: <text> (text)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <text> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <text> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI> (en)

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title>
    <p>First published as part of TEI P2, this is the P5
         version using a namespace.</p>
    <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>
   <p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p>
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<TEI> (fr)

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <title>Le document TEI le plus court possible.</title>
    <p>D'abord publié comme faisant partie de la TEI P2.</p>
    <p>Aucune source : il s'agit d'un document original.</p>
   <p>A peu pres, le document TEI le plus court envisageable.</p>
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<TEI> (zh-TW)

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <p>將與TEI 中文在地化計劃等文件一同出版</p>
    <p>譯自TEI P5 英文指引</p>
   <p>這是TEI P5的中文指引...</p>
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<teiCorpus> (en)

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- header for corpus -->
<!-- header for first text -->
<!-- content of first text -->
<!-- header for second text -->
<!-- content of second text -->
<!-- more TEI elements here -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<teiCorpus> (fr)

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!--[en-tête du corpus]-->
<!--[en-tête du premier texte]-->
<!--[premier texte du corpus]-->
<!--[en-tête du deuxième texte]-->
<!--[deuxième texte du corpus]-->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<teiCorpus> (zh-TW)

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- 該文集的總header -->
<!-- 第一個文章的header -->
<!-- 第一個文章的內容 -->
<!-- 第二個文章的header -->
<!-- 第二個文章的內容 -->
<!-- 其他TEI元素 -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<text> (en)

   <titlePart>Autumn Haze</titlePart>
  <l>Is it a dragonfly or a maple leaf</l>
  <l>That settles softly down upon the water?</l>
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<text> (fr)

   <titlePart>Souvenir de la nuit du 4</titlePart>
  <l>Il avait dans sa poche une toupie en buis.</l>
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<text> (fr)

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!--[ en-tête du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ annex du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ encore de textes, simples ou composites ]-->
<!--[ annex du texte composite ]-->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<text> (zh-TW)

目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<text> (en)

<!-- front matter for the whole group -->
<!-- first text -->
<!-- second text -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<text> (de)

<!-- Vorspann für die gesamte Gruppierung -->
<!-- erster Text -->
<!-- zweiter Text -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- front matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
<!-- body of copy text goes here -->
<!-- back matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
目録 ⚓︎

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- front matter for composite text -->
<!-- front matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of first unitary text -->
<!-- back matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of second unitary text -->
<!-- back matter for composite text, if any -->
目録 ⚓︎

<group> (en)

<!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first poem -->
<!-- second poem -->
<!-- end of Pope section-->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<group> (fr)

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!--[ en-tête du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ encore de textes, simples ou composites ]-->
<!--[ annexe du texte composite ]-->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

   <titlePart> The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  <docImprint>First published in <title>The Strand</title>
     between July 1891 and December 1892</docImprint>
<!-- any other front matter specific to this collection -->
    <head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock
     <titlePart>Adventure I. —</titlePart>
     <titlePart>A Scandal in Bohemia</titlePart>
    <byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
    <p>To Sherlock Holmes she is always
    <emph>the</emph> woman. ... </p>
<!-- remainder of A Scandal in Bohemia here -->
    <head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
     <titlePart>Adventure II. —</titlePart>
     <titlePart>The Red-Headed League</titlePart>
    <byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
    <p>I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day
         in the autumn of last year and found him in deep conversation
         with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair …
<!-- remainder of The Red Headed League here -->
    <head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
     <titlePart>Adventure XII. —</titlePart>
     <titlePart>The Adventure of the Copper Beeches</titlePart>
    <byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
     <q>To the man who loves art for its
           own sake,</q> remarked Sherlock Holmes ...
<!-- remainder of The Copper Beeches here -->
         ... she is now the head of a private school
         at Walsall, where I believe that she has
         met with considerable success.</p>
<!-- end of The Copper Beeches -->
<!-- end of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -->
目録 ⚓︎

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

    <titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
   <byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
  <div type="preface">
   <head>Editor's Note</head>
   <p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
      <titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
    <div type="address">
     <head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
     <p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
           upon thy eye ... </p>
       <titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
      <div1 type="bookn="Herod I">
       <head>Libro Primo</head>
        <l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
       <lg n="I.1type="stanza">
        <l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
        <l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
        <l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
        <l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
        <l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
       <titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
      <lg n="I">
       <l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
       <l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->
目録 ⚓︎

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

<!-- the whole anthology -->
<!-- title page, acknowledgments, introductory essay -->
<!-- body of anthology starts here -->
   <head>The Beginnings</head>
<!-- sequence of texts or groups -->
<!-- The Eighteenth Century and the Grand Tour -->
<!-- prefatory essay by editor -->
<!-- Section on Lady Mary Wortley Montagu starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first letter -->
<!-- second letter -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of Montagu section -->
<!-- single text by Jonathan Swift starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- end of Swift section -->
<!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first poem -->
<!-- second poem -->
<!-- end of Pope section -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of 18th century section -->
   <head>The Heyday</head>
<!-- texts and subgroups -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of the anthology proper -->
<!-- back matter for anthology -->
目録 ⚓︎

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

<!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first poem -->
<!-- second poem -->
<!-- end of Pope section-->
目録 ⚓︎

1 The TEI Infrastructure Language Indicators

<TEI xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎ Language Indicators

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎ Language Indicators

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="fr">
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎ Language Indicators

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="fr">
<!-- chapter one is in French -->
   <div xml:lang="de">
<!-- chapter two is in German -->
<!-- chapter three is French -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎ Rendition Indicators

<!-- define italic style using CSS, selecting it as default for emph and hi elements -->
 <rendition xml:id="ITscheme="css"
  selector="emph, hi">
font-style: italic;</rendition>
<!-- define a serif font family, selecting it as default for the text element -->
 <rendition xml:id="FontRomanscheme="css"
font-family: serif;</rendition>
<!-- ... -->
   <p rendition="#IT">
<!-- this paragraph uses the seriffed font, but is in italic-->
<!-- this paragraph uses the seriffed font, but is not in italic -->

2 The TEI Header

2.1.1 The TEI Header and Its Components

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
 <teiHeader xml:lang="fr">
<!-- ... -->
 <text xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

2.1.1 The TEI Header and Its Components

<teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- corpus-level metadata here -->
<!-- metadata specific to this text here -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- metadata specific to this text here -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents Referencing system derived from markup

<text xml:id="Text-1n="AB">
 <front xml:id="Frontn="AB.1">
  <div xml:id="Front.div-1n="AB.1.1">
   <p> ... </p>
  <titlePage xml:id="Front.titlePage"

   <titlePart> ... </titlePart>
  <div xml:id="Front.div-2n="AB.1.3">
   <p> ... </p>
 <body xml:id="Bodyn="AB.2">
  <p xml:id="Body.p-1n="AB.2.1"> ... </p>
  <p xml:id="Body.p-2n="AB.2.2"> ... </p>
  <div xml:id="Body.div-1n="AB.2.3">
   <head xml:id="Body.div-1.head"
... </head>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-1n="AB.2.3.2"> ... </p>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-1.p-2n="AB.2.3.3"> ... </p>
  <div xml:id="Body.div-2n="AB.2.4">
   <head xml:id="Body.div-2.head"
... </head>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-1n="AB.2.4.2"> ... </p>
   <p xml:id="Body.div-2.p-2n="AB.2.4.3"> ... </p>
目録 ⚓︎

3.11.3 Milestone Elements

  <milestone unit="partn="1"/>
  <div1 n="1type="chapter">
<!-- ... -->
  <div1 n="2type="chapter">
<!-- ... -->
  <div1 n="3type="chapter">
<!-- ... -->
   <milestone unit="partn="2"/>
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

3.11.3 Milestone Elements

  <div1 n="1type="part">
   <milestone unit="chaptern="1"/>
<!-- ... -->
   <milestone unit="chaptern="2"/>
<!-- ... -->
   <milestone unit="chaptern="3"/>
<!-- ... -->
  <div1 n="2type="part">
<!-- ... -->
   <milestone unit="chaptern="4"/>
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

6 Verse

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

  <l>To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,</l>
  <l>One clover, and a bee,</l>
  <l>And revery.</l>
  <l>The revery alone will do,</l>
  <l>If bees are few.</l>
目録 ⚓︎

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

  <head>My Alba</head>
   <l>Now that I've wasted</l>
   <l>five years in Manhattan</l>
   <l>life decaying</l>
   <l>talent a blank</l>
   <l>talking disconnected</l>
   <l>patient and mental</l>
   <l>sliderule and number</l>
   <l>machine on a desk</l>
目録 ⚓︎

6.1 Structural Divisions of Verse Texts

   <lg type="quatrain">
    <l>My Mistres eyes are nothing like the Sunne,</l>
    <l>Currall is farre more red, then her lips red</l>
    <l>If snow be white, why then her brests are dun:</l>
    <l>If haires be wiers, black wiers grown on her head:</l>
   <lg type="quatrain">
    <l>I have seene Roses damaskt, red and white,</l>
    <l>But no such Roses see I in her cheekes,</l>
    <l>And in some perfumes is there more delight,</l>
    <l>Then in the breath that from my Mistres reekes.</l>
   <lg type="quatrain">
    <l>I love to heare her speake, yet well I know,</l>
    <l>That Musicke hath a farre more pleasing sound:</l>
    <l>I graunt I never saw a goddesse goe,</l>
    <l>My Mistres when shee walkes treads on the ground.</l>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>And yet by heaven I think my love as rare,</l>
   <l>As any she beli'd with false compare.</l>
目録 ⚓︎

7 Performance Texts

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

  <div1 type="scene">
    <l part="Y">I'le deliver all,</l>
    <l>And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,</l>
    <l>Be free and fare thou well: please you, draw neere.</l>
    <stage>Exeunt omnes.</stage>
   <head>Epilogue, spoken by Prospero.</head>
    <l>Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne,</l>
    <l>And what strength I have's mine owne</l>
    <l>As you from crimes would pardon'd be,</l>
    <l>Let your Indulgence set me free.</l>
   <p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
   <head>Names of the Actors.</head>
   <castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
   <castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
   <castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>
目録 ⚓︎

7.2.6 Embedded Structures

  <div1 n="4type="act">
   <div2 n="5type="scene">
    <stage type="setting">Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
     <p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
     <stage type="delivery">Singing</stage>
     <lg xml:id="TL1type="songpart="Y">
      <l>How should I your true-love know</l>
      <l>From another one?</l>
      <l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
      <l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
     <p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
     <p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
     <stage type="delivery">Sings</stage>
     <lg xml:id="TL2type="songpart="Y">
      <l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
      <l>He is dead and gone;</l>
      <l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
      <l>At his heels a stone.</l>
     <p>O, ho!</p>
     <join type="lgtarget="#TL1 #TL2"/>
目録 ⚓︎

9 Computer-mediated Communication

9.4.1 Macrostructure of CMC Collections and Documents

<teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- a corpus, collection or dataset of CMC documents -->
<!-- metadata pertaining to the corpus or CMC dataset-->
<!-- a CMC document such as a chat log or a discussion page -->
<!-- metadata pertaining to the CMC document -->
<!-- subdivisions of the CMC document e.g. in sections or threads if applicable-->
<!-- one post -->
<!-- more posts -->
<!-- more documents -->

9.4.3 Multimodal CMC

  <u xml:id="cmr-archi21-slrefl-es-j3-1-a191"
     hm for me this presentation was hm <pause dur="PT1S"/> become too fast because it's
     always the same in our architecture school euh we have not time and hm <pause dur="PT1S"/> too quickly sorry [...]</u>
  <kinesic xml:id="cmr-archi21-slrefl-es-j3-1-a192"

<!-- more bodily activities of avatars -->
  <post modality="written"

   <p>it went too quickly?</p>
目録 ⚓︎

12 Representation of Primary Sources

12.1 Digital Facsimiles

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
  <pb facs="page1.png"/>
<!-- text contained on page 1 is encoded here -->
  <pb facs="page2.png"/>
<!-- text contained on page 2 is encoded here -->
目録 ⚓︎

12.2.1 Parallel Transcription

 <surface start="#PB49R">
  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<!-- ... -->
   <pb xml:id="PB49R"/>
   <fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<!-- ... -->

12.7 Identifying Changes and Revisions

  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change target="#zone_1 #subst_3">First stage, written in ink by a
   <change target="#zone_2 #mod_1 #line_1 #line_2 #subst_1 #subst_2 #subst_4 #delSpan_1">Revised by Goethe using pencil</change>
   <change target="#redo_1 #redo_2 #redo_3 #subst_1 #subst_2 #delSpan_1 #add_1">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by Goethe using
  <zone xml:id="zone_1">
   <line xml:id="line_1">
    <handShift new="#g_bl"/>
    <retrace hand="#g_txml:id="redo_1">Nun</retrace>
    <handShift new="#jo_t"/>Ihr wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</line>
   <line xml:id="line_2">
    <handShift new="#g_bl"/>
    <retrace hand="#g_txml:id="redo_2">feiſt</retrace>
   <line>Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel ſatt.</line> [...] </zone>
  <l n="11656">
   <subst xml:id="subst_1">
   </subst> wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</l>
  <l n="11657">Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel <subst xml:id="subst_2">

13 Critical Apparatus

13.2.1 The Location-referenced Method

  <div n="WBPtype="prologue">
   <head>The Prologe of the Wyves Tale of Bathe</head>
   <l n="1">Experience though noon Auctoritee</l>
   <l>Were in this world ...</l>

16 Language Corpora

16.1 Varieties of Composite Text

<teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

16.1 Varieties of Composite Text

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

16.1 Varieties of Composite Text

<teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- metadata for entire corpus -->
 <teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- metadata for news sub-corpus -->
<!-- metadata for article #1 -->
<!-- transcription of article #1 -->
<!-- metadata for article #2 -->
<!-- transcription of article #2 -->
<!-- metadata for article #3 -->
<!-- transcription of article #3 -->
<!-- metadata for article #4 -->
<!-- transcription of article #4 -->
 <teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- metadata for editorial sub-corpus -->
<!-- metadata for editorial #1 -->
<!-- transcription of editorial #1 -->
<!-- metadata for editorial #2 -->
<!-- transcription of editorial #2 -->
 <teiCorpus xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- metadata for reviews -->
<!-- metadata for review #1 -->
<!-- transcription of review #1 -->
<!-- metadata for review #2 -->
<!-- transcription of review #2 -->
目録 ⚓︎

16.3.1 Combining Corpus and Text Headers

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- corpus file description-->
<!-- default encoding description -->
<!-- corpus revision description -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- file description for this corpus text -->
<!-- first corpus text -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- file description for this corpus text -->
<!-- encoding description for this corpus text, over-riding the default -->
<!-- second corpus text -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- file description for third corpus text -->
<!-- third corpus text -->
目録 ⚓︎

16.3.2 Declarable Elements

  <div1 n="D1"/>
  <div1 n="D2decls="#CorPol2"/>
  <div1 n="D3"/>
目録 ⚓︎

17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

17.7 Aggregation

<text xml:id="zuitxt">
   <name xml:id="zuigan">Zui-Gan</name> called out to himself every day,
  <q next="#zuiq2xml:id="zuiq1"

    <name xml:id="master">Master</name>.</q>
  <p>Then he answered himself,
  <q next="#zuiq4xml:id="zuiq2"
Yes, sir.</q>
  <p>And then he added,
  <q next="#zuiq5xml:id="zuiq3"
Become sober.</q>
  <p>Again he answered,
  <q next="#zuiq7xml:id="zuiq4"
Yes, sir.</q>
   <q next="#zuiq6xml:id="zuiq5"
And after that,</q>
     he continued,
  <q xml:id="zuiq6who="#master">do not be deceived by others.</q>
   <q xml:id="zuiq7who="#zuigan">Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q>
     he replied.</p>
目録 ⚓︎

17.7 Aggregation

<!-- five div1 elements -->
   <p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
   <p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
   <p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
   <p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
    <q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
    <q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
   <ab type="aggregation">
    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq1"

    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq2"

    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq3"

    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq4"

    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq5"

    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq6"

    <ptr xml:id="rzuiq7"

    <joinGrp evaluate="oneresult="q">
     <join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
      <desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
     <join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
      <desc>what Master said</desc>
目録 ⚓︎

17.9.3 Stand-off Markup in TEI

  <l>To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,</l>
  <l>One clover, and a bee,</l>
  <l>And revery.</l>
  <l>The revery alone will do,</l>
  <l>If bees are few.</l>
目録 ⚓︎

17.10 The <standOff> Container

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="Cilicia">
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/658440</idno>
   <place xml:id="Creta">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Creta</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Crete</placeName>
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/589748</idno>
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="Rhodus">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Rhodus</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Rhodes</placeName>
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/590031</idno>
   <place xml:id="Syria">
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/1306</idno>
<!-- ... -->
   <div type="edition"

    <div type="textpartn="1"

     <head>Bellum Alexandrinum</head>
     <p n="1xml:id="p1">
      <seg n="1xml:id="seg-1.1">Bello Alexandrino conflato <persName ref="#Caesar">Caesar</persName>
         <placeName ref="#Rhodus">Rhodo</placeName>
        <rdg wit="#Sana="#orthographical">Ordo</rdg>
       </app> atque ex <placeName ref="#Syria">Syria</placeName>
       <placeName ref="#Cilicia">Cilicia</placeName>que omnem classem arcessit; <app>
         <placeName ref="#Creta">Creta</placeName>
        <rdg wit="#Sana="#orthographical">certa</rdg>
       </app> sagittarios, equites ab rege <orgName ref="#Nabataei">Nabataeorum</orgName>
       <persName ref="#Malchus">Malcho</persName> euocat; tormenta undique conquiri et
             frumentum mitti, auxilia adduci iubet.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

17.11 Annotations

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <title>De Bello Gallico</title>
<!-- ... -->
   <div type="edition">
    <div type="textpartsubtype="chapter"

     <p n="1xml:id="c1p1">
      <seg n="1xml:id="c1p1s1">Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam
             incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra
             Galli appellantur.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
      <seg n="6xml:id="c1p1s6">Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur,
             pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et
             orientem solem.</seg>
      <seg n="7xml:id="c1p1s7">Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et
             eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet; spectat inter occasum solis
             et septentriones.]</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Ch. 2 etc. ... -->
   <place xml:id="Gallia">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Gallia</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Gaul</placeName>
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/993</idno>
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- Metadata applying just to the set of annotations -->
    <annotation xml:id="ann01"

     <respStmt xml:id="ed">
      <persName>Fred Editor</persName>
      <change status="created"

      <change status="modified"

     <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"/>
<!-- Gallia in seg 1 -->
     <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6)"/>
<!-- Galliae in seg 6 -->
     <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7)"/>
<!-- ... -->

<standOff> (en)

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
    <w xml:id="w51">I</w>
    <w xml:id="w52">wanna</w>
    <w xml:id="w53">put</w>
    <w xml:id="w54">up</w>
    <w xml:id="w55">new</w>
    <w xml:id="w56">wallpaper</w>
<!-- ... -->
 <standOff type="morphosyntax">
  <spanGrp type="wordForm">
   <span target="#w51ana="#fs01"/>
   <span target="#w52ana="#fs02"/>
   <span target="#w52ana="#fs03"/>
   <span target="#w53 #w54ana="#fs04"/>
   <span target="#w55ana="#fs05"/>
   <span target="#w56ana="#fs06"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs01">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="PP"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs02">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="VBP"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs03">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="TO"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs04">
   <f name="lemma">
    <string>put up</string>
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="VB"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs05">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="JJ"/>
  <fs xml:id="fs06">
   <f name="lemma">
   <f name="pos">
    <symbol value="NN"/>
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<standOff> (en)

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="LATL">
     <region key="US-GA">Georgia</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.755 -84.39</geo>
    <population when="1963"

   <place xml:id="LBHM">
     <region key="US-AL">Alabama</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.653333 -86.808889</geo>
    <population when="1963"

<!-- ... -->
   <p>Moreover, I am <choice>
    </choice> of the interrelatedness of all communities and
   <lb/>states. I cannot sit idly by in <placeName ref="#LATL">Atlanta</placeName> and not be concerned about what happens
   <lb/>in <placeName ref="#LBHM">Birmingham</placeName>. <seg xml:id="FQ17">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</seg> We
   <lb/>are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment
   <lb/>of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never
   <lb/>again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial <soCalled rendition="#Rqms">outside agitator</soCalled>
    <lb/>idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered
   <lb/>an outsider anywhere in this country.</p>
<!-- ... -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

<listAnnotation> (en)

 <annotation xml:id="bgann1"

   <persName>Francis Kelsey</persName>
  <note>‘Gaul as a whole,’ contrasted with Gaul in the narrower sense, or Celtic Gaul; Celtic Gaul also is often called Gallia.</note>
 <annotation xml:id="bgann2"

   <persName>Rice Holmes</persName>
  <note>Gallia...divisa: Notice the order of the words. ‘Gaul, taken as a whole, is divided’.</note>
 <annotation xml:id="bgann3"

   <persName>Arthur Tappan Walker</persName>
  <note>Belgae -arum m., the Belgae or Belgians</note>
 <annotation xml:id="bgann4"

   <persName>Arthur Tappan Walker</persName>
  <note>Aquitani, -orum m.: the Aquitani, inhabiting southwestern Gaul</note>
 <annotation xml:id="bgann5"

   <persName>Arthur Tappan Walker</persName>
  <note>Celtae, -arum m: the Celtae or Celts</note>
 <annotation xml:id="bgann6"

   <persName>William Francis Allen</persName>
   <persName>Joseph Henry Allen</persName>
   <persName>Harry Pratt Judson</persName>
  <note>the verb is singular, because the two rivers make one boundary; as we should say,
     ‘is divided by the line of the Seine and Marne.’</note>
<!-- Elsewhere in the document -->
  <div type="edition">
   <div type="textpartsubtype="chapter"

    <p n="1xml:id="bg-c1p1">
     <seg n="1xml:id="bg-c1p1s1">Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam
           Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur.</seg>
     <seg n="2xml:id="bg-c1p1s2">Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis
           Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎

att.global.linking (en)

 <text xml:id="t1-g1-t1xml:lang="mi">
  <body xml:id="t1-g1-t1-body1">
   <div type="chapter">
    <head>He Whakamaramatanga mo te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876.</head>
 <text xml:id="t1-g1-t2xml:lang="en">
  <body xml:id="t1-g1-t2-body1"

   <div type="chapter">
    <head>An Act to regulate the Sale, Letting, and Disposal of Native Lands, 1876.</head>

19 Feature Structures

19.11.1 Linking a TEI Text to Feature System Declarations

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- example -->
<!-- ... -->
    <fsDecl type="gpsg">
<!-- information about this type -->
    <fsDecl type="lex">
<!-- information about this type -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <fs type="lex">
<!-- an instance of the typed feature structure "lex" -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

19.11.1 Linking a TEI Text to Feature System Declarations

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- doc2 -->
<!-- ... -->
    <fsdLink type="gpsg"

    <fsdLink type="lexx"

<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <fs type="lexx">
<!-- an instance of the typed feature structure "lex" -->
<!-- ... -->
目録 ⚓︎

23 Documentation Elements

<egXML> (en)

<egXML valid="feasiblesource="#UND" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples"><text>
<!-- front matter for the whole group -->
<!-- first text -->
<!-- second text -->
<!-- This example is not valid TEI, but could be made so by adding missing components -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎
<!-- front matter for the whole group -->
<!-- first text -->
<!-- second text -->
<!-- This example is not valid TEI, but could be made so by adding missing components -->
目録 一括表示 ⚓︎