Esempio: <addName> (additional name)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <addName> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <addName> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
<addName type="patronym">Skallagrmsson</addName>
<addName type="honorific">Grandma</addName>
<addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>
<roleName type="office">Governor</roleName>
<forename sort="2">Edmund</forename>
<forename full="init" sort="3">G.</forename>
<addName type="nick">Jerry</addName>
<addName type="epithet">Moonbeam</addName>
<surname sort="1">Brown</surname>
<genName full="abb">Jr</genName>.
<addName type="stagename">Le Pétomane</addName>
<genName>II</genName>, <addName type="epithet"> la Grande</addName>, <roleName>impératrice de Russie</roleName>
<addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>
<roleName>Emperor of Prussia</roleName>
<genName>II</genName>, <addName type="epithet"> la
Grande</addName>, <roleName>impératrice de Russie</roleName>
<addName type="epithet">趙政</addName>
<addName>the T. rex</addName>
<residence>The Field Museum. Chicago, Illinois, United States.</residence>
<sex value="0"/>
<persPronouns value="they">they/them</persPronouns>
<quote>Specimen FMNH PR 2081. Legendary Fossil. Apex
Predator. National Treasure. <emph style="text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:0.25rem;">Murderbird.</emph>
<bibl>SUEtheTrex, Twitter biography.
<ptr target=""/>.
Accessed <date when="2020-03-25">March 25th, 2020</date>.</bibl>
15 Language Corpora
<person xml:id="zh-tw_P-1234" sex="2"
<person xml:id="zh-tw_P-4332" sex="1">
<residence notAfter="1970">
<relation type="personal" name="spouse"
mutual="#zh-tw_P-1234 #zh-tw_P-4332"/>