
att.datable.custom provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events to a custom dating system (i.e. other than the Gregorian used by W3 and ISO). [13.4 Dates]
Modulo namesdates — Names, Dates, People, and Places
Membri att.datable [acquisition affiliation age altIdentifier application author binding birth bloc change climate conversion country creation custEvent date death district editor education event faith floruit funder gender geogFeat geogName idno langKnowledge langKnown licence location meeting name nationality objectName occupation offset orgName origDate origPlace origin persName persPronouns placeName population precision principal provenance region relation residence resp seal settlement sex socecStatus sponsor stamp state terrain time title trait unitDecl unitDef]
when-custom⚓︎ supplies the value of a date or time in some custom standard form.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati 1–∞ occorrenze di teidata.word separato da spazio bianco

The following are examples of custom date or time formats that are not valid ISO or W3C format normalizations, normalized to a different dating system

<p>Alhazen died in Cairo on the
<date when="1040-03-06"
12th day of Jumada t-Tania, 430 AH
<p>The current world will end at the
<date when="2012-12-21"
end of B'ak'tun 13</date>.</p>
<p>The Battle of Meggidu
(<date when-custom="Thutmose_III:23">23rd year of reign of Thutmose III</date>).</p>
<p>Esidorus bixit in pace annos LXX plus minus sub
<date when-custom="Ind:4-10-11">die XI mensis Octobris indictione IIII</date>

Not all custom date formulations will have Gregorian equivalents.

The when-custom attribute and other custom dating are not constrained to a datatype by the TEI, but individual projects are recommended to regularize and document their dating formats.

notBefore-custom⚓︎ specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati 1–∞ occorrenze di teidata.word separato da spazio bianco
notAfter-custom⚓︎ specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati 1–∞ occorrenze di teidata.word separato da spazio bianco
from-custom⚓︎ indicates the starting point of the period in some custom standard form.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati 1–∞ occorrenze di teidata.word separato da spazio bianco
<event xml:id="FIRE1"

 <head>The Great Fire of London</head>
 <p>The Great Fire of London burned through a large part
   of the city of London.</p>
to-custom⚓︎ indicates the ending point of the period in some custom standard form.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati 1–∞ occorrenze di teidata.word separato da spazio bianco
datingPoint⚓︎ supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati teidata.pointer
datingMethod⚓︎ supplies a pointer to a calendar element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati teidata.pointer
Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne
eſtate, and deſcription of that Citie, written in the yeare
<date when-custom="1598calendar="#julian"
1598</date>. by Iohn Stow
Citizen of London.

In this example, the calendar attribute points to a calendar element for the Julian calendar, specifying that the text content of the date element is a Julian date, and the datingMethod attribute also points to the Julian calendar to indicate that the content of the when-custom attribute value is Julian too.

<date when="1382-06-28"
μηνὶ Ἰουνίου εἰς <num>κ</num> ἔτους <num>ςωϞ</num>

In this example, a date is given in a Mediaeval text measured ‘from the creation of the world’, which is normalized (in when) to the Gregorian date, but is also normalized (in when-custom) to a machine-actionable, numeric version of the date from the Creation.