Beispiel: <altGrp> (alternation group)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <altGrp> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <altGrp> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

17.8 Alternation

 <seg exclude="#lee2xml:id="we2"
 <seg exclude="#we2xml:id="lee2"
<seg exclude="#sun2xml:id="fun2"
 <seg exclude="#fun2xml:id="sun2"
at the beach today.
 <alt target="#we2 #lee2"/>
 <alt target="#fun2 #sun2"/>
 <alt target="#we2 #fun2mode="incl"
  weights="0.5 0.5"/>

 <alt target="#lee2 #fun2mode="incl"
  weights="1.0 0.6"/>


17.8 Alternation

<div xml:id="bmtype="song">
 <l>Her skin is tender as
 <seg xml:id="dm">Dimaggio's</seg>
  <seg xml:id="lt">a leather</seg>
  <seg xml:id="bb">a baseball</seg>
 <l xml:id="rl">and she bats from right to left.</l>
 <l xml:id="db">now ain't that too damn bad.</l>
 <alt target="#dm #lt #bbmode="excl"
  weights="0.5 0.25 0.25"/>

 <alt target="#rl #dbmode="excl"
  weights="0.50 0.50"/>

<altGrp mode="incl">
 <alt target="#dm #rlweights="0.90 0.90"/>
 <alt target="#lt #rlweights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt target="#bb #rlweights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt target="#dm #dbweights="0.10 0.10"/>
 <alt target="#lt #dbweights="0.45 0.90"/>
 <alt target="#bb #dbweights="0.45 0.90"/>

<altGrp> (en)

<altGrp mode="excl">
 <alt target="#dm #lt #bb"
  weights="0.5 0.25 0.25"/>

 <alt target="#rl #dbweights="0.5 0.5"/>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<altGrp> (fr)

<altGrp mode="excl">
 <alt target="#fr_dm #fr_lt #fr_bb"
  weights="0.5 0.25 0.25"/>

 <alt target="#fr_rl #fr_db"
  weights="0.5 0.5"/>

bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<altGrp> (fr)

<altGrp mode="incl">
 <alt target="#fr_dm #fr_rl"
  weights="0.90 0.90"/>

 <alt target="#fr_lt #fr_rl"
  weights="0.5 0.5"/>

 <alt target="#fr_bb #fr_rl"
  weights="0.5 0.5"/>

 <alt target="#fr_dm #fr_db"
  weights="0.10 0.10"/>

 <alt target="#fr_lt #fr_db"
  weights="0.45 0.90"/>

 <alt target="#fr_bb #fr_db"
  weights="0.45 0.90"/>

bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<altGrp> (en)

<altGrp mode="incl">
 <alt target="#dm #rlweights="0.90 0.90"/>
 <alt target="#lt #rlweights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt target="#bb #rlweights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt target="#dm #dbweights="0.10 0.10"/>
 <alt target="#lt #dbweights="0.45 0.90"/>
 <alt target="#bb #dbweights="0.45 0.90"/>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

14 Names, Dates, People, and Places

14.3.5 Events

<!-- ========= events ========= -->
  <event xml:id="DB-3Fwhere="#WWIIEast"

   <head>Luftwaffe shoots down Ilyushin Il-4</head>
   <head type="short">DB-3F</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="7000"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-IC">Іван Чиссов</persName>
  <event xml:id="SCPwhere="#l-GSN"

   <head>Snap, Crackle, Pop is shot down by German flak</head>
   <head type="short">B-17</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="6700"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-AM">Alan Magee</persName>
  <event xml:id="DS664where="#l-Obe"

   <head>Avro Lancaster shot down by Junkers Ju 88</head>
   <head type="short">Lancaster</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="5490"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-NA">Nicholas Alkemade</persName>
  <event xml:id="LANSA508where="#l-PI"

   <head>LANSA 508 struck by lightning</head>
   <head type="short">Amazon rainforest</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="3000"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-JK">Juliane Diller (née Koepcke)</persName>
  <event xml:id="jat367where="#l-Seb"

   <head>Bombing of Yugoslav Airlines Flight 367</head>
   <head type="short">JAT 367</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="10050"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-VV">Весна Вуловић</persName>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <event xml:id="BGwhere="#l-KorZ"

   <head>SAS parachute failure</head>
   <head type="short">Bear Grylls</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="4877"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-BG"/>
  <event xml:id="CMwhere="#l-Joh"

   <head>Johannesburg parachute failure</head>
   <head type="short">Christine McKenzie</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="3353"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-CM">Christine McKenzie</persName>
  <event xml:id="JBKwhere="#l-Kam"

   <head>Cameraman fails to open chute</head>
   <head type="short">Sport videographer</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="1829"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-JB"/>
<!-- ========= places ========= -->
  <place xml:id="l-GSN">
   <placeName xml:lang="fr">Gare de Saint-Nazaire</placeName>
    <geo>47.28657 -2.21171</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-Joh">
    <country>South Africa</country>
    <region type="province">Gauteng</region>
  <place xml:id="l-Kam">
   <placeName xml:lang="ru">Камчатке</placeName>
    <region>Kamchatka Krai</region>
  <place xml:id="l-Ken">
  <place xml:id="l-Obexml:lang="de">
    <region type="state">Nordrhein-Westfalen</region>
    <geo cert="low">51.154 8.357</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-PIxml:lang="es">
   <placeName>Puerto Inca</placeName>
    <district>Puerto Inca</district>
  <place xml:id="l-Sch">
   <placeName xml:lang="de">Schmallenberg</placeName>
   <placeName xml:lang="wep">Smalmereg</placeName>
  <place xml:id="l-Seb">
   <placeName xml:lang="de">Sebnitz</placeName>
    <geo>50.966667 14.283333</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-WWIIEast">
   <name>Eastern Front</name>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <place xml:id="l-Zam">
<!-- ========= people ========= -->
  <person xml:id="p-VV">
   <persName xml:lang="sr-Cyrl">Весна Вуловић</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="sr-Latn">Vesna Vulović</persName>
   <birth when="1950-01-03"/>
   <death when="2016-12-23"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-IC">
   <persName xml:lang="uk-Cyrl">Іван Михайлович Чиссов</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="ru-Cyrl">Иван Михайлович Чисов</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="uk-Latn">Ivan Mikhailovich Chisov</persName>
   <birth when="1916"/>
   <death when="1986"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-AM">
   <persName>Alan Eugene Magee</persName>
   <birth when="1919-01-13"/>
   <death when="2003-12-20"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-NA">
   <persName>Nicholas Stephen Alkemade</persName>
   <birth when="1922-12-10"/>
   <death when="1987-06-22"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-BG">
   <persName>Edward Michael Grylls</persName>
   <birth when="1974-06-07"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-JK">
   <persName>Juliane Koepcke</persName>
   <birth when="1954-10-10"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-JB">
   <persName>James Boole</persName>
   <birth>1978, give or take a year</birth>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

<!-- ========= conjunctions and disjunctions ========= -->
 <altGrp type="location">
  <alt xml:id="l-KorZ"
   target="#l-Ken #l-Zam"/>

bibliographie ⚓︎