TEI-C Board Meeting 2019-03-14
via Zoom
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Updates
- Conference (Georg, Gimena, Martina)
- Conftool
- Webpage Draft https://graz-2019.tei-c.org
- CfP Draft
- Nominations and Elections (Pip)
- Formation of Infrastructure Working Group (Martina, Luis)
- Status of webpage, wiki, journal instances, email lists (Luis)
- Status of meeting organisation between Luis, council and HumaNum
- Status of backup strategy, and documentation
- jTEI (Kathryn)
- Anne’s proposal
- John will join us in April
- Involvement of editorial board--awaiting update from John about terms/replacements for two members
- Should we include the Journal General Editor as a non-voting member of the Board, as is the case with the Treasurer and the Council Chair?
- Call for hosts (Kathryn will distribute)
- Rahtz Prize Committee (Kathryn)
- Conference (Georg, Gimena, Martina)
- Any Other Business
- From the January Agenda: Keeping list of TEI workshops up to date--work on it between now and the next meeting
- From the January Agenda: Decision on the discussion of internationalization?
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Christiane Fritze (CF)
- Gimena del Rio Riande (GRR)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
Action Items
- MS--schedule the next meeting of the infrastructure group [done]
- KT--write to Karina van Dalen-Oskam, with copies to Luis and Martina on getting control of the DNS
- KT--forward to the Board subsequent emails between Anne and KT about the four managing editors idea
- KT--contact Martina, Sabine, and Stefan about call for nominations for Rahtz Prize
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- February minutes approved by GRR via email, approved by KT and CF
- Conference (Georg, Gimena, Martina)
- Conftool https://www.conftool.net/tei2019/.
- data: could not be transferred due to GDPR issues, but new registration allows to keep it (explicit question during registration)
- at the conftool login page is a note that every user has to create a new account
- Webpage https://graz-2019.tei-c.org
- is online
- MS: more content to come
- KT: the pictures are beautiful!
- CfP draft
- Conftool https://www.conftool.net/tei2019/.
- Nominations and Elections (Pip)
- postpone the discussion
- Formation of Infrastructure Working Group (Martina, Luis)
- Status of webpage, wiki, journal instances (Luis)
- status update:
- alternate servers have been setup for most services
- ingestion part of jTEI is missing
- Luis is talking about it with Martin and Ron
- after 35 days of downtime ADHO doesn’t seem to have a clear strategy on how to restore our services
- Infrastructure Group was created
- First call 3 weeks ago
- Luis, Hugh, Martina, Peter, Laurent, Martin Holmes, and some more
- until now no new call -> MS will schedule next meeting next week or the week after
- making a plan
- plan also to announce to list on status after call happens
- created an inventory of services
- Hugh’s colleague, Sam Huskey at Oklahoma University has offered to host a mirrored site or some arrangement that duplicates the HumaNum instance
- announcement on TEI-L list, Facebook, Twitter about the current status of service recovery
- how often should we post to the list about the services? when the new group meets, when something of the infrastructure changes
- control over the DNS: this is holding us back
- When the TEI-C (KT) sends something formal to Karina van Dalen-Oskam (ADHO) than we get the DNS control
- Conference (Georg, Gimena, Martina)
- jTEI (Kathryn)
- Anne’s proposal
* Board of “4 managing editors with a primus inter pares acting as editor in chief for 1 year”
* Workflow document (OJS transition)
- John will join us in April 4
- Involvement of editorial board--awaiting update from John about terms/replacements for two members
- Should we include the Journal General Editor as a non-voting member of the Board, as is the case with the Treasurer and the Council Chair?
* important to maintain formal relationship between General Editor and Board of Directors, perhaps a role for a member of the Board
* at least a more formal relationship between the board of editors of jTEI and the TEI BOD
- Call for hosts -- Kathryn will distribute
- Info of the wiki
- Deadline: 15 May 2019
- Acceptance 15 July 2019
- Rahtz Prize Committee (Kathryn)
- KT is in touch with MS about the call for nominations
- Decision by 15 May / notification 15 July 2019
- MS: we should send the announcement right soon
- MS asked the winners of the price of last year: Sabine Seifert and Stefan Dumont would be part of the Rahtz Prize committee
- MS added a folder for 2019 in the Google Drive
- Call for hosts -- Kathryn will distribute
- jTEI (Kathryn)
- Anne’s proposal
* Board of “4 managing editors with a primus inter pares acting as editor in chief for 1 year”
* Workflow document (OJS transition)
- John will join us in April 4
- Involvement of editorial board--awaiting update from John about terms/replacements for two members
- Should we include the Journal General Editor as a non-voting member of the Board, as is the case with the Treasurer and the Council Chair?
* important to maintain formal relationship between General Editor and Board of Directors, perhaps a role for a member of the Board
* at least a more formal relationship between the board of editors of jTEI and the TEI BOD
Any Other Business
Date of next meeting
- April 11 2019