例子: <q> (quoted)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <q> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <q> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 2 The TEI Header
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 9 Dictionaries
- 10 Manuscript Description
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
- 14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 22 Documentation Elements
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
There came to the castle the Crawling Louse. <q>Who,
who's in the castle? Who, who's in your house?</q>
said the Crawling Louse. <q>I, I, the Languishing Fly.
And who art thou?</q>
<q>I'm the Crawling Louse.</q>
<p>Then came to the castle the Leaping Flea. <q>Who,
who's in the castle?</q> said the Leaping Flea. <q>I,
I, the Languishing Fly, and I, the Crawling Louse. And
who art thou?</q>
<q>I'm the Leaping Flea.</q>
<p>Then came to the castle the Mischievous Mosquito.
<q>Who, who's in the castle?</q> said the Mischievous
Mosquito. <q>I, I, the Languishing Fly, and I, the
Crawling Louse, and I, the Leaping Flea. And who art
<q>I'm the Mischievous Mosquito.</q>
<q>I have now arranged that you can be married a second time,</q> replied Thjostolf.
<q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q> she said.
<q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf. <q>And now you must think up some plan for me.</q>
<q>當然能,先生。</q> 忽然間風好像沒那麼刺骨了。 <q>等一下,我把它寫下來。</q>
</p> Foreign Words or Expressions
hoc</foreign>?</q> said the Bee Master.
<q>Wax-moth only succeed when
weak bees let them in.</q> Emphatic Words and Phrases
of appetite!</q> Tarr exclaimed. Emphatic Words and Phrases
<emph rend="italic">What does Christopher Robin do in the morning
</q> Emphatic Words and Phrases
<emph style="font-style: italic">What does Christopher Robin do in
the morning nowadays?</emph>
does Christopher Robin do in the morning nowadays?</emph>
notaire encore prétend qu' elle ne saurait être antérieure au XVIII siècle, car, sinon, l'
on eût écrit --<q>tu voiras</q>--. </p>
letter <q>u</q> with an umlaut hold down the <q>option</q> key and press
<q>0 0 f c</q>
remontée, en disant :<q>ça me connaît</q>.</p>
qui l’on disait que les paysans n’avaient pas de pain, et qui
répondit : <q>Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.</q>
debatings. She says I am <q rend="italic">too witty</q>;
<foreign xml:lang="la" rend="roman">Anglicé</foreign>,
<gloss rend="italic">too pert</gloss>; I, that she is
<q rend="italic"> too wise</q>; that is to say, being likewise
put into English, <gloss rend="italic">not so young as she has
been</gloss>: in short, she is grown so much into a
<hi rend="italic">mother</hi>, that she had forgotten she ever
was a <hi rend="italic">daughter</hi>.
</choice> 我們 <choice>
</choice> 旅遊的 <choice>
<reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>
</choice> if an <choice>
</choice> is <choice>
<reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>
</choice> if an <choice>
</choice> is <choice>
<q>My dear
<rs type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>
</q>, said his lady to
him one day, <q>have you heard that <rs type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at last?</q>
<rs type="org">Circumlocution Office</rs> never, on any
account whatsoever, to give a straightforward answer,
<rs type="person">Mr Barnacle</rs> said, <q>Possibly.</q>
<q>My dear <rs type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>
</q>, said
<rs type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day ...
<q>My dear <name type="person">Mr. Bennet</name>,</q> said <rs type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day,
<q>have you heard that <name type="place">Netherfield Park</name> is let at last?</q>
<rs key="BENM1" type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>,</q> said
<rs key="BENM2" type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day,
<q>have you heard that
<rs key="NETP1" type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at
to him one day,
<q>have you heard that <rs type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at
</q>一天,<rs type="person">班納特太太</rs> 對她的丈夫說:
<q>你聽說過<rs type="place">尼日斐花園</rs> 終於租出去了嗎?</q>
<item>今天晚上,很好的月光。 我不見他,已是三十多年;今天見了,精神分外爽快。...</item>
<item>...我翻開歷史一查,這歷史沒有年代,歪歪斜斜的每葉上都寫著“仁義道德”几個字。我橫豎睡不著,仔細看了半夜,才從字縫里看出字來,滿本都寫著兩個字是<q xml:lang="och">喫人</q>!書上寫著這許多字,佃戶說了這許多話,卻都笑吟吟的睜著怪眼看我。我也是人,他們想要吃我了! </item>
<item>黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。趙家的狗又叫起來了。 獅子似的凶心,兔子的怯弱,狐狸的狡猾,…… </item>
<speaker>Lord Curryfin</speaker>
<stage>(after a pause).</stage>
<q>Mass</q> as the second grave-digger says
in <title>Hamlet</title>, <q>I cannot tell.</q>
<p>A chorus of laughter dissolved the sitting.</p>
1 The TEI Infrastructure
constitution declares <q>that no bill of attainder or <term xml:lang="la">ex post
facto</term> law shall be passed.</q> ...</p>
2 The TEI Header
4 Default Text Structure
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<docAuthor>E. M. Forster</docAuthor>
<titlePart>Howards End</titlePart>
<q>Only connect...</q>
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts
<head>Chapter 19</head>
<quote>I pity the man who can travel
from Dan to Beersheba, and say <q>'Tis all
barren;</q> and so is all the world to him
who will not cultivate the fruits it offers.
<bibl>Sterne: Sentimental Journey.</bibl>
<p>To say that Deronda was romantic would be to
misrepresent him: but under his calm and somewhat
self-repressed exterior ...</p>
<titlePart> The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
<docImprint>First published in <title>The Strand</title>
between July 1891 and December 1892</docImprint>
<!-- any other front matter specific to this collection -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock
<titlePart>Adventure I. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>A Scandal in Bohemia</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<p>To Sherlock Holmes she is always
<emph>the</emph> woman. ... </p>
<!-- remainder of A Scandal in Bohemia here -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
<titlePart>Adventure II. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>The Red-Headed League</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<p>I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day
in the autumn of last year and found him in deep conversation
with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair …
<!-- remainder of The Red Headed League here -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
<titlePart>Adventure XII. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>The Adventure of the Copper Beeches</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<q>To the man who loves art for its
own sake,</q> remarked Sherlock Holmes ...
<!-- remainder of The Copper Beeches here -->
... she is now the head of a private school
at Walsall, where I believe that she has
met with considerable success.</p>
<!-- end of The Copper Beeches -->
<!-- end of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -->
<p>To my parents, Ida and Max Fish</p>
<div type="preface">
<p>The answer this book gives to its title question is <q>there is
and there isn't</q>.</p>
<p>Chapters 1–12 have been previously published in the
following journals and collections:
<item>chapters 1 and 3 in <title>New literary History</title>
<item>chapter 10 in <title>Boundary II</title> (1980)</item>
I am grateful for permission to reprint.</p>
<titlePart type="main"> Histoire du Roi de Bohême</titlePart>
<titlePart type="sub"> et de ses sept châteaux </titlePart>
<byline>Par <docAuthor>Charles Nodier</docAuthor>
<q>O imitatores, servum pecus! </q>
<bibl>Horat., Epist. I. XIX, 19.</bibl>
<name>PARIS</name>, <name>Delangle Frères</name> Éditeurs-libraires,
<name>Place de la Bourse</name>
<quote>Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla
pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: <q xml:lang="gr">Σίβυλλα τί
θέλεις</q>; respondebat illa: <q xml:lang="gr">ὰποθανεῖν θέλω.</q>
<div type="dedication">
<p>For Ezra Pound <q xml:lang="it">il miglior fabbro.</q>
<div type="dedication">
<p>à la mémoire de Raymond Queneau</p>
<div type="avertissement">
<p>L'amitié, l'histoire et la littérature m'ont fourni quelques-uns
des.personnages de ce livre. Toute autre ressemblance avec des
individus vivants ou ayant réellement ou fictivement existé ne
saurait être que coïncidence.</p>
<quote>Regarde de tous tes yeux, regarde <bibl>(Jules Verne, Michel
Strogoff )</bibl>
<div type="preambule">
<q>L'œil suit les chemins qui lui ont été ménagés dans l'oeuvre
<bibl>(Paul Klee, Pädagosisches Skizzenbuch)</bibl>
<p> Au départ, l'art du puzzle semble un art bref, un art mince, tout
entier contenu dans un maigre enseignement de la Gestalttheorie :
<div type="corrigenda">
<salute xml:lang="la">M. Scriblerus Lectori</salute>
<p>Once more, gentle reader I appeal unto thee, from the shameful
ignorance of the Editor, by whom Our own Specimen of
<name>Virgil</name> hath been mangled in such miserable manner, that
scarce without tears can we behold it. At the very entrance, Instead
of <q xml:lang="grc">προλεγομενα</q>, lo!
<q xml:lang="grc">προλεγωμενα</q> with an Omega!
and in the same line <q xml:lang="la">consulâs</q> with a circumflex!
In the next page thou findest <q xml:lang="la">leviter perlabere</q>,
which his ignorance took to be the infinitive mood of
<q xml:lang="la">perlabor</q> but ought to be
<q xml:lang="la">perlabi</q> ... Wipe away all these
monsters, Reader, with thy quill.</p>
9 Dictionaries
<form type="lemma">
<pos value="noun"/>
<gen value="n"/>
<form type="determiner">
<form type="headword">
<form type="inflected">
<case value="genitiv"/>
<number value="singular"/>
<form type="determiner">
<form type="headword">
9.4 Headword and Pronunciation References
<cit type="example">
<q>Des casseroles et des "<oRef type="noHyph"/>faitouts" pour les ménagères.</q>
10 Manuscript Description
<repository xml:lang="fr">Bibliothèque nationale de France. Réserve des livres rares></repository>
<idno>RES P- YC- 1275</idno>
<!-- dans le cas des recueils : cote uniquement sans les sous-cotes -->
<idno>Y. 1341</idno>
<note>Cote de la Bibliothèque royale au XVIIIe s. (Catalogue de 1750).</note>
<!-- pour le traitement des recueils la solution possible est de répéter l'élément <msItem> -->
<titlePart type="main"/>
<titlePart type="sub"/>
<publisher>F. Torresani</publisher>
<!-- dans le Catalogue général: "in aedibus haeredum Aldi et Andreae soceri" -->
<publisher>G.-F. Torresani</publisher>
<docDate when="1535">1535</docDate>
<!-- in-32°; in-24°; in-16°; in-8°; in-4°; in-folio; gr. folio -->
<note>Exemplaire avec rehauts peints en argent, or et bleu.</note>
<ref target="http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb31088624r">Notice bibliographique
dans le Catalogue général</ref>
<ref target="http://bnf.fr/ark://">Image de la reliure dans l'iconothèque</ref>
<!-- RC-B-05225 (plat sup.) -->
<dimensions type="binding">
<height unit="mm">170</height>
<width unit="mm">98</width>
<depth unit="mm">15</depth>
<binding contemporary="true">
<index indexName="typo_reliure">
<term>Reliure à décor</term>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Entrelacs géométriques</term>
</index> Reliure en <material>maroquin</material> brun jaspé</p>
<decoNote type="plats"> à décor d’entrelacs géométriques (structure de losange et
rectangle) complété de fers évidés.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup">Titre <q>ivvenalis. persivs</q> et ex-libris de Jean
Grolier <q>io. grolierii et amicorvm.</q> dorés respectivement au centre et au bas
du plat supérieur. </decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_inf">Devise de Jean Grolier<q>portio mea sit in terra
viventivm</q> dorée au centre du plat inférieur.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos à cinq nerfs, sans décor ; simple filet doré sur chaque
nerf et en encadrement des caissons ; passages de chaînette marqués de même.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles simples unicolores, vert foncé.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="coupes">Filet doré sur les coupes.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes"/>
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats">Contreplats en vélin.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="chasses">Filet doré sur les chasses.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">Gardes en papier et vélin (2+1+2 / 2+1+2) ; filigrane au
pot.<ref>Briquet N° XX</ref>
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure">Defet manuscrit utilisé comme claie au contreplat
inférieur (visible par transparence, sous la contregarde en vélin).</decoNote>
<condition>Traces de mouillures anciennes plus ou moins importantes au bas des
feuillets, qui n'ont pas affecté la reliure ; éraflure en tête du plat
<origin notBefore="1540-01-01"
<p>Reliure exécutée pour Jean Grolier par Jean Picard, Paris, entre 1540 et 1547.</p>
<acquisition notBefore="1680-12-31"
notAfter="1724-12-31">Estampille n° 1, utilisée de
la fin du XVIIe siècle à 1724 (page de titre).</acquisition>
<source>Notice établie à partir du document original</source>
<change when="2009-10-05" who="Markova">Description mise à jour le <date type="crea">5 octobre 2009 </date>en vue de l'encodage en TEI des descriptions des reliure
de la Réserve des livres rares</change>
<change when="2009-06-01" who="Le Bars">Description revue le <date type="maj">1er
juin 2009 </date> par Fabienne Le Bars</change>
<change when="2009-06-25" who="Le Bars">Description validée le<date type="valid">25
juin 2009</date>par Fabienne Le Bars</change>
<heraldry>A bull passant within a bordure bezanty,
in chief a crescent for difference</heraldry> [Cole],
crest, and the legend <q>Cole Deum</q>.</p>
<decoNote type="plats"> à décor d’entrelacs géométriques (structure de losange et
rectangle) complété de fers évidés.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup">Titre <q>ivvenalis. persivs</q> et ex-libris de Jean Grolier
<q>io. grolierii et amicorvm.</q> dorés respectivement au centre et au bas du plat
supérieur. </decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_inf">Devise de Jean Grolier<q>portio mea sit in terra viventivm</q>
dorée au centre du plat inférieur.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos à cinq nerfs, sans décor ; simple filet doré sur chaque nerf et
en encadrement des caissons ; passages de chaînette marqués de même.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles simples unicolores, vert foncé.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="coupes">Filet doré sur les coupes.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes"/>
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats">Contreplats en vélin.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="chasses">Filet doré sur les chasses.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">Gardes en papier et vélin (2+1+2 / 2+1+2) ; filigrane au
pot.<ref>Briquet N° XX</ref>
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure">Defet manuscrit utilisé comme claie au contreplat inférieur
(visible par transparence, sous la contregarde en vélin).</decoNote>
<p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of
single characters and others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of
a mans head wearing a hat. At times sentences occurs: On 5v:
<q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>,
on 19r: <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>,
on 21r: <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla rei knar hofud summu all huad
batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>,
On 21v: some runic letters and the sentence <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p>
<p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of single characters and
others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of a mans head wearing a hat. At
times sentences occurs: On 5v:<q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>, on
19r: <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>, on 21r: <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla
rei knar hofud summu all huad batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>, On 21v: some runic letters
and the sentence <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p>
<index indexName="typo_reliure">
<term>Reliure à la grecque, sur ais</term>
<index indexName="typo_decor">
<term>Décor de rinceaux</term>
</index> Reliure à la grecque en <material>maroquin</material> orange</p>
<decoNote type="plats"> aux armes de Henri II dorées sur une pièce de maroquin olive
découpée à la forme exacte des armes (104 mm), mosaïquée dans un rectangle central aux
angles orné d'un léger motif de rinceaux peints en noir, le tout encadré d'une large
bordure mosaïquée de maroquin rouge, à plein décor de rinceaux dorés (incluant un
croissant dans les angles) dessinés en réserve sur un fond pointillé doré.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_sup">Au plat supérieur, titre <q>i • schonerii • opera •</q> doré
au-dessus du bloc armorial.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plat_inf"/>
<decoNote type="dos">Dos long à décor analogue avec pièces losangées de maroquin rouge et
brun mosaïquées, respectivement au centre et aux deux extrémités du dos, ornées d'un
décor de rinceaux doré en réserve sur un fond doré pointillé, avec fer azuré au chapeau
à chaque extrémité ; chaque pièce de maroquin est redessinée par un encadrement argenté,
lui-même complété de rinceaux sur les côtés et relevé par des traits tracés de plume à
effet de rayures.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="tranchefiles">Tranchefiles doubles bicolores : points droits sur chevrons,
bleus et jaunes.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="coupes">Chants des ais rainurés.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="annexes">Traces de petits boulons aux angles du rectangle intérieur ;
traces des quatre lanières tressées d'origine sur les deux plats ; pas de traces de
<decoNote type="tranches">Tranches dorées, ciselées et peintes (teinte rosée), à décor de
rinceaux incluant des éléments de l'héraldique royale : triple croissant en tête, grand
H couronné associé à un croissant en gouttière, chiffre HH en queue.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="contreplats"/>
<decoNote type="chasses">Absence de chasses.</decoNote>
<!-- Description des gardes : gardes blanches ; gardes couleurs (marbrées, gaufrées, peintes, dominotées, etc.) généralement suivies de gardes blanches ; dans tous les cas, spécifier le nombre de gardes (début + fin du volume)-->
<decoNote type="gardes">Gardes (3+2), filigrane <watermark>B</watermark>. </decoNote>
<!-- Élément qui inclut aussi bien des remarques sur la couture que les charnières, claies ou modes d'attaches des plats : tous éléments de la structure dont la description est jugée utile à la description et l'identification de la reliure-->
<decoNote type="structure"/>
<p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax.
(<ref>DAS 1061</ref>). Legend: <q>S IOHANNES OLAVI</q>.
Parchment tag on which is written: <q>Woldorp Iohanne G</q>.</p>
<p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax. (<ref>DAS 1061</ref>). Legend: <q>S
IOHANNES OLAVI</q>. Parchment tag on which is written: <q>Woldorp Iohanne G</q>.</p>
11 Representation of Primary Sources Abbreviation and Expansion
the final d could signify the plural ending (-es, -is, -ys>) but the
singular <hi rend="it">goode</hi> was used with the meaning <q>property</q>,
<q>wealth</q>, at this time (v. examples quoted in OED, sb. Good, C. 7, b,
c, d and 8 spec.)</note>
11.7 Identifying Changes and Revisions
<date notAfter="1816-07-18"/>
<listChange ordered="true">
<change xml:id="mod1" when="1816-07-16">The first draft of
<title>Persuasion</title>, completed by the date <date>July 16 1816</date>
which is written after the word <q>Finis</q> at <ref target="#pers-30">page
<change xml:id="mod2"
notBefore="1816-07-16">After the <date>16th of July</date>
Austen starts revision of the two final chapters, by rewriting the end and
adding a new zone (<ref target="#transp-1">pages 32-35</ref>) to be inserted at
<ref target="#insertion-p1">page 19</ref>. This stage is documented by the
deletion of the date (<date>July 16 1816</date>) at <ref target="#pers-30">page
30</ref>, and the addition of more text and of a new date (<date>July 18.
1816</date>) at <ref target="#pers-31">page 31</ref>
<change notBefore="1816-07-18">Before publication, after <date>July 18th,
1816</date> chapters 10-11 were broken into three chapters, 10, 11, 12, as
witnessed by the print.</change>
13 Names, Dates, People, and Places Personal Characteristics
<p>Jón's first living — which he apparently accepted rather reluctantly — was at
<name type="place">Háls í Hamarsfirði</name>, <name type="place">Múlasýsla</name>, to which
he was presented on 7 April 1777. He was ordained the following
month and spent three years at Háls, but was never happy there,
due largely to the general penury in which he was forced to live —
a recurrent theme throughout the early part of his life. In June
of 1780 the bishop recommended that Jón
should <q xml:lang="da">promoveres til andet bedre kald, end det
hand hidindtil har havt</q>, and on 12 July it was agreed that
he should exchange livings with
<name type="person"
ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:ThorJon">sr. Þórður Jónsson</name> at
<name type="place">Kálfafell á Síðu</name>,
<name type="place">Skaftafellssýsla</name>.</p>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.15, p. 733.</bibl>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.17, p. 102.</bibl>
<time when-iso="12">autour du midi</time>
</q>, et il est apparu à <time when-iso="12:00:00">midi </time>à l'heure pile.
<time when-iso="12">around noon</time>
</q>, and he showed up at <time when-iso="12:00:00">12 O'clock</time> on the dot.
14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music
<graphic url="chap3fig2.png"/>
<head>Dick Kennedy </head>
<figDesc>Gravure de E. Riou représentant un jeune homme assis sur une chaise, les
pieds sur une autre et tenant à la main une canne. En arrière plan, une théière, et
l'inscription <q>Map of Africa</q> .</figDesc>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
<cRefPattern matchPattern="(.+) (.+):(.+)"
<p>This pointer pattern extracts and references the <q>book,</q>
<q>chapter,</q> and <q>verse</q> parts of a biblical reference.</p>
<cRefPattern matchPattern="(.+) (.+)"
<p>This pointer pattern extracts and references the <q>book</q> and
<q>chapter</q> parts of a biblical reference.</p>
<cRefPattern matchPattern="(.+)"
<p>This pointer pattern extracts and references just the <q>book</q>
part of a biblical reference.</p>
16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
<seg type="stutter">I-I-I</seg>'m afraid,</q> Melvin, just say <q>I'm
16.6 Identical Elements and Virtual Copies
<q rend="centered italic">
<date xml:id="d840404">April 4th,
<p>He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had
descended upon him. ...</p>
<p>His small but childish handwriting straggled up
and down the page, shedding first its capital letters
and finally even its full stops:
<q rend="italic">
<date>April 4th, 1984</date>.
Last night to the flicks. ... </q>
<s xml:id="qs2">Monsieur Paul, after he has taken equal
parts of goose breast and the finest pork, and
broken a certain number of egg yolks into them,
and ground them <emph>very</emph>, very fine,
cooks all with seasoning for some three hours.</s>
<s xml:id="qs3">
<s xml:id="ps2">she pushed her face nearer, and looked with
ferocious gloating at the pâté
inside me, her eyes like X rays,</s>
<s xml:id="qs4">he never stops stirring it!</s>
<s xml:id="qs5">Figure to yourself the work of it —</s>
<s xml:id="qs6">stir, stir, never stopping!</s>
<p>How does it go?
<l xml:id="frog-x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L1">When the old pond</l>
<l xml:id="frog-L3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#frog-L1 #frog-L2 #frog-L3"
result="lg" scope="root"/>
<name xml:id="zuigan">Zui-Gan</name> called out to himself every day,
<q next="#zuiq2" xml:id="zuiq1"
<name xml:id="master">Master</name>.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself,
<q next="#zuiq4" xml:id="zuiq2"
who="#zuigan">Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added,
<q next="#zuiq5" xml:id="zuiq3"
who="#master">Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered,
<q next="#zuiq7" xml:id="zuiq4"
who="#zuigan">Yes, sir.</q>
<q next="#zuiq6" xml:id="zuiq5"
who="#master">And after that,</q>
he continued,
<q xml:id="zuiq6" who="#master">do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q xml:id="zuiq7" who="#zuigan">Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q>
he replied.</p>
<!-- five div1 elements -->
<p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
<ab type="aggregation">
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq1"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq2"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq3"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq4"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq5"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq6"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq7"
<joinGrp evaluate="one" result="q">
<join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
<desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
<join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
<desc>what Master said</desc>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#frog_l1 #frog_l2 #frog_l3"
result="lg" scope="root"/>
<p>How does it go? <q>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_x1">da-da-da</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l2">gets a new frog</l>
<l xml:id="fr_frog_l1">When the old pond</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="fr_frog_l3">It's a new pond.</l>
<join target="#fr_frog_l1 #fr_frog_l2 #fr_frog_l3"
result="lg" scope="root"/>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_x1">呱、呱、呱</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l2">有新來的青蛙</l>
<l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l1">以前的池塘</l>
<q>... <l xml:id="zh-tw_frog_l3">有新的池塘</l>
<join target="#zh-tw_frog_l1 #zh-tw_frog_l2 #zh-tw_frog_l3"
result="lg" scope="root"/>
22 Documentation Elements
<valItem ident="border">
<desc>used to signify that there is border around a page.</desc>
<valItem ident="border-rule">
<desc>used to signify that there is a border made of ruled lines.</desc>
<valItem ident="border-ornamental">
<desc>used to signify that there is an ornamental border.</desc>
<valItem ident="catch">
<desc>for catch words.</desc>
<valItem ident="lineNum">
<gloss>line number</gloss>
<desc>for printed line numbers (usually in poetry).</desc>
<valItem ident="listHead">
<gloss>list heading</gloss>
<desc>for headings of lists or similar constructs; often used in tables of contents for the
<q>page</q> heading.</desc>
<valItem ident="pageNum">
<gloss>page number</gloss>
<desc>for page numbers.</desc>
<valItem ident="pressFig">
<gloss>press figure</gloss>
<desc>for press figures. These are usually numbers, but are not sequential or regularly
printed like signatures.</desc>
<valItem ident="sig">
<desc>for printed signatures.</desc>
<valItem ident="unknown">
<desc>for a metawork whose function you do not know.</desc>
<valItem ident="vol">
<gloss>volume number</gloss>
<desc>for printed volume numbers.</desc>
<valItem ident="other">
<desc>anything not covered by the above values.</desc>
<p>Used for an ornament, decorated tool line, or symbol(s) that is not officially a
delimiter (and thus there is no element on which to put <val>pre()</val> or
<val>post()</val>) but is used to fill space at the bottom of a page so that a
<gi>floatingText</gi> or similar can start at the top of the next.</p>