<egXML> [http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples]

<egXML> (XML의 예) 어떤 XML 요소 또는 속성의 사용을 나타내는 정형의 단일 XML 예를 포함하며, egXML는 뿌리(최상위) 요소로 기능한다. [23.1.1 Phrase Level Terms]
Namespace http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples
모듈 tagdocs — Documentation Elements
valid⚓︎ indicates the intended validity of the example with respect to a schema.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 teidata.enumerated
적법한 값은:
the example is intended to be fully valid, assuming that its root element, or a provided root element, could have been used as a possible root element in the schema concerned. [기본값]
the example could be transformed into a valid document by inserting any number of valid attributes and child elements anywhere within it; or it is valid against a version of the schema concerned in which the provision of character data, list, element, or attribute values has been made optional.
the example is not intended to be valid, and contains deliberate errors.
클럽 회원
에 의해 포함된
포함할 수 있다 ANY

In the source of the TEI Guidelines, this element declares itself and its content as belonging to the namespace http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples. This enables the content of the element to be validated independently against the TEI scheme. Where this element is used outside this context, a different namespace or none at all may be preferable. The content must however be a well-formed XML fragment or document: where this is not the case, the more general eg element should be used in preference.

<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples"><div>
  <head>A slide about <gi>egXML</gi>
    <gi>egXML</gi> can be used to give XML examples in the TEI
       Examples namespace</item>
   <item>Attributes values for <att>valid</att>:
   <list rend="collapsed">
      <val rend="green">true</val>: intended to be fully
      <val rend="amber">feasible</val>: valid if missing nodes
      <val rend="red">false</val>: not intended to be valid</item>
   <item>The <att>rend</att> attribute can be
       used for recording how parts of the example were rendered.</item>
<egXML valid="feasiblesource="#UND" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples"><text>
<!-- front matter for the whole group -->
<!-- first text -->
<!-- second text -->
<!-- This example is not valid TEI, but could be made so by adding missing components -->
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples" valid="false">          <para xml:lang="en">Doubloons are a pirate's best friend</para>       </egXML>     
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"

<rng:element name="egXML">
 <rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.rendition.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.linking.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.analytic.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.facs.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.change.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.responsibility.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.source.attributes"/>
  <rng:attribute name="valid"

   <rng:ref name="anyElement_egXML_2"/>
element egXML
   attribute valid { "true" | "feasible" | "false" }?,
   ( text | anyElement_egXML_2 )*