예: <rhyme>
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <rhyme> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <rhyme> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
6 Verse
<lg type="couplet" rhyme="aa">
<l>Outside in the distance a wildcat did <rhyme>growl</rhyme>
<l>Two riders were approaching and the wind began to <rhyme>howl</rhyme>
<l>Outside in the distance a wildcat did <rhyme>growl</rhyme>
<l>Two riders were approaching and the wind began to <rhyme>howl</rhyme>
<lg type="quatrain" rhyme="abab">
<l>I wander thro' each charter'd <rhyme label="a">street</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Near where the charter'd Thames does <rhyme label="b">flow</rhyme>,</l>
<l>And mark in every face I <rhyme label="a">meet</rhyme>
<l>Marks of weakness, marks of <rhyme label="b">woe</rhyme>.</l>
<lg rhyme="abab">
<l>In every cry of every <rhyme label="a">Man</rhyme>
<l>In every Infant's cry of <rhyme label="b">fear</rhyme>,</l>
<l>In every voice, in every <rhyme label="a">ban</rhyme>,</l>
<l>The mind-forg'd manacles I <rhyme label="b">hear</rhyme>.</l>
<l>I wander thro' each charter'd <rhyme label="a">street</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Near where the charter'd Thames does <rhyme label="b">flow</rhyme>,</l>
<l>And mark in every face I <rhyme label="a">meet</rhyme>
<l>Marks of weakness, marks of <rhyme label="b">woe</rhyme>.</l>
<lg rhyme="abab">
<l>In every cry of every <rhyme label="a">Man</rhyme>
<l>In every Infant's cry of <rhyme label="b">fear</rhyme>,</l>
<l>In every voice, in every <rhyme label="a">ban</rhyme>,</l>
<l>The mind-forg'd manacles I <rhyme label="b">hear</rhyme>.</l>
<lg rhyme="ABCCBBA">
<l>The sunlight on the <rhyme label="A">garden</rhyme>
<rhyme label="A">Harden</rhyme>s and grows <rhyme label="B">cold</rhyme>,</l>
<l>We cannot cage the <rhyme label="C">minute</rhyme>
<l>Wi<rhyme label="C">thin it</rhyme>s nets of <rhyme label="B">gold</rhyme>
<l>When all is <rhyme label="B">told</rhyme>
<l>We cannot beg for <rhyme label="A">pardon</rhyme>.</l>
<l>The sunlight on the <rhyme label="A">garden</rhyme>
<rhyme label="A">Harden</rhyme>s and grows <rhyme label="B">cold</rhyme>,</l>
<l>We cannot cage the <rhyme label="C">minute</rhyme>
<l>Wi<rhyme label="C">thin it</rhyme>s nets of <rhyme label="B">gold</rhyme>
<l>When all is <rhyme label="B">told</rhyme>
<l>We cannot beg for <rhyme label="A">pardon</rhyme>.</l>
<lg rhyme="AB-BBA">
<l>The sunlight on the <rhyme xml:id="V-A1">garden</rhyme>
<rhyme xml:id="V-A2">Harden</rhyme>s and grows <rhyme xml:id="V-B1">cold,</rhyme>
<l>We cannot cage the <rhyme xml:id="V-C1">minute</rhyme>
<l>Wi<rhyme xml:id="V-C2">thin it</rhyme>s nets of <rhyme xml:id="V-B2">gold</rhyme>
<l>When all is <rhyme xml:id="V-B3">told</rhyme>
<l>We cannot beg for <rhyme xml:id="V-A3">pardon</rhyme>.</l>
<l>The sunlight on the <rhyme xml:id="V-A1">garden</rhyme>
<rhyme xml:id="V-A2">Harden</rhyme>s and grows <rhyme xml:id="V-B1">cold,</rhyme>
<l>We cannot cage the <rhyme xml:id="V-C1">minute</rhyme>
<l>Wi<rhyme xml:id="V-C2">thin it</rhyme>s nets of <rhyme xml:id="V-B2">gold</rhyme>
<l>When all is <rhyme xml:id="V-B3">told</rhyme>
<l>We cannot beg for <rhyme xml:id="V-A3">pardon</rhyme>.</l>
<lg rhyme="abababcc">
<l>'Tis pity learned virgins ever <rhyme label="a">wed</rhyme>
<l>With persons of no sort of edu<rhyme label="b">cation</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Or gentlemen, who, though well born and <rhyme label="a">bred</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Grow tired of scientific conver<rhyme label="b">sation</rhyme>:</l>
<l>I don't choose to say much on this <rhyme label="a">head</rhyme>,</l>
<l>I'm a plain man, and in a single <rhyme label="b">station</rhyme>,</l>
<l>But — Oh! ye lords of ladies inte<rhyme label="c">llectual</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Inform us truly, have they not hen-<rhyme label="c">peck'd you all</rhyme>?</l>
<l>'Tis pity learned virgins ever <rhyme label="a">wed</rhyme>
<l>With persons of no sort of edu<rhyme label="b">cation</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Or gentlemen, who, though well born and <rhyme label="a">bred</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Grow tired of scientific conver<rhyme label="b">sation</rhyme>:</l>
<l>I don't choose to say much on this <rhyme label="a">head</rhyme>,</l>
<l>I'm a plain man, and in a single <rhyme label="b">station</rhyme>,</l>
<l>But — Oh! ye lords of ladies inte<rhyme label="c">llectual</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Inform us truly, have they not hen-<rhyme label="c">peck'd you all</rhyme>?</l>
<l>Tyger! Tyger! burning <rhyme label="a">bright</rhyme>
<l>In the forests of the <rhyme label="a">night</rhyme>,</l>
<l>What immortal hand or <rhyme label="b">eye</rhyme>
<l>Could frame thy fearful <rhyme label="b" type="eye-rhyme">symmetry</rhyme>?</l>
<l>Tyger! Tyger! burning <rhyme label="a">bright</rhyme>
<l>In the forests of the <rhyme label="a">night</rhyme>,</l>
<l>What immortal hand or <rhyme label="b">eye</rhyme>
<l>Could frame thy fearful <rhyme label="b" type="eye-rhyme">symmetry</rhyme>?</l>
<l>"Hark! Lakshman! Hark, again that <rhyme label="a">cry</rhyme>!</l>
<l>It is, — it is my husband's <rhyme label="b">voice</rhyme>!</l>
<l>hasten, to his succour <rhyme label="a">fly</rhyme>,</l>
<l>No more hast thou, dear friend, a <rhyme label="b">choice</rhyme>.</l>
<l>He calls on thee, perhaps his <rhyme label="c">foes</rhyme>
<l>Environ him on all sides <rhyme label="d">round</rhyme>,</l>
<l>That wail, — it means death's final <rhyme label="c">throes</rhyme>!</l>
<l>Why standest thou, as magic-<rhyme label="d">bound</rhyme>?</l>
<l>"Hark! Lakshman! Hark, again that <rhyme label="a">cry</rhyme>!</l>
<l>It is, — it is my husband's <rhyme label="b">voice</rhyme>!</l>
<l>hasten, to his succour <rhyme label="a">fly</rhyme>,</l>
<l>No more hast thou, dear friend, a <rhyme label="b">choice</rhyme>.</l>
<l>He calls on thee, perhaps his <rhyme label="c">foes</rhyme>
<l>Environ him on all sides <rhyme label="d">round</rhyme>,</l>
<l>That wail, — it means death's final <rhyme label="c">throes</rhyme>!</l>
<l>Why standest thou, as magic-<rhyme label="d">bound</rhyme>?</l>
<lg type="quatrain" rhyme="aabccb">
<l> Les étoiles, points d'or, percent les branches n<rhyme label="a">oires</rhyme> ; </l>
<l> Le flot huileux et lourd décompose ses m<rhyme label="a">oires</rhyme>
<l> Sur l'océan blê<rhyme label="b">mi</rhyme> ;</l>
<l>Les nuages ont l'air d'oiseaux prenant la f<rhyme label="c">uite</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Par moments le vent parle, et dit des mots sans s<rhyme label="c">uite</rhyme>
<l> Comme un homme endor<rhyme label="b">mi</rhyme>.</l>
<l> Les étoiles, points d'or, percent les branches n<rhyme label="a">oires</rhyme> ; </l>
<l> Le flot huileux et lourd décompose ses m<rhyme label="a">oires</rhyme>
<l> Sur l'océan blê<rhyme label="b">mi</rhyme> ;</l>
<l>Les nuages ont l'air d'oiseaux prenant la f<rhyme label="c">uite</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Par moments le vent parle, et dit des mots sans s<rhyme label="c">uite</rhyme>
<l> Comme un homme endor<rhyme label="b">mi</rhyme>.</l>