P5 Fascicule


msContents describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items.
element msContents
   ## () identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this
   ## item
   attribute class { datatype.uriList }?,
   ## () indicates whether the work contained is defective, i.e. incomplete.
   attribute defective { datatype.UBoolean }?,
   ( tei.paragraph+ | ( summary?, ( msItem | msItemStruct )+ ) )
(In addition to global attributes)
class identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item
Datatype: datatype.uriList
Values: One or more codes, each of which is used as the identifier for a text classification element supplied in the TEI Header <textClass> element.
defective indicates whether the work contained is defective, i.e. incomplete.
Datatype: datatype.UBoolean
Values: true, false, unknown, or unspecified
 <p>A collection of Lollard sermons</p>
 <msItem n="1"><locus>fols. 5r-7v</locus>
 <title>An ABC</title> 
 <bibl><title>IMEV</title> <biblScope>239</biblScope></bibl></msItem>
 <msItem n="2"><locus>fols. 7v-8v</locus>
 <title xml:lang="FR">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title>
 <msItem n="3"><locus>fol. 8v</locus><title>Truth</title> 
 <bibl><title>IMEV</title> <biblScope>809</biblScope></bibl></msItem>
 <msItem n="4"><locus>fols. 8v-10v</locus>
 <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
 <bibl><title>IMEV</title> <biblScope>1506</biblScope></bibl></msItem>
 <msItem n="5"><locus>fols. 10v-11v</locus>
 <title xml:lang="LA">De amico ad amicam</title>
 <title xml:lang="LA">Responcio</title> 
 <bibl><title>IMEV</title> <biblScope>16 & 19</biblScope></bibl></msItem>
 <msItem n="6"><locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus>
 <title>Troilus and Criseyde</title> 
 <note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to
 mutilation throughout</note>
See further 1.6 Intellectual content
Module msdescription