att.canonical provides attributes that can be used to associate a representation such as a name or title with canonical information about the object being named or referenced. [14.1.1 Linking Names and Their Referents] | |||||||||||||||||
組件 | tei — The TEI Infrastructure | ||||||||||||||||
成員 | att.naming [att.personal [addName eventName forename genName name objectName orgName persName placeName roleName surname] affiliation author birth bloc climate collection country death district editor education event geogFeat geogName institution nationality occupation offset origPlace population pubPlace region repository residence rs settlement socecStatus state terrain trait] actor authority bibl biblFull biblStruct catDesc correspDesc date distributor docAuthor docTitle faith funder material meeting object objectType post principal publisher relation resp respStmt sponsor term time title unitDecl unitDef | ||||||||||||||||
屬性 |
例子 |
In this contrived example, a canonical reference to the same organisation is provided in four different ways. <author n="1">
<name ref="" type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author> <author n="2"> <name ref="nzvn:427308" type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author> <author n="3"> <name ref="./named_entities.xml#o427308" type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author> <author n="4"> <name key="name-427308" type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author> The first presumes the availability of an internet connection and a processor that
can resolve a URI (most can). The second requires, in addition, a prefixDef that declares how the |