: <listEvent> (list of events)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <listEvent> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <listEvent> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

14 Names, Dates, People, and Places

<eventName> (en)

 <event from="1939-09-01to="1945-09-02">
  <eventName xml:lang="de">Zweiter Weltkrieg</eventName>
  <eventName xml:lang="en">World War II</eventName>
  <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/4079167-1</idno>
  <idno type="Wikidata">https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q362</idno>
  <event from="1939-09-01to="1939-10-06"

   <eventName xml:lang="de">Überfall auf Polen</eventName>
   <eventName xml:lang="en">Invasion of Poland</eventName>
   <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/4175002-0</idno>
   <idno type="LOC">https://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh85148341</idno>
   <listPlace type="affected">
     <placeName xml:lang="pl">Gdańsk</placeName>
      <geo>54.350556 18.652778</geo>
  <event from="1941-06-22to="1945-05-09">
   <eventName xml:lang="de">Deutsch-Sowjetischer Krieg</eventName>
   <eventName xml:lang="ru">Великая Отечественная война</eventName>
   <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/4076906-9</idno>
   <idno type="Wikidata">https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q189266</idno>
一括表示 ⚓︎

<event> (en)

 <event when="1618-05-23"

  <eventName>1618 Defenestration of Prague</eventName>
  <listPerson type="defenstrated">
    <persName>Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic</persName>
    <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/116810998</idno>
    <persName>Vilém Slavata z Chlumu a Košumberka</persName>
    <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/1018376615</idno>
    <persName>Filip Fabricius</persName>
    <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/133946118</idno>
  <place xml:id="Prague">
 <event from="1618to="1648"

  <eventName>Thirty Years’ War</eventName>
  <event when="1643-03-19"

   <eventName>Battle of Rocroi</eventName>
   <idno type="Wikidata">https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q728480</idno>
   <idno type="GND">https://d-nb.info/gnd/4202901-6</idno>
   <place xml:id="Rocroi">
     <geo decls="#WGS">49.926111 4.522222</geo>
一括表示 ⚓︎

<event> (en)

<listEvent type="generated">
 <event xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001"

  <head>Nr. 1 Ministerrat, Wien, 1. April 1848</head>
  <label>Ministerratssitzung <date when="1848-04-01">1848-04-01</date>, aus Band 1 1/1, März 1848–21. November 1848</label>
  <listEvent type="agenda_items">
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>I. Enthebung Baron Karl Friedrich v. Kübecks als Finanzminister und Ernennung des Freiherrn Philipp v. Krauß zu seinem Nachfolger</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>II. Ernennung FML. Peter Zaninis zum Kriegsminister</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>III. Öffentliche Erklärung über die konstitutionellen Grundsätze; Umformung des Staatsrates</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>IV. Kriegserklärung Sardiniens; Vorgehen Radetzkys; Bestellung eines Hofkommissärs für Lombardo-Venetien</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>V. Beeidigung der Minister</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>VI. Tumulte im Kärntnertortheater</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>VII. Bewegung der tschechischen demokratischen Partei; Berufung Paul Josef Safaiřiks nach Wien</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>VIII. Behandlung der aus Lombardo-Venetien vertriebenen Justiz- und politischen Beamten</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>IX. Besetzung der Landeschef- und Ständepräsidentenposten in Prag; böhmische Deputation in Wien</label>
  <listPerson type="attendants">
   <person role="chair">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8141">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8145">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8154">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8148">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8151">
   <person role="signed-protocol">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8141">
    <note>BdE. <date when="1848-04-02">2. 4.</date>
   <person role="signed-protocol">
    <persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/9251">
     <surname>Franz Karl</surname>
    <note>BdE. <date when="1848-04-02">2. 4.</date>
   <place xml:id="Wien">
    <placeName xml:lang="de">Wien</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Vienna</placeName>
     <geo>48.208199 16.37169</geo>
    <idno type="GeoNames">https://sws.geonames.org/2761369</idno>
<!-- ... -->
一括表示 ⚓︎

<listEvent> (en)

 <head>Battles of the American Civil War: Kentucky</head>
 <event xml:id="event01when="1861-09-19">
  <desc>The Battle of Barbourville was one of the early engagements of
     the American Civil War. It occurred September 19, 1861, in Knox
     County, Kentucky during the campaign known as the Kentucky Confederate
     Offensive. The battle is considered the first Confederate victory in
     the commonwealth, and threw a scare into Federal commanders, who
     rushed troops to central Kentucky in an effort to repel the invasion,
     which was finally thwarted at the <ref target="#event02">Battle of
       Camp Wildcat</ref> in October.</desc>
 <event xml:id="event02when="1861-10-21">
  <label>Camp Wild Cat</label>
  <desc>The Battle of Camp Wildcat (also known as Wildcat Mountain and Camp
     Wild Cat) was one of the early engagements of the American Civil
     War. It occurred October 21, 1861, in northern Laurel County, Kentucky
     during the campaign known as the Kentucky Confederate Offensive. The
     battle is considered one of the very first Union victories, and marked
     the first engagement of troops in the commonwealth of Kentucky.</desc>
 <event xml:id="event03from="1864-06-11"

  <desc>The Battle of Cynthiana (or Kellar’s Bridge) was an engagement
     during the American Civil War that was fought on June 11 and 12, 1864,
     in Harrison County, Kentucky, near the town of Cynthiana. A part of
     Confederate Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan's 1864 Raid into
     Kentucky, the battle resulted in a victory by Union forces over the
     raiders and saved the town from capture.</desc>
一括表示 ⚓︎

14.3.5 Events

  <event when="1713"

   <label>Treaty of Utrecht</label>
<!-- The following example presupposes that the editors of the TEI document decided to understand legislation or a treaty as an <gi>event</gi>, which itself may be considered a shortcut for several events that led up to the existence or validity of the law or treaty (e.g. the signing of a treaty could also be modeled as an event, and the result on paper could be encoded as an <gi>object</gi> or <gi>bibl</gi>). -->
   <desc>France ceded to Great Britain its claims to the <orgName>Hudson's Bay Company</orgName> territories in
   <placeName>Rupert's Land</placeName>, <placeName>Newfoundland</placeName>, and <placeName>Acadia</placeName> and
       recognized British suzerainty over <orgName type="tribe">the Iroquois</orgName> but retained its other pre-war
       North American possessions, including
   <placeName key="PEI">Île-Saint-Jean</placeName>
       (now <placeName key="PEI">Prince Edward Island</placeName>)...</desc>
  <event when="1774key="14-GeoIII-c83">
   <label>Quebec Act</label>
   <desc>This act of the British Parliament guaranteed free practice of the Catholic faith and restored use of the
       French Civil Code for private matters throughout the Province of Quebec, which had been expanded in territory
       following the <ref>Treaty of Paris</ref>.</desc>
  <event when="1778"

   <label>Treaty of Fort Pitt</label>
   <desc>Also known as the <name type="event">Treaty with the Delawares</name>, this was the first written treaty
       between the newly formed <orgName>United States</orgName> and any Native American people, in this case, the
   <orgName type="tribe">Lenape</orgName> or Delawares.</desc>

14.3.5 Events

<!-- ========= events ========= -->
  <event xml:id="DB-3Fwhere="#WWIIEast"

   <head>Luftwaffe shoots down Ilyushin Il-4</head>
   <head type="short">DB-3F</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="7000"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-IC">Іван Чиссов</persName>
  <event xml:id="SCPwhere="#l-GSN"

   <head>Snap, Crackle, Pop is shot down by German flak</head>
   <head type="short">B-17</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="6700"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-AM">Alan Magee</persName>
  <event xml:id="DS664where="#l-Obe"

   <head>Avro Lancaster shot down by Junkers Ju 88</head>
   <head type="short">Lancaster</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="5490"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-NA">Nicholas Alkemade</persName>
  <event xml:id="LANSA508where="#l-PI"

   <head>LANSA 508 struck by lightning</head>
   <head type="short">Amazon rainforest</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="3000"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-JK">Juliane Diller (née Koepcke)</persName>
  <event xml:id="jat367where="#l-Seb"

   <head>Bombing of Yugoslav Airlines Flight 367</head>
   <head type="short">JAT 367</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="10050"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-VV">Весна Вуловић</persName>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <event xml:id="BGwhere="#l-KorZ"

   <head>SAS parachute failure</head>
   <head type="short">Bear Grylls</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="4877"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-BG"/>
  <event xml:id="CMwhere="#l-Joh"

   <head>Johannesburg parachute failure</head>
   <head type="short">Christine McKenzie</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="3353"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-CM">Christine McKenzie</persName>
  <event xml:id="JBKwhere="#l-Kam"

   <head>Cameraman fails to open chute</head>
   <head type="short">Sport videographer</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="1829"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-JB"/>
<!-- ========= places ========= -->
  <place xml:id="l-GSN">
   <placeName xml:lang="fr">Gare de Saint-Nazaire</placeName>
    <geo>47.28657 -2.21171</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-Joh">
    <country>South Africa</country>
    <region type="province">Gauteng</region>
  <place xml:id="l-Kam">
   <placeName xml:lang="ru">Камчатке</placeName>
    <region>Kamchatka Krai</region>
  <place xml:id="l-Ken">
  <place xml:id="l-Obexml:lang="de">
    <region type="state">Nordrhein-Westfalen</region>
    <geo cert="low">51.154 8.357</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-PIxml:lang="es">
   <placeName>Puerto Inca</placeName>
    <district>Puerto Inca</district>
  <place xml:id="l-Sch">
   <placeName xml:lang="de">Schmallenberg</placeName>
   <placeName xml:lang="wep">Smalmereg</placeName>
  <place xml:id="l-Seb">
   <placeName xml:lang="de">Sebnitz</placeName>
    <geo>50.966667 14.283333</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-WWIIEast">
   <name>Eastern Front</name>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <place xml:id="l-Zam">
<!-- ========= people ========= -->
  <person xml:id="p-VV">
   <persName xml:lang="sr-Cyrl">Весна Вуловић</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="sr-Latn">Vesna Vulović</persName>
   <birth when="1950-01-03"/>
   <death when="2016-12-23"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-IC">
   <persName xml:lang="uk-Cyrl">Іван Михайлович Чиссов</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="ru-Cyrl">Иван Михайлович Чисов</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="uk-Latn">Ivan Mikhailovich Chisov</persName>
   <birth when="1916"/>
   <death when="1986"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-AM">
   <persName>Alan Eugene Magee</persName>
   <birth when="1919-01-13"/>
   <death when="2003-12-20"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-NA">
   <persName>Nicholas Stephen Alkemade</persName>
   <birth when="1922-12-10"/>
   <death when="1987-06-22"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-BG">
   <persName>Edward Michael Grylls</persName>
   <birth when="1974-06-07"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-JK">
   <persName>Juliane Koepcke</persName>
   <birth when="1954-10-10"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-JB">
   <persName>James Boole</persName>
   <birth>1978, give or take a year</birth>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

<!-- ========= conjunctions and disjunctions ========= -->
 <altGrp type="location">
  <alt xml:id="l-KorZ"
   target="#l-Ken #l-Zam"/>

目録 ⚓︎