un manuscrito compuesto.
xml:lang="eng" type="composite">
<settlement key="tgn_7007868">Brussels</settlement>
<repository>Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België / Bibliothèque royale de
<idno>ms. 10066-77</idno>
<summary xml:lang="lat">Miscellany of various texts; Prudentius,
Psychomachia; Physiologus de natura animantium</summary>
<textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="composite_manuscript"/>
<idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 140r-156v</idno>
<summary xml:lang="lat">Physiologus</summary>
<textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
<idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 112r-139r</idno>
<summary xml:lang="lat">Prudentius, Psychomachia</summary>
<textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
TEI: Manuscript Fragments¶10.11 Manuscript Fragments
The msFrag element may be used inside msDesc when encoding one or more fragments of a scattered or fragmented manuscript. The fragment(s) described in a single msDesc element may be held either at several institutions or at a single institution, so different call numbers may be attached to the fragments. Inside the msFrag element, information about the single fragment or each dispersed part is provided: e.g. the current shelfmark or call number, the labels of the range of folios concerned if the fragment currently forms part of a larger manuscript, dimensions, extent, title, author, annotations, illuminations and so on.
- msFrag (fragmento del manuscrito) contains information about a fragment of a scattered manuscript now held as a single unit or bound into a larger manuscript.
<msName xml:lang="la">Codex Suprasliensis</msName>
<repository>Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica</repository>
<idno>MS Kopitar 2</idno>
<summary>Contains ff. 10 to 42 only</summary>
<repository>Biblioteka Narodowa</repository>
<idno>BO 3.201</idno>
<repository>Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka</repository>
TEI: Module for Manuscript Description¶10.12 Module for Manuscript Description
The module described in this chapter makes available the following components:
- Módulo msdescription: Manuscript Description
- Elementos definidos: accMat acquisition additional additions adminInfo altIdentifier binding bindingDesc catchwords collation collection colophon condition custEvent custodialHist decoDesc decoNote depth dim dimensions explicit filiation finalRubric foliation handDesc height heraldry history incipit institution layout layoutDesc locus locusGrp material msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msItem msItemStruct msName msPart musicNotation objectDesc objectType origDate origPlace origin physDesc provenance recordHist repository rubric scriptDesc seal sealDesc secFol signatures source stamp summary support supportDesc surrogates typeDesc watermark width
- Clases definidas: att.msExcerpt
The selection and combination of modules to form a TEI schema is described in 1.2 Defining a TEI Schema.