TEI: Personography Task Force
The TEI Personography Task Force was chartered in January, 2006. It was charged to investigate how other existing XML schemes and TEI customizations handle data about people, both to facilitate "cross-walking" between these different schemata and to provide recommendations about how personography is handled in TEI P5. The chair of the task force is Matthew Driscoll.
- Charge to the task force, 9 January 06 [PERSW01]
- Report on XML mark-up of biographical and prosopographical data (by Eva Wedervang-Jensen and Matthew Driscoll), 16 Feb 2006 [PERSW02]
- Report on Oxford Meeting, 28-29 Apr 06 [PERSW03]
- Transcribed notes from Oxford Meeting, 28-29 Apr 06 [PERSW04]
- Sample document drawn up at Oxford Meeting, 1 May 2006 [PERSW05]
- Preliminary Draft ODD specification, 2 May 2006 [PERSW06]
- Place Meeting at CCH, 29 May 2007
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