例子: <roleName> (role name)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <roleName> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <roleName> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
<roleName type="honorific" full="abb">Mme</roleName>
<nameLink>de la</nameLink>
<roleName type="nobility">Princess</roleName>
<roleName type="office">President</roleName>
<roleName type="military">Colonel</roleName>
<roleName type="office">Governor</roleName>
<forename sort="2">Edmund</forename>
<forename full="init" sort="3">G.</forename>
<addName type="nick">Jerry</addName>
<addName type="epithet">Moonbeam</addName>
<surname sort="1">Brown</surname>
<genName full="abb">Jr</genName>.
<surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of
<roleName>professeur d'archivistique et diplomatique moderne</roleName>
<genName>II</genName>, <addName type="epithet"> la Grande</addName>, <roleName>impératrice de Russie</roleName>
<placeName>法國</placeName>象徵派詩人 </roleName>
<addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>
<roleName>Emperor of Prussia</roleName>
<genName>II</genName>, <addName type="epithet"> la
Grande</addName>, <roleName>impératrice de Russie</roleName>
<addName type="epithet">趙政</addName>
<roleName>Earl of Bath</roleName>
<surname>Murat</surname>, <roleName>roi de Naples</roleName>
including the Supreme Court justices, required by statute to be “learned in the law.”</p>
<persName ref="#NJF">
<roleName role="#solicitor_general">Solicitor General</roleName> Noel J. Francisco</persName>,
representing the administration, asserted in rebuttal that there was nothing to disavow (...)
<persName ref="#NJF">Francisco</persName> had violated the scrupulous standard of candor about the facts and
the law that <roleName role="#solicitor_general">S.G.s</roleName>, in Republican and Democratic administrations
alike, have repeatedly said they must honor.
</p> Personal Characteristics
<salute>Dear all,</salute>
<p>With apologies for length. I'm expanding a schema …</p>
<!-- ... -->
<persName>Diane Jakacki, Ph.D.</persName>
<roleName>Digital Scholarship Coordinator</roleName>
<roleName>Affiliate Faculty in Comparative & Digital Humanities</roleName>
<orgName>Bucknell University</orgName>
<roleName>Principal Investigator</roleName>,
<orgName>LAB Cooperative</orgName> and <orgName>REED London Online</orgName>
<roleName>Chair</roleName>, <orgName>ADHO Conference Coordinating Committee</orgName>
<persName>Lal Zimman</persName>
<persPronouns value="he">(he/him/his)</persPronouns>
<ref target="#Name">(FAQ)</ref>
<persName type="IPA">[lɑɫ ˈzimn̩]</persName>
<email>zimman at ucsb dot edu</email>
<roleName>Assistant Professor of Linguistics</roleName>
<roleName>Affiliated Faculty in Feminist Studies</roleName>
<addrLine>South Hall 3518</addrLine>
<addrLine>University of California, Santa Barbara</addrLine>
1 The TEI Infrastructure
<surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of