macro.phraseSeq (phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and phrase-level elements. [1.4.1 Standard Content Models] | |
Modul | tei — The TEI Infrastructure |
Verwendet von |
abbr actor addName addrLine affiliation author biblScope birth bloc catchwords citedRange cl colophon country death distinct distributor district docAuthor docDate edition editor education eg email expan explicit extent faith finalRubric floruit foreign forename fw genName gender geoDecl geogFeat geogName gloss headItem headLabel heraldry incipit label material measure mentioned name nameLink nationality num objectName objectType offset orgName origPlace persName persPronouns phr placeName pubPlace publisher rb region residence role roleDesc roleName rs rt rubric s secFol settlement sex soCalled socecStatus speaker stamp street surname term unit watermark wit
Content model |
<content> |
Deklaration |
<rng:define name="macro.phraseSeq"> macro.phraseSeq = ( text | model.gLike | model.attributable | model.phrase | )* |