Ejemplo: <biblScope> (scope of bibliographic reference)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <biblScope> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <biblScope> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.12.1 Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References

<listBibl>    <head>Bibliography</head>    <biblStruct xml:id="NELSON80">       <analytic>         <author>           <persName>             <surname>Nelson</surname>             <forename>Theodore</forename>             <forename>Holm</forename>           </persName>         </author>         <title level="a">Replacing the printed word:              a complete literary system</title>       </analytic>       <monogr>          <title level="m">Information Processing '80:  Proceedings of the IFIPS              Congress, October 1980</title>          <editor>            <persName>              <forename>Simon</forename>              <forename>H.</forename>              <surname>Lavington</surname>            </persName>          </editor>          <imprint>             <publisher>North-Holland</publisher>             <pubPlace>Amsterdam</pubPlace>             <date when="1980"/>          </imprint>          <biblScope unit="pagefrom="1013"
1013–23</biblScope>       </monogr>       <note>Apparently a draft of section 4 of            <title level="m">Literary Machines</title>.</note>    </biblStruct>      <bibl xml:id="NELSON88"><author><persName><forename>Ted</forename> <surname>Nelson</surname></persName></author><title level="u">Literary Machines</title> (privately published,  <date when="1987">1987</date>).</bibl>      <bibl xml:id="BAXTER88"><author><persName><surname>Baxter</surname><forename>Glen</forename></persName></author>: <title level="m">Glen Baxter His Life: the years of struggle</title>  <pubPlace>London</pubPlace><publisher>Thames and Hudson</publisher><date when="1988">1988</date>.</bibl> </listBibl>
bibliografía ⚓︎

3.12.1 Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References

  <bibl xml:id="NEL80">
   <author>Nelson, T. H.</author>
   <title level="a">Replacing the printed word:
       a complete literary system</title>.
  <title level="m">Information Processing '80:
       Proceedings of the IFIPS Congress, October 1980</title>.
  <editor>Simon H. Lavington</editor>
  <biblScope>pp 1013–23
   <note>Apparently a draft of section 4 of
   <title>Literary Machines</title>.</note>
  <bibl xml:id="NEL88">Ted Nelson: <title>Literary Machines</title>
     (privately published, 1987)</bibl>
  <bibl xml:id="BAX88">
   <author>Baxter, Glen</author>
   <title>Glen Baxter His Life: the years of struggle</title>
     London: Thames and Hudson, 1988.
bibliografía ⚓︎ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

<bibl type="article"

<title level="a">A propos de la rue de la Femme-sans-Tête</title>,
<bibl type="monogr">
  <title level="j">La Cité</title>,
 <date when="1911-01">janvier 1911</date>, pp. <biblScope unit="pagefrom="5to="17">5-17</biblScope>.
bibliografía ⚓︎ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

  <author>Albert Schachter</author>
  <title level="a">Iolaos</title>
  <title level="m">Herakles to Poseidon</title>
  <biblScope unit="page">64-70</biblScope>
  <title level="m">Cults of Boiotia</title>
  <extent>4 vols.</extent>
  <biblScope unit="part">2</biblScope>
  <title level="s">Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
  <biblScope unit="volume">38</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

  <title level="a">A Draft Proposal for a Standard for the
     Coding of Machine Readable Sources</title>
  <title level="j">Historical Social Research</title>
   <date when="1986-10">October 1986</date>
  <biblScope unit="volume">40</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="pagefrom="3to="46">3-46</biblScope>
  <title level="m">Modelling Historical Data:
     Towards a Standard for Encoding and
     Exchanging Machine-Readable Texts</title>
    <forename full="init">I.</forename>
  <imprint xml:lang="de">
   <pubPlace>St. Katharinen</pubPlace>
   <publisher>Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte
       In Kommission bei
       Scripta Mercaturae Verlag</publisher>
   <date when="1991"/>
 <series xml:lang="de">
  <title level="s">Halbgraue Reihe
     zur Historischen Fachinformatik</title>
   <resp>Herausgegeben von</resp>
   <name type="person">Manfred Thaller</name>
   <name type="org">Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte</name>
  <title level="s">Serie A: Historische Quellenkunden</title>
  <biblScope unit="volume">11</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

  <title level="a">Markup Systems and The Future of Scholarly Text
  <idno type="DOI">10.1145/32206.32209</idno>
  <ref target="http://xml.coverpages.org/coombs.html">http://xml.coverpages.org/coombs.html</ref>
  <title level="j">Communications of the ACM</title>
  <biblScope unit="volume">30</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="issue">11</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="page">933–947</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels

<bibl xml:id="NELSON_80">
 <date when="1980">1980</date>.
<title level="a">Replacing the printed word: a complete literary
   system</title>. In <title level="m">Information Processing '80: Proceedings of the
   IFIPS Congress, October 1980</title>,
<biblScope unit="page">1013-23</biblScope>.
<pubPlace>Amsterdam</pubPlace>: <publisher>North-
   Holland</publisher>. (<note>Apparently a draft of section 4 of
 <ref target="#NELSON_88">
   <title level="m">Literary

bibliografía ⚓︎

<analytic> (en)

  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<monogr> (en)

  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>
  <biblScope unit="pagefrom="377to="380">377–380</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<monogr> (en)

<biblStruct type="book">
    <forename>Leo Joachim</forename>
  <title type="mainlevel="m">Lower Umpqua Texts</title>
   <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
   <publisher>Columbia University Press</publisher>
  <title type="mainlevel="s">Columbia University Contributions to
  <biblScope unit="volume">4</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<series> (en)

<series xml:lang="de">
 <title level="s">Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Fachinformatik</title>
  <resp>Herausgegeben von</resp>
  <name type="person">Manfred Thaller</name>
  <name type="org">Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte</name>
 <title level="s">Serie A: Historische Quellenkunden</title>
 <biblScope>Band 11</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎ Titles, Authors, and Editors

  <author ref="http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2001067434">
  <title>Notes on Manuscripts of the
  <title level="mxml:lang="fr">Prophécies de Merlin</title>
  <title level="j">PMLA</title>
  <biblScope unit="volume">8</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="page">122</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Titles, Authors, and Editors

<bibl>Saarikoski, Pirkko-Liisa, and Paavo Suomalainen,
<title level="atype="main">Studies on the physiology of
   the hibernating hedgehog, 15</title>
 <title level="atype="sub">Effects of seasonal
   and temperature changes on the in vitro glycerol release from
   brown adipose tissue</title>
 <title level="j">Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Ser. A4</title>
 <biblScope unit="volume">187</biblScope>
 <biblScope unit="pageto="4">1-4</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Titles, Authors, and Editors

 <monogr xml:lang="de">
  <title level="m">Des Minnesangs Frühling</title>
  <note place="inline">Mit 1 Faksimile</note>
  <edition>36., neugestaltete und erweiterte Auflage</edition>
   <resp>Unter Benutzung der Ausgaben von <name>Karl
         Lachmann</name> und <name>Moriz Haupt</name>, <name>Friedrich
         Vogt</name> und <name>Carl von Kraus</name> bearbeitet von</resp>
   <name>Hugo Moser</name>
   <name>Helmut Tervooren</name>
   <publisher>S. Hirzel Verlag</publisher>
  <biblScope unit="volume">I Texte</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations

    <forename full="init">E.</forename>
    <forename full="init">A.</forename>
  <title level="a">Parish registers and the historian</title>
    <forename full="init">D.</forename>
    <forename full="init">J.</forename>
    <forename full="init">A.</forename>
    <forename full="init">E.</forename>
    <forename full="init">F.</forename>
  <title level="m">General sources of births, marriages and deaths before 1837</title>
   <publisher>Society of Genealogists</publisher>
   <date when="1968"/>
  <biblScope unit="pagefrom="155to="167">155–167</biblScope>
  <title level="s">National index of parish registers</title>
  <biblScope unit="volume">1</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations

  <author>Boguraev, Branimir</author>
  <author>Neff, Mary</author>
  <title level="a">Text Representation, Dictionary Structure,
     and Lexical Knowledge</title>
  <title level="j">Literary &amp; Linguistic Computing</title>
  <biblScope unit="volume">7</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="issue">2</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="page">110-112</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations

  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title level="a">Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>
  <biblScope from="377to="380">377–380</biblScope>
⚓︎ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations

  <author>Chesnutt, David</author>
  <title level="a">Historical Editions in the States</title>
  <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>
   <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>
  <biblScope unit="pagefrom="377to="380">377–380</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎

<biblScope> (en)

<biblScope>pp 12–34</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="pagefrom="12to="34"/>
<biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="page">12</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<biblScope> (fr)

<biblScope>pp 12–34</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="pagefrom="12to="34"/>
<biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="page">12</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<biblScope> (zh-TW)

<biblScope>頁數 12–34</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="頁數from="12to="34"/>
<biblScope unit="">II</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="頁數">12</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<biblStruct> (en)

<biblStruct type="newspaper">
  <title type="main">Trump Took Part in Suspect Schemes to Evade Tax Bills</title>
  <title type="sub">Behind the Myth of a Self-Made Billionaire, a Vast Inheritance From His Father</title>
  <title level="j">The New York Times</title>
   <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
   <publisher>A. G. Sulzberger</publisher>
   <date when="2018-10-03">Wednesday, October 3, 2018</date>
  <biblScope unit="volume">CLXVIII</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="issue">58,104</biblScope>
  <biblScope unit="page">1</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎ Notes and Statement of Language

 <author>Coombs, James H., Allen H. Renear,
   and Steven J. DeRose.</author>
 <title level="a">Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly
   Text Processing.</title>
 <title level="j">Communications of the ACM</title>
 <biblScope>30.11 (November 1987): 933–947.</biblScope>
 <note>Classic polemic supporting descriptive over procedural
   markup in scholarly work.</note>
bibliografía ⚓︎

3.12.3 Bibliographic Pointers

Nelson claims (<bibl corresp="#NEL80">Nelson [1980] pages <biblScope unit="pagefrom="13to="37">13–37</biblScope>
</bibl>) ...
bibliografía ⚓︎

3.12.3 Bibliographic Pointers

  <title level="a">Beyond the Scriptorium: The Role of the Library in Text
  <ref target="https://www.dlib.org/dlib/january02/sukovic/01sukovic.html">https://www.dlib.org/dlib/january02/sukovic/01sukovic.html</ref>
  <title level="j">D-Lib</title>
   <biblScope unit="volume">8</biblScope>
   <biblScope unit="issue">1</biblScope>
bibliografía ⚓︎

1 The TEI Infrastructure Sources, certainty, and responsibility

<!-- ... -->
 <quote source="#chicago-15_ed">Grammatical theories
   are in flux, and the more we learn, the less we
   seem to know.</quote>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<bibl xml:id="chicago-15_ed">
 <title level="m">The Chicago Manual of Style</title>,
<edition>15th edition</edition>.
<publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
<biblScope unit="page">p.147</biblScope>.


att.global.source (en)

<!-- ... -->
 <quote source="#chicago_15_ed">Grammatical theories are in flux, and the more we learn, the
   less we seem to know.</quote>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<bibl xml:id="chicago_15_ed">
 <title level="m">The Chicago Manual of Style</title>,
<edition>15th edition</edition>. <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>: <publisher>University of
   Chicago Press</publisher> (<date>2003</date>), <biblScope unit="page">p.147</biblScope>.


2 The TEI Header

2.2.5 The Series Statement

 <title level="s">Machine-Readable Texts for the Study of
   Indian Literature</title>
  <resp>ed. by</resp>
  <name>Jan Gonda</name>
 <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope>
 <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno>

<seriesStmt> (en)

 <title>Machine-Readable Texts for the Study of Indian Literature</title>
  <resp>ed. by</resp>
  <name>Jan Gonda</name>
 <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope>
 <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<seriesStmt> (zh-TW)

 <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno>
 <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

11 Manuscript Description

11.3.5 References to Locations within a Manuscript

 <locus facs="images/08v.jpg images/09r.jpg images/09v.jpg images/10r.jpg images/10v.jpg">fols. 8v-10v</locus>
 <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>

<locus> (fr)

 <locus facs="images/08v.jpg images/09r.jpg images/09v.jpg images/10r.jpg images/10v.jpg">fols. 8v-10v</locus>
 <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<locus> (en)

 <locus facs="images/08v.jpg images/09r.jpg images/09v.jpg images/10r.jpg images/10v.jpg">fols. 8v-10v</locus>
 <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎

11.6 Intellectual Content

 <msItem n="1">
  <locus>fols. 5r -7v</locus>
  <title>An ABC</title>
 <msItem n="2">
  <locus>fols. 7v -8v</locus>
  <title xml:lang="fr">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title>
 <msItem n="3">
  <locus>fol. 8v</locus>
 <msItem n="4">
  <locus>fols. 8v-10v</locus>
  <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
 <msItem n="5">
  <locus>fols. 10v -11v</locus>
  <title xml:lang="la">De amico ad amicam</title>
  <title xml:lang="la">Responcio</title>
   <biblScope>16 &amp; 19</biblScope>
 <msItem n="6">
  <locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus>
  <title>Troilus and Criseyde</title>
  <note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to mutilation

<msContents> (zh-TW)

 <msItem n="1">
  <locus>fols. 109-119</locus>
 <msItem n="2">
  <locus>fols. 120-129</locus>
  <title xml:lang="zh-TW">金剛經疏</title>
 <msItem n="3">
  <locus>fol. 1-1070</locus>
 <msItem n="4">
  <locus>fols. 771-775</locus>
 <msItem n="5">
  <locus>fols. 752-757</locus>
 <msItem n="6">
  <locus>fols. 1-8</locus>
bibliografía Mostrar todo ⚓︎

<msContents> (en)

 <msItem n="1">
  <locus>fols. 5r-7v</locus>
  <title>An ABC</title>
 <msItem n="2">
  <locus>fols. 7v-8v</locus>
  <title xml:lang="frm">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title>
 <msItem n="3">
  <locus>fol. 8v</locus>
 <msItem n="4">
  <locus>fols. 8v-10v</locus>
  <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
 <msItem n="5">
  <locus>fols. 10v-11v</locus>
  <title xml:lang="la">De amico ad amicam</title>
  <title xml:lang="la">Responcio</title>
   <biblScope>16 &amp; 19</biblScope>
 <msItem n="6">
  <locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus>
  <title>Troilus and Criseyde</title>
  <note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to mutilation throughout</note>
Mostrar todo ⚓︎ Record History

  <p>Information transcribed from <bibl>
    <title>The index of Middle English

16 Language Corpora

<derivation> (en)

<derivation type="translation"

<!-- ... -->
<!-- in the sourceDesc: -->
<bibl xml:id="rosette">
 <author>de Béranger, Pierre-Jean</author>. <date>1839</date>. "<title level="a">Rosette</title>". In <editor>H. Fournier</editor>, ed. <title level="m">Œuvres complètes de Béranger</title>. <biblScope unit="volume">Vol 2</biblScope> (p. <biblScope unit="page">29-30</biblScope>).
bibliografía Mostrar todo ⚓︎