부록 B Attribute Classes

⚓︎부록 B.1 About the Attribute Classes Appendix

This appendix gives you a list of attribute classes and links to the reference pages for them. There are 85 distinctly-named attribute classes in revision f73186978 of TEI P5 Version 4.9.0 of the TEI Guidelines.

[analysis] Simple analytic mechanisms

att.lexicographic.normalized att.linguistic att.global.analytic

[core] Elements common to all TEI documents


[dictionaries] Dictionaries

att.entryLike att.lexicographic

[figures] Tables, formulæ, notated music, and figures


[gaiji] Character and glyph documentation


[header] The TEI header

att.citeStructurePart att.patternReplacement

[linking] Linking, segmentation, and alignment


[msdescription] Manuscript Description

att.msExcerpt att.msClass

[namesdates] Names and dates

att.datable.custom att.datable.iso

[spoken] Transcribed Speech


[tagdocs] Documentation of TEI and other XML markup languages

att.translatable att.predicate att.repeatable att.combinable att.identified att.deprecated att.namespaceable

[tei] Declarations for classes, datatypes, and macros available to all TEI modules

att.anchoring att.ascribed att.breaking att.cReferencing att.canonical att.citing att.cmc att.datable.w3c att.datcat att.declarable att.declaring att.docStatus att.duration.w3c att.editLike att.edition att.fragmentable att.global.rendition att.global.responsibility att.global.source att.indentation att.internetMedia att.interpLike att.measurement att.notated att.placement att.pointing att.ranging att.resourced att.scope att.scoping att.sortable att.spanning att.styleDef att.typed att.written att.ascribed.directed att.datable att.dimensions att.divLike att.global att.handFeatures att.media att.naming att.pointing.group att.segLike att.transcriptional att.damaged att.timed att.formula att.locatable att.partials att.personal att.calendarSystem att.duration.iso

[textcrit] Critical Apparatus

att.rdgPart att.witnessed att.textCritical

[transcr] Transcription of primary sources

att.global.facs att.global.change att.coordinated

[verse] Verse structures

att.metrical att.enjamb

[English] [Deutsch] [Español] [Italiano] [Français] [日本語] [한국어] [中文]

TEI Guidelines P5 Version 4.9.0. Last updated on 24th January 2025, revision f73186978. This page generated on 2025-01-24T20:11:00Z.