Ejemplo: <pron> (pronunciation)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <pron> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <pron> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

9 Dictionaries


 <entry n="1">
  <sense n="1">
   <def>to leave completely and for ever ... </def>
  <sense n="2"/>
 <entry n="2">
  <def>the state when one's feelings and actions are uncontrolled; freedom from


 <entry n="1">
  <sense n="1">
   <def>Etre appartenant à l'espèce animale la plus évoluée de la Terre</def>
  <sense n="2"/>
 <entry n="2">
  <def>Etre humain mâle et (le plus souvent) adulte.</def>


  <hyph> (因漢字無法以連字符號拆解,故不提供範例。)</hyph>
 <entry n="1">
  <sense n="1">
  <sense n="2"/>
 <entry n="2">


 <sense n="1">
  <def>facts that disprove something.</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <def>the act of disproving.</def>


 <sense n="1">Jeune poulet, nouvellement sorti de l'oeuf, encore couvert de duvet. La poule
   et ses poussins.</sense>
 <sense n="2">Zool. Jeune oiseau (par rapport aux adultes, aux parents). </sense>
 <sense n="3"> (êtres humains) <def n="1">Fam. Terme d'affection (enfant). </def>
  <def n="2"> Sports. Catégorie d'âge (9 ans) qui précède celle des benjamins.</def>
  <def n="3">Elève de première année dans certaines écoles (Air,


 <sense n="1">
 <sense n="2">


 <orth>biryani</orth> or <orth>biriani</orth>
 <def>any of a variety of Indian dishes ...</def>
 <etym>[from <lang>Urdu</lang>]</etym>


 <gen> f. </gen>
 <sense n="1">Grand crustacé marin (Décapodes macroures) aux pattes antérieures dépourvues
   de pinces, aux antennes longues et fortes, et dont la chair est très appréciée.</sense>
 <sense n="2">Fig. et fam. (vulg.). Femme, maîtresse.</sense>
 <etym>XIIIe ; languste, v. 1120, «sauterelle»; encore dans Corneille (Hymnes, 7) ; anc.
   provençal langosta, altér. du lat. class. locusta «sauterelle». </etym>


 <pron>zhe2 luo2</pron>
 <def>Cālā (人名)</def>
 <etym>音譯自 <lang>梵文</lang>


  <def>cry of an ass; sound of a trumpet.</def>
  <def>make a cry or sound of this kind.</def>


  <pron>[kanö] </pron>
  <def>Pièce d'artillerie servant à lancer des projectiles lourds.</def>
  <def>Théol. Loi ecclésiastique.</def>




  <orth>biryani</orth> or <orth>biriani</orth>
  <def>any of a variety of Indian dishes ...</def>
  <etym>[from <lang>Urdu</lang>]</etym>


  <orth>cattleya </orth> ou <orth>catleya</orth>
  <def>Orchidée épiphyte, originaire d'Amérique tropicale, et dont l'espèce la plus connue
     est très recherchée pour l'élégance de ses fleurs mauves à grand labelle en cornet
  <etym>1845 cattleye (BESCH.); 1893 cattleya (Gde Encyclop.). Lat. sc. cattleya, nom
     donné par John Lindley, botaniste angl. (1799-1865) à un genre d'orchidées en hommage
     au botaniste angl. W. Cattley (NED. Suppl.; DEI et Gde Encyclop.) </etym>


  <pron>zhe2 luo2</pron>
  <def>Cālā (人名)</def>
  <etym>音譯自 <lang>梵文</lang>

9.2.2 Groups and Constituents

 <def>person who competes.</def>

9.2.2 Groups and Constituents

  <pron notation="ipa">dɪsˈpru:v</pron>
 <sense n="1">
  <def>facts that disprove something</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <def>the act of disproving</def>

9.2.2 Groups and Constituents

   <def>cry of an ass; sound of a trumpet.</def>
   <def>make a cry or sound of this kind.</def>

9.2.2 Groups and Constituents

 <sense n="1">
  <def>turn (a ship) on one side for cleaning, repairing, etc.</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <def>(cause to) tilt, lean over to one side.</def>

9.2.2 Groups and Constituents

 <entry n="1">
  <sense n="1">
   <def>to leave completely and for ever … </def>
  <sense n="2"/>
 <entry n="2">
   <def>the state when one's feelings and actions are uncontrolled; freedom
       from control…</def>

9.3.1 Information on Written and Spoken Forms


9.3.1 Information on Written and Spoken Forms

  <iType type="vbtable">7</iType>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

9.3.1 Information on Written and Spoken Forms

 <pron notation="ipa">ˌbɪrɪˈa:nɪ</pron>

9.3.1 Information on Written and Spoken Forms

 <pron notation="ipa">ˈmækᵊl</pron>
 <pron notation="ipa">ˈmækju:l</pron>

9.3.1 Information on Written and Spoken Forms

  <usg type="geo">US</usg>
 <pron notation="ipa">ˈhɒspɪtələ</pron>


 <pron extent="pref">äb-`</pron>, <pron extent="pref">əb-`</pron>


  <pron extent="full">[ami(g)dal]</pron>


  <pron notation="IPA">trænskrɪpʃən</pron>








  <hyph>( 因漢字無法以連字符號拆解,故不提供範例。)</hyph>








 <iType type="vbtable">7</iType>


 <pron>[óRifje] </pron>
 <iType type="vbtable">7</iType>

9.3.2 Grammatical Information

  <pron notation="ipa">wɪts</pron>
 <sense n="1">
   <number>sometimes singular</number>
  <def>the ability to reason and act, esp quickly …</def>
</entry> Definitions

 <sense n="1">
  <sense n="a">
   <def>a being who is part mortal, part god.</def>
  <sense n="b">
   <def>a lesser deity.</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <def>a godlike person.</def>
</entry> Definitions

 <cit type="translationxml:lang="en">
  <def>dressing containing mustard and herbs</def>


 <def>person who competes.</def>


  <pron> [köpetitœR]</pron>
 <def>Personne qui entre en compétition.</def>


  <hyph>( 因漢字無法以連字符號拆解,故不提供範例。)</hyph>
</entry> Examples

<sense n="4">
 <usg type="colloc">
  <oRef type="cap"/> and <mentioned>any</mentioned> are used with
 <cit type="example">
  <quote>Give me <oRef/> more</quote>
  <pron extent="part">s@'mO:(r)</pron>
</sense> Notes within Entries

 <form type="contraction">
  <pron notation="ipa">ˈnaɪðə</pron>,
 <pron notation="ipa">ˈni:ðə</pron>
<!-- … -->
 <cit type="example">
  <quote>neither foot is swollen</quote>
 <note type="usage">A verb following a compound subject
   that uses <hi rend="italic">neither</hi>… should be
   in the singular if both subjects are in the singular:
 <hi rend="italic">neither Jack nor John has done the work</hi>

9.3.6 Related Entries

  <pron notation="ipa">ˈbɛvɪ</pron>
 <usg type="reg">informal</usg>
  <sense n="1">
   <def>a drink, esp. an alcoholic one: we had a few bevvies last night.</def>
<!-- ... sense 2 ... -->
  <sense n="3">
   <def>to drink alcohol</def>
 <etym>probably from <lang>Old French</lang>
  <mentioned>bevee</mentioned>, <mentioned>buvee</mentioned>
 <re type="derived">


 <sense n="1">
  <def>of, relating to, or affecting a nerve or the nervous system</def>
 <sense n="2"> ... </sense>
   <pron extent="suff">-ə-lē</pron>


  <def>Faire fonctionner un siphon, transvaser (un liquide) au moyen d'un siphon.</def>
   <pron extent="suff">[as]</pron>


  <pron>tiau2 pi2</pron>
 <sense n="1">
 <sense n="2"> ... </sense>
   <pron extent="suff">tiau2 pi2 de</pron>

9.4 Headword and Pronunciation References

 <orth>hors d'oeuvre</orth>
  <usg type="lang">Fr</usg>
  <pron xml:id="di-p2">OR d0vR</pron>
<form type="inflected">
 <orth>hors d'oeuvres</orth>
 <orth>hors d'oeuvre</orth>
 <pron extent="part">"dUv(z)</pron>
  <usg type="lang">Fr</usg>
   <pRef target="#di-p2"/>


  <pron xml:id="umfahren1">umf'ahren</pron>
  <pron xml:id="umfahren2">'umfahren</pron>
  <quote>Paul musste die Pfütze <pRef target="#umfahren1"/>, wenn er nicht nass werden wollte.</quote>
  <quote>Paul wollte das Schild nicht absichtlich <pRef target="#umfahren2"/> und beschädigen.</quote>

9.5.1 Editorial View

  <pron notation="ipa">ˈpɪnə</pron>
  <pos>n</pos>, </gramGrp>
 <form type="inflected">
   <orth type="latextent="part">-nae</orth>
   <pron extent="part">(-ni:)</pron>
  </form> or <orth type="stdextent="part">-nas</orth>
 <sense n="1">1 <def>any leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf</def>
 <sense n="2">2 <usg type="dom">zoology</usg>
  <def>a feather, wing, fin, or similarly shaped part</def>
 <sense n="3">3 <xr type="syn">
   <lbl>another name for</lbl>
   <ref target="#auricle.2">auricle (2)</ref>
 <etym>[<date>C18</date>: via <lang>New Latin</lang> from <lang>Latin</lang>:
 <gloss>wing</gloss>, <gloss>feather</gloss>,
<entry xml:id="auricle.2">
<!-- ... -->

9.5.1 Editorial View

 <form type="inflected">
   <orth type="latextent="part">-nae</orth>
   <pron extent="part">-ni:</pron>
  <orth type="stdextent="part">-nas</orth>
 <sense n="1">
  <def>any leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf.</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <usg type="dom">Zoology</usg>
  <def>a feather, wing, fin, or similarly shaped part.</def>
 <sense n="3">
  <xr type="syn">
   <lbl>another name for</lbl>
   <ref>auricle (sense 2).</ref>
  <date>C18</date>: via <lang>New Latin</lang> from <lang>Latin</lang>:
 <gloss>wing</gloss>, <gloss>feather</gloss>, <gloss>fin</gloss>

9.5.1 Editorial View

  <pron rend="noleftparen">%bIrI"A:nI</pron>
 <def>any of a variety of Indian dishes … </def>
 <etym>from <lang>Urdu</lang>

9.5.2 Lexical View

  <form type="inflected">
    <orth type="lat">pinnae</orth>
   <orth type="std">pinnas</orth>
 <sense n="1">
  <def>any leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf.</def>
 <sense n="2">
  <usg type="dom">Zoology</usg>
  <def>a feather, wing, fin, or similarly shaped part.</def>
 <sense n="3">
  <xr type="syn">
   <ptr target="#auricle.2"/>
  <date>C18</date>: via <lang>New Latin</lang> from <lang>Latin</lang>:
 <gloss>wing</gloss>, <gloss>feather</gloss>, <gloss>fin</gloss>
</entry> Using Attribute Values to Capture Alternate Views

 <orth split="thyrostimuline, thyréostimuline">thyr(é)ostimuline</orth>
 <pron split="tiRostimylin, tiReostimylin">tiR(e)ostimylin</pron>
</form> Using Attribute Values to Capture Alternate Views

 <orth xml:id="dic-o1"
 <pron xml:id="dic-p1"
 <orth mergedIn="#dic-o1">thyréostimuline</orth>
 <pron mergedIn="#dic-p1">tiReostimylin</pron>
</form> Using Attribute Values to Capture Alternate Views

 <orth next="#dict-o2xml:id="dict-o1">thyr</orth>
 <orth next="#dict-o3prev="#dict-o1"
 <orth prev="#dict-o2xml:id="dict-o3">ostimuline</orth>
 <pron next="#dict-p2xml:id="dict-p1">tiR</pron>
 <pron next="#dict-p3prev="#dict-p1"
 <pron prev="#dict-p2xml:id="dict-p3">ostimylin</pron>
</form> Recording Original Locations of Transposed Elements

 <pron notation="ipa">ˈpɪnə</pron>
 <anchor xml:id="p01"/>
 <form type="inflected">
   <orth extent="part">-nae</orth>
   <pron extent="part">-ni:</pron>
  <orth extent="part">-nas</orth>
 <pos location="#p01">n</pos>

9.6 Unstructured Entries

 <def>one who is partly divine and partly human</def>
 <def>(in Gk myth, etc) the son of a god and a mortal woman, eg

9.6 Unstructured Entries

 <orth>biryani</orth> or <orth>biriani</orth>
 <pron notation="ipa">(ˌbɪrɪˈa:nɪ)</pron>
 <def>any of a variety of Indian dishes …</def>
 <etym>[from <lang>Urdu</lang>]</etym>

9.6 Unstructured Entries

  <orth>biryani</orth> or <orth>biriani</orth>
  <pron notation="ipa">(ˌbɪrɪˈa:nɪ)</pron>
  <def>any of a variety of Indian dishes …</def>
  <etym>[from <lang>Urdu</lang>]</etym>