TEI stylesheet customization module for HTML output.
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2. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
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* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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<xsl:template name="hdr3"><a href="#rh-col" title="Go to main page content" class="skiplinks">Skip links</a><a class="hide">|</a><xsl:call-template name="crumbPath"/><a class="hide">|</a><a class="bannerright" href="{$parentURL}" title="Go to home page"><xsl:value-of select="$parentWords"/></a></xsl:template>
A file is looked for relative to the stylesheet (the
second parameter of the document function), which is expected to
contain a TEI <list> where each <item> has an embedded
The difference between TEI div levels and HTML.
TEI <div>s are implicitly or explicitly numbered from 0
upwards; this offset is added to that number to produce an HTML
<Hn> element. So a value of 2 here means that a <div1>
will generate an <h2>
When processing a <div> or <div[0-5]>, compare
the nesting depth and see whether to start a new HTML page. Since the
TEI starts with <div1>, setting this parameter to 0 will cause
top-level sections to be split apart. The default is not to split at
How to specify infra-document links. When a document is split,
links need to be constructed between parts of the document.
The default is to use a query parameter on the URL.
It is often nice if, when making separate files, their names
correspond to the ID attribute of the >div<. Alternatively, you
can let the system choose names.
Depth at which to stop doing a recursive table of contents.
You can have a mini table of contents at the start of each
section. The default is only to construct a TOC at the top
level; a value of -1 here means no subtoc at all.
<xsl:key name="ALLNOTES" use="1" match="tei:note[not(@place='margin' or @place='inline' or @place='display') and not(parent::tei:bibl or ancestor::tei:teiHeader)]"/>