
att.repeatable supplies attributes for the elements which define component parts of a content model.
Módulotagdocs — Documentation Elements
Miembrosalternate anyElement classRef elementRef sequence
contextsupplies an XPath identifying a context within which this component of a content model must be found
Estado Opcional
Tipo de datos
minOccurs(número mínimo de apariciones) indicates the smallest number of times this component may occur.
Estado Opcional
Tipo de datos teidata.count
Por defecto 1
maxOccurs(número máximo de apariciones.) indicates the largest number of times this component may occur.
Estado Opcional
Tipo de datos teidata.unboundedInt
Por defecto 1

<sch:rule context="*[@minOccurs and @maxOccurs]">
<sch:let name="min"
 value="@minOccurs cast as xs:integer"/>

<sch:let name="max"
 value="if ( normalize-space(@maxOccurs) eq 'unbounded' ) then -1 else @maxOccurs cast as xs:integer"/>

<sch:assert test="$max eq -1 or $max ge $min">@maxOccurs should be greater than or equal
to @minOccurs</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="*[@minOccurs and not(@maxOccurs)]">
<sch:assert test="@minOccurs cast as xs:integer lt 2">When @maxOccurs is not specified,
@minOccurs must be 0 or 1</sch:assert>