<stage> (Regieanweisung) enthält jegliche Regieanweisung in einem Dramentext oder -fragment. [3.12.2 Core Tags for Drama 3.12 Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.4 Stage Directions] | |||||||||||
Modul | core — Elements Available in All TEI Documents | ||||||||||
Attribute | att.ascribed.directed (@toWhom) (att.ascribed (@who)) att.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.rendition (@rend, @style, @rendition)) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) (att.global.responsibility (@cert, @resp)) (att.global.source (@source)) att.placement (@place)
| ||||||||||
Mitglied des | |||||||||||
Enthalten in | core: add corr del desc emph head hi item l lg meeting note orig p q quote ref reg said sic sp stage title unclear dictionaries: case colloc def dictScrap entryFree etym form gen gram gramGrp hyph iType lang lbl mood number orth per pos pron stress subc syll tns usg xr msdescription: accMat acquisition additions collation condition custEvent decoNote filiation foliation layout musicNotation origin provenance signatures source summary support surrogates typeNote namesdates: occupation textstructure: argument body div div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 docEdition epigraph imprimatur postscript salute signed titlePart trailer verse: rhyme | ||||||||||
Kann enthalten | core: abbr add address bibl biblStruct binaryObject cb choice cit corr date del desc distinct email emph expan foreign gap gb gloss graphic hi index l label lb lg list listBibl measure measureGrp media mentioned milestone name note num orig p pb ptr q quote ref reg rs said sic soCalled sp stage term time title unclear unit figures: figure formula notatedMusic table gaiji: g msdescription: catchwords depth dim dimensions height heraldry locus locusGrp material msDesc objectType origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width namesdates: addName affiliation bloc climate country district forename genName geo geogFeat geogName listEvent listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation location nameLink offset orgName persName placeName population region roleName settlement state surname terrain trait nets: eTree forest graph listForest tree tagdocs: att classSpec code constraintSpec dataSpec eg egXML elementSpec gi ident listRef macroSpec moduleSpec outputRendition schemaSpec specDesc specGrp specGrpRef specList tag val textstructure: floatingText transcr: addSpan am damage damageSpan delSpan ex fw handShift listTranspose metamark mod redo restore retrace secl space subst substJoin supplied surplus undo Zeichendaten | ||||||||||
Anmerkung | Das who-Attribut kann verwendet werden, um die Person oder Personen näher zu bezeichnen, die die Regieanweisung ausführen. | ||||||||||
Beispiel | <stage type="setting">A curtain being drawn.</stage> <stage type="setting">Music</stage> <stage type="entrance">Enter Husband as being thrown off his horse and falls.</stage> <!-- Middleton : Yorkshire Tragedy --> <stage type="exit">Exit pursued by a bear.</stage> <stage type="business">He quickly takes the stone out.</stage> <stage type="delivery">To Lussurioso.</stage> <stage type="novelistic">Having had enough, and embarrassed for the family.</stage> <!-- Lorraine Hansbury : a raisin in in the sun --> <stage type="modifier">Disguised as Ansaldo.</stage> <stage type="entrance modifier">Enter Latrocinio disguised as an empiric</stage> <!-- Middleton: The Widow --> <stage type="location">At a window.</stage> <stage rend="inline" type="delivery">Aside.</stage> | ||||||||||
Beispiel | <l>Behold. <stage n="*" place="margin">Here the vp<lb/>per part of the <hi>Scene</hi> open'd; when straight appear'd a Heauen, and all the <hi>Pure Artes</hi> sitting on two semi<lb/>circular ben<lb/>ches, one a<lb/>boue another: who sate thus till the rest of the <hi>Prologue</hi> was spoken, which being ended, they descended in order within the <hi>Scene,</hi> whiles the Musicke plaid</stage> Our Poet knowing our free hearts</l> | ||||||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||||||
Schema Deklaration | <rng:element name="stage"> element stage { att.ascribed.directed.attributes, att.ascribed.attributes, att.global.attributes, att.global.rendition.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.global.responsibility.attributes, att.global.source.attributes, att.placement.attributes, attribute type { list { ( "setting" | "entrance" | "exit" | "business" | "novelistic" | "delivery" | "modifier" | "location" | "mixed" | teidata.enumerated )* } }?, macro.specialPara } |