Beispiel: <TEI> (TEI document)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <TEI> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <TEI> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI> (en)

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
    <title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title>
    <p>First published as part of TEI P2, this is the P5
         version using a namespace.</p>
    <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>
   <p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<TEI> (en)

<TEI version="2.9.1" xmlns="">
    <title>A TEI Document containing four page images </title>
    <p>Unpublished demonstration file.</p>
    <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>
  <graphic url="page1.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2.png"/>
  <graphic url="page3.png"/>
  <graphic url="page4.png"/>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<TEI> (fr)

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
    <title>Le document TEI le plus court possible.</title>
    <p>D'abord publié comme faisant partie de la TEI P2.</p>
    <p>Aucune source : il s'agit d'un document original.</p>
   <p>A peu pres, le document TEI le plus court envisageable.</p>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<TEI> (zh-TW)

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
    <p>將與TEI 中文在地化計劃等文件一同出版</p>
    <p>譯自TEI P5 英文指引</p>
   <p>這是TEI P5的中文指引...</p>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<teiCorpus> (en)

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
<!-- header for corpus -->
<!-- header for first text -->
<!-- content of first text -->
<!-- header for second text -->
<!-- content of second text -->
<!-- more TEI elements here -->
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<teiCorpus> (fr)

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
<!--[en-tête du corpus]-->
<!--[en-tête du premier texte]-->
<!--[premier texte du corpus]-->
<!--[en-tête du deuxième texte]-->
<!--[deuxième texte du corpus]-->
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<teiCorpus> (zh-TW)

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
<!-- 該文集的總header -->
<!-- 第一個文章的header -->
<!-- 第一個文章的內容 -->
<!-- 第二個文章的header -->
<!-- 第二個文章的內容 -->
<!-- 其他TEI元素 -->
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<text> (fr)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!--[ en-tête du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ annex du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ encore de textes, simples ou composites ]-->
<!--[ annex du texte composite ]-->
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- front matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
<!-- body of copy text goes here -->
<!-- back matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- front matter for composite text -->
<!-- front matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of first unitary text -->
<!-- back matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of second unitary text -->
<!-- back matter for composite text, if any -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

<group> (fr)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!--[ en-tête du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ encore de textes, simples ou composites ]-->
<!--[ annexe du texte composite ]-->
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

1 The TEI Infrastructure Language Indicators

<TEI xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎ Language Indicators

<TEI xmlns="">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎ Language Indicators

<TEI xmlns="">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="fr">
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎ Language Indicators

<TEI xmlns="">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="fr">
<!-- chapter one is in French -->
   <div xml:lang="de">
<!-- chapter two is in German -->
<!-- chapter three is French -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

2 The TEI Header

2.1.1 The TEI Header and Its Components

<TEI xmlns="">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="fr">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

2.1.1 The TEI Header and Its Components

<teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- corpus-level metadata here -->
<!-- metadata specific to this text here -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- metadata specific to this text here -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

9 Computer-mediated Communication

9.4.1 Macrostructure of CMC Collections and Documents

<teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- a corpus, collection or dataset of CMC documents -->
<!-- metadata pertaining to the corpus or CMC dataset-->
<!-- a CMC document such as a chat log or a discussion page -->
<!-- metadata pertaining to the CMC document -->
<!-- subdivisions of the CMC document e.g. in sections or threads if applicable-->
<!-- one post -->
<!-- more posts -->
<!-- more documents -->

12 Representation of Primary Sources

12.1 Digital Facsimiles

<TEI xmlns="">
  <pb facs="page1.png"/>
<!-- text contained on page 1 is encoded here -->
  <pb facs="page2.png"/>
<!-- text contained on page 2 is encoded here -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

16 Language Corpora

16.1 Varieties of Composite Text

<teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

16.1 Varieties of Composite Text

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

16.1 Varieties of Composite Text

<teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- metadata for entire corpus -->
 <teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- metadata for news sub-corpus -->
<!-- metadata for article #1 -->
<!-- transcription of article #1 -->
<!-- metadata for article #2 -->
<!-- transcription of article #2 -->
<!-- metadata for article #3 -->
<!-- transcription of article #3 -->
<!-- metadata for article #4 -->
<!-- transcription of article #4 -->
 <teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- metadata for editorial sub-corpus -->
<!-- metadata for editorial #1 -->
<!-- transcription of editorial #1 -->
<!-- metadata for editorial #2 -->
<!-- transcription of editorial #2 -->
 <teiCorpus xmlns="">
<!-- metadata for reviews -->
<!-- metadata for review #1 -->
<!-- transcription of review #1 -->
<!-- metadata for review #2 -->
<!-- transcription of review #2 -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

16.3.1 Combining Corpus and Text Headers

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- corpus file description-->
<!-- default encoding description -->
<!-- corpus revision description -->
 <TEI xmlns="">
<!-- file description for this corpus text -->
<!-- first corpus text -->
 <TEI xmlns="">
<!-- file description for this corpus text -->
<!-- encoding description for this corpus text, over-riding the default -->
<!-- second corpus text -->
 <TEI xmlns="">
<!-- file description for third corpus text -->
<!-- third corpus text -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

17.10 The <standOff> Container

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="Cilicia">
    <idno type="URI"></idno>
   <place xml:id="Creta">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Creta</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Crete</placeName>
    <idno type="URI"></idno>
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="Rhodus">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Rhodus</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Rhodes</placeName>
    <idno type="URI"></idno>
   <place xml:id="Syria">
    <idno type="URI"></idno>
<!-- ... -->
   <div type="edition"

    <div type="textpartn="1"

     <head>Bellum Alexandrinum</head>
     <p n="1xml:id="p1">
      <seg n="1xml:id="seg-1.1">Bello Alexandrino conflato <persName ref="#Caesar">Caesar</persName>
         <placeName ref="#Rhodus">Rhodo</placeName>
        <rdg wit="#Sana="#orthographical">Ordo</rdg>
       </app> atque ex <placeName ref="#Syria">Syria</placeName>
       <placeName ref="#Cilicia">Cilicia</placeName>que omnem classem arcessit; <app>
         <placeName ref="#Creta">Creta</placeName>
        <rdg wit="#Sana="#orthographical">certa</rdg>
       </app> sagittarios, equites ab rege <orgName ref="#Nabataei">Nabataeorum</orgName>
       <persName ref="#Malchus">Malcho</persName> euocat; tormenta undique conquiri et
             frumentum mitti, auxilia adduci iubet.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

17.11 Annotations

<TEI xmlns="">
    <title>De Bello Gallico</title>
<!-- ... -->
   <div type="edition">
    <div type="textpartsubtype="chapter"

     <p n="1xml:id="c1p1">
      <seg n="1xml:id="c1p1s1">Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam
             incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra
             Galli appellantur.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
      <seg n="6xml:id="c1p1s6">Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur,
             pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et
             orientem solem.</seg>
      <seg n="7xml:id="c1p1s7">Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et
             eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet; spectat inter occasum solis
             et septentriones.]</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Ch. 2 etc. ... -->
   <place xml:id="Gallia">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Gallia</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Gaul</placeName>
    <idno type="URI"></idno>
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="">
<!-- Metadata applying just to the set of annotations -->
    <annotation xml:id="ann01"

     <respStmt xml:id="ed">
      <persName>Fred Editor</persName>
      <change status="created"

      <change status="modified"

     <licence target=""/>
<!-- Gallia in seg 1 -->
     <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6)"/>
<!-- Galliae in seg 6 -->
     <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7)"/>
<!-- ... -->

<standOff> (en)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
    <w xml:id="w51">I</w>
    <w xml:id="w52">wanna</w>
    <w xml:id="w53">put</w>
    <w xml:id="w54">up</w>
    <w xml:id="w55">new</w>
    <w xml:id="w56">wallpaper</w>
<!-- ... -->
 <standOff type="morphosyntax">
  <spanGrp type="wordForm">
   <span target="#w51ana="#fs01"/>
   <span target="#w52ana="#fs02"/>
   <span target="#w52ana="#fs03"/>
   <span target="#w53 #w54ana="#fs04"/>
   <span target="#w55ana="#fs05"/>
   <span target="#w56ana="#fs06"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs01">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="PP"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs02">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="VBP"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs03">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="TO"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs04">
   <f name="lemma">
    <string>put up</string>
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="VB"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs05">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="JJ"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs06">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="NN"/>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<standOff> (en)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="LATL">
     <region key="US-GA">Georgia</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.755 -84.39</geo>
    <population when="1963"

   <place xml:id="LBHM">
     <region key="US-AL">Alabama</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.653333 -86.808889</geo>
    <population when="1963"

<!-- ... -->
   <p>Moreover, I am <choice>
    </choice> of the interrelatedness of all communities and
   <lb/>states. I cannot sit idly by in <placeName ref="#LATL">Atlanta</placeName> and not be concerned about what happens
   <lb/>in <placeName ref="#LBHM">Birmingham</placeName>. <seg xml:id="FQ17">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</seg> We
   <lb/>are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment
   <lb/>of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never
   <lb/>again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial <soCalled rendition="#Rqms">outside agitator</soCalled>
    <lb/>idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered
   <lb/>an outsider anywhere in this country.</p>
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

19 Feature Structures

19.11.1 Linking a TEI Text to Feature System Declarations

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- example -->
<!-- ... -->
    <fsDecl type="gpsg">
<!-- information about this type -->
    <fsDecl type="lex">
<!-- information about this type -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <fs type="lex">
<!-- an instance of the typed feature structure "lex" -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

19.11.1 Linking a TEI Text to Feature System Declarations

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- doc2 -->
<!-- ... -->
    <fsdLink type="gpsg"

    <fsdLink type="lexx"

<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <fs type="lexx">
<!-- an instance of the typed feature structure "lex" -->
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

19.11.5 A Complete Example

<TEI xmlns="">
    <title>A sample FSD based on an extract from Gazdar
         et al.'s GPSG feature system for English</title>
     <resp>encoded by</resp>
     <name>Gary F. Simons</name>
    <p>This sample was first encoded by Gary F. Simons (Summer
         Institute of Linguistics, Dallas, TX) on January 28, 1991.
         Revised April 8, 1993 to match the specification of FSDs
         in version P2 of the TEI Guidelines. Revised again December 2004 to
         be consistent with the feature structure representation standard
         jointly developed with ISO TC37/SC4.
    <p>This sample FSD does not describe a complete feature
         system. It is based on extracts from the feature system
         for English presented in the appendix (pages 245–247) of
         Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, by Gazdar, Klein,
         Pullum, and Sag (Harvard University Press, 1985).</p>
  <fsDecl type="GPSG">
   <fsDescr>Encodes a feature structure for the GPSG analysis
       of English (after Gazdar, Klein, Pullum, and Sag)</fsDescr>
   <fDecl name="INV">
    <fDescr>inverted sentence</fDescr>
      <binary value="true"/>
      <binary value="false"/>
     <binary value="false"/>
   <fDecl name="CONJ">
    <fDescr>surface form of the conjunction</fDescr>
      <symbol value="and"/>
      <symbol value="both"/>
      <symbol value="but"/>
      <symbol value="either"/>
      <symbol value="neither"/>
      <symbol value="nor"/>
      <symbol value="or"/>
      <symbol value="NIL"/>
     <binary value="false"/>
   <fDecl name="COMP">
    <fDescr>surface form of the complementizer</fDescr>
      <symbol value="for"/>
      <symbol value="that"/>
      <symbol value="whether"/>
      <symbol value="if"/>
      <symbol value="NIL"/>
       <f name="VFORM">
        <symbol value="INF"/>
       <f name="SUBJ">
        <binary value="true"/>
      <symbol value="for"/>
   <fDecl name="AGR">
    <fDescr>agreement for person and number</fDescr>
     <fs type="Agreement"/>
   <fDecl name="PFORM">
    <fDescr>word form of a preposition</fDescr>
      <f name="INV">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="AUX">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="VFORM">
       <symbol value="FIN"/>
      <f name="BAR">
       <symbol value="0"/>
      <f name="N">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="V">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="SUBCAT">
       <binary value="true"/>
      <f name="BAR">
       <symbol value="1"/>
      <f name="SUBCAT">
       <binary value="false"/>
  <fsDecl type="Agreement">
   <fsDescr>This type of feature structure encodes the features
       for subject-verb agreement in English</fsDescr>
   <fDecl name="PERS">
    <fDescr>person (first, second, or third)</fDescr>
      <symbol value="1"/>
      <symbol value="2"/>
      <symbol value="3"/>
   <fDecl name="NUM">
    <fDescr>number (singular or plural)</fDescr>
      <symbol value="sg"/>
      <symbol value="pl"/>