Ejemplo: <email> (electronic mail address)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <email> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <email> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.6.2 Addresses

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<email> (en)

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<email> (fr)

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9 Computer-mediated Communication

9.5.4 Participants

<!-- In the <teiHeader>: --><profileDesc>
   <person role="usersex="male"

    <persName type="userName">M</persName>
    <note type="link">/wiki/User:M</note>
<!-- … more persons … -->
   <person role="usersex="female"

    <persName type="userName">P</persName>
    <note type="link">/wiki/User:P</note>
   <person role="userxml:id="cmc_user_07">
    <persName type="userName">PKP</persName>
    <note type="link">/wiki/User:Pi</note>
<!-- In the <body>: -->
<div type="wiki_discussion_pagen="073">
<!-- 4 other <post>s -->
 <post modality="written"

  <p>Those haven't happened. If they do, we can revisit the concern.</p>
  <signed generatedBy="template"

   <ref target="/wiki/User:P">P</ref>
   <date>01:35, 8 April 2014 (UTC)</date>
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14 Names, Dates, People, and Places Personal Characteristics

<div type="email">
  <salute>Dear all,</salute>
 <p>With apologies for length. I'm expanding a schema …</p>
<!-- ... -->
  <persName>Diane Jakacki, Ph.D.</persName>
  <roleName>Digital Scholarship Coordinator</roleName>
  <roleName>Affiliate Faculty in Comparative &amp; Digital Humanities</roleName>
  <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName>
  <roleName>Principal Investigator</roleName>,
  <orgName>LAB Cooperative</orgName> and <orgName>REED London Online</orgName>
  <roleName>Chair</roleName>, <orgName>ADHO Conference Coordinating Committee</orgName>
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<persPronouns> (en)

 <persName>Lal Zimman</persName>
 <persPronouns value="he">(he/him/his)</persPronouns>
 <ref target="#Name">(FAQ)</ref>
 <persName type="IPA">[lɑɫ ˈzimn̩]</persName>
 <email>zimman at ucsb dot edu</email>
 <roleName>Assistant Professor of Linguistics</roleName>
 <roleName>Affiliated Faculty in Feminist Studies</roleName>
  <addrLine>South Hall 3518</addrLine>
  <addrLine>University of California, Santa Barbara</addrLine>
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