Board of Directors

The TEI Board of Directors is the governing body for the TEI Consortium, and is responsible for its strategic and financial oversight. The Board consists of five voting members who are elected to staggered two-year terms by the TEI membership at the Annual Meeting, and several nonvoting members potentially drawn from outside the elected membership: the Membership Secretary, the Treasurer, the TEI webmaster, and the chair of the TEI Technical Council. The Board meets once a year in person at the Annual Meeting, and holds telephone conferences on a regular basis. Meeting minutes.

Current Board of Directors Members

Elected members: term January 2025 through December 2027

James Cummings Reader in Digital Textual Studies and Late-Medieval Literature, Newcastle University: james.cummings AT (re-elected)

Magdalena Turska Open source software developer and co-author of the TEI Processing Model and TEI Publisher

Elected members: term January 2024 through December 2026

Gimena del Rio Riande Researcher, Seminario de Edicion y Critica Textual (SECRIT-IIBICRIT), External Professor at LINHD-UNED (Madrid) and at the University of Buenos Aires: gdelrio AT

Diane Jakacki (2022-24 Chair) Digital Scholarship Coordinator and Faculty Teaching Associate in Comparative Humanities, Bucknell University: dkj004 AT

Elected members: term January 2023 through December 2025

Constance Crompton Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa: constance.crompton AT

Ex officio (non-voting)

Treasurer: Hugh Cayless (January 2018 – December 2025) Senior Digital Humanities Developer, Duke University Libraries

Technical Council Chair: Elisa Beshero-Bondar (January 2023 – December 2025) Professor of Digital Humanities and Director of the Digital Humanities Lab at Penn State Erie, the Behrend College