TEI-C Board Meeting 2019-02-14
via Zoom
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements (All)
- Budgeting (Tim Naughton, 20-30 minutes)
- Second ADHO server fail and status of TEI-C.org (Luis, 10-15 minutes)
- Updates ((We may not have time for the rest of the agenda, as we will keep the meeting to an hour.)
- ConfTool discussion from email and recommendations from Pip and Christiane
- JTEI and limited response--next steps? (Kathryn)
- New Business
- Nominations and Elections Committee to be formed
- Call for Hosts--ready to send?
- Request for letter of support from Marjorie Burghardt
- Nominations and Elections Committee to be formed
- Call for Hosts (We will handle this over email.)
- Any Other Business
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Tim Naughton (TN)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Christiane Fritze (CF)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
- Gimena del Rio Riande (excused)
Action Items
- TN: to send us the slides about the financial report
- MS: to look for the SIG-convenor names
- KT: to write to TEI-L about the lists downtime [done]
- LM: recover mailing lists. Otherwise set up new board/council list [done?], SIG lists will take longer
- LM: to set up a meeting with the Council and HumaNum on implications of the move to HumaNum
- NN: to set up a process for documentation and backup strategy
- PW: to contact TAPAS with regard to the nominations and elections committee
- KT: to send emails over the next couple of weeks to John Walsh with regard the jTEI [done]
- All: approve minutes of January meeting [done]
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Last meetings minutes have bee approved by KT, GV, CF
Budgeting (Tim Naughton)
- TN presents the financial status of the TEI-C. He states a 70K USD loss for 2018, we overspent over budget. The reasons are a) additional costs on travel because of late reimbursement of the Victoria meeting 2017 in 2018 and especially high costs for the Tokyo meeting, b) additional operational costs for TAPAS for the financial year 2017, and c) some payment of membership fees was not in time
- The budget forecast of the financial year 2019 includes a) a one time payment for 2018 for the managing editor of the jTEI, and b) conservatively calculated membership and travel costs calculated conservative, based on 2018 real expenses.
- The Board discussed the change of the current payment system: a change to wild apricot payment system would bring 20% savings and a functionality similar to stripe. The payments from Germany have not been tested. Wild apricot offers a 24h service desk. The Board decided to keep paypal as it is inexpensive and allows the payment from Germany; and to eventually migrate into wild apricot.
ADHO Server fails
- ADHO servers are still down (7 days tonight)
- Restored yet:
- guidelines via https://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/index.html
- main site (somewhat, not all)
- Roma is up
- oxGarage via http://oxgarage2.tei-c.org
- mailing list down, wiki, vault! jTEI management system?
- Discussion:
- HC: they have a disk failure, restore from backup will take time, maybe about a week, not even started yet
- LM asks why it does take so long as it is a real machine, not a virtual one.
- LM: Why did this happen a second time? → Old version of php (deprecated since 2011)
- KT: include Christof Schöch into move to HumaNum?
- LM: not useful to be in touch with Christoph at ADHO now; too much on his plate
- MS: how to involve Council in move?
- GV: proposes to set up a meeting to know for the Council what does the move mean to the Council
- LM, MS, Peter Stadler, Raff Viglianti etc. will set up a meeting on the implications of the move to HumaNum: there will be a meeting with Council, Luis and HumaNum
- LM: what do wo do if we do not get the services back, like the vault? What about the mailing list?
- GV: documentation! backup strategies. Should we start a documentation process? Separate the risks, start a backup process of our own; get access to DNS (for redirection)
- LM: establish a process for documentation and backup strategy, yes.
- GoogleDrive as best start for documentation; begin with inventory
- HC: set up our own system/process for our own backups
- LM: try to get hold on adho-backups of TEI site
- MS: question about the mailing lists:
- tei-l at Brown University
- tei-board, SIG-lists, council-list, combine board/council-list at ADHO
- LM to set up new board/council/combined list
- MS: has a list of SIG convenors for separate information on SIG-list
Wild Apricot
- Laurent trained KT and PW, take possible GDPR issues into account
- The Board is aware of possible GDPR issues. The Organizers of TEI2019 have taken note and try to solve them for the TEI2019.
- The editors team of the JTEI is about to be replaced. Anne Baillot reports on process about workflow evaluation/analysis. KT has not heard anything from John Walsh. She will sends emails over the next couple of weeks to him.
New Business
Nominations and Elections Committee
- Member of the nomination and election committee are the following persons: the webmaster, someone from council whereby KT nominated LM, PW, CF? and GR?. HC will be part of the committee as Council representative. PW contacts TAPAS for a TAPAS representative.
- Check for documentation in the wiki on archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/20181027022715/http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/index.html => http://web.archive.org/web/20181127111927/https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Main_Page
- https://web.archive.org/web/20190127084533/https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Main_Page
- Vault: https://web.archive.org/web/20180621204644/http://www.tei-c.org/Vault/
- Forms are in the Google Folder
Call for Hosts
- Postponed
Other Business
- No other business
Date of next meeting
14 March 2019. 8 PsT, 11 EsT, 5 pm CET