Exemple: <cl> (clause)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <cl> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <cl> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
<cl>It was about the beginning of September, 1664,
<cl>that I, among the rest of my neighbours,
heard in ordinary discourse
<cl>that the plague was returned again to Holland; </cl>
<cl>for it had been very violent there, and particularly at
Amsterdam and Rotterdam, in the year 1663, </cl>
<cl>whither, <cl>they say,</cl> it was brought,
<cl>some said</cl> from Italy, others from the Levant, among some goods
<cl>which were brought home by their Turkey fleet;</cl>
<cl>others said it was brought from Candia;
others from Cyprus. </cl>
<cl>It mattered not <cl>from whence it came;</cl>
<cl>but all agreed <cl>it was come into Holland again.</cl>
<cl part="I">Tweedledum and Tweedledee</cl>
<cl part="F">Agreed to have a battle;</cl>
<cl part="I">For Tweedledum said <cl part="I">Tweedledee</cl>
<cl part="F">
<cl part="F">Had spoiled his nice new rattle.</cl>
<div type="stanza">
<cl part="I">Just then flew down a monstrous crow,</cl>
<cl part="F">As black as a tar barrel;</cl>
<cl part="I">Which frightened both the heroes so,</cl>
<cl part="F">
<cl>They quite forgot their quarrel.</cl>
<cl next="#c5" xml:id="c3" part="I">For Tweedledum said
<cl next="#c6" xml:id="c4" part="I">Tweedledee</cl>
<cl prev="#c3" xml:id="c5" part="F">
<cl prev="#c4" xml:id="c6" part="F">Had spoiled his nice new rattle.</cl>
<cl type="finite-declarative"
<phr type="NP" function="subject">Nineteen fifty-four,
<cl type="finite-relative-declarative"
function="appositive">when <phr type="NP" function="subject">I</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">was eighteen years old</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">is held</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="complement">
<cl type="nonfinite"
<phr type="V" function="copula">to be</phr>
<phr type="NP"
function="predicate-nom.">a crucial turning point
<phr type="PP"
<phr type="NP" function="prep.obj.">the history
<phr type="PP"
function="postmodifier">of the Afro-American</phr>
<phr type="PP"
<phr type="NP" function="prep.obj.">the U.S.A.
<phr type="PP"
function="postmodifier">as a whole</phr>
<phr type="NP"
function="appositive-predicate-nom.">the year
<cl type="finite-relative"
<phr type="NP" function="subject">segregation</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">was outlawed</phr>
<phr type="PP"
function="postmodifier">by the U.S. Supreme Court</phr>
<cl type="finite-declarative"
<phr type="NP" function="subject">It</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">was</phr>
<phr type="NP"
function="predicate-nom.">a crucial year for me</phr>
<cl type="declarative-finite"
<phr type="PP"
function="sentence_adverb">on June 18, 1954</phr>,
<phr type="NP" function="subject">I</phr>
<phr type="VP" function="predicate">
<phr type="V" function="verb-main">began serving</phr>
<phr type="NP" function="complement">a sentence in state prison
<phr type="PP" function="complement">for possession of marijuana</phr>
function="clause_modifier">Which frightened
both the heroes so,<cl>They quite forgot their quarrel.</cl>
function="proposition_relative_déterminative"> Il nous rejoindra dans
les jours<cl>qui viennent.</cl>
17.4.1 Linguistic Annotation by Means of Generic TEI Devices
<phr ana="#n">
<phr ana="#gn">
<w ana="#AT0">The</w>
<w ana="#NN1">victim</w>
<m ana="#POS">'s</m>
<w ana="#NN2">friends</w>
<phr ana="#v">
<w ana="#VVD">told</w>
<phr ana="#n">
<w ana="#NN2">police</w>
<cl ana="#fn">
<w ana="#CJT">that</w>
<phr ana="#n">
<w ana="#NP0">Krueger</w>
<phr ana="#v">
<phr ana="#v1">
<w ana="#VVD">drove</w>
<phr ana="#pr">
<w ana="#PRP">into</w>
<phr ana="#n">
<w ana="#AT0">the</w>
<w ana="#NN1">quarry</w>
<w ana="#CJC">and</w>
<phr ana="#v2">
<w ana="#AV0">never</w>
<w ana="#VVD">surfaced</w>
<c ana="#pun">.</c>