TEI-C Board Meeting 2019-04-11
via Zoom
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Updates
- Conference (Georg, Gimena, Martina)
- Nominations and Elections Committee (Pip)
- Infrastructure Working Group (Martina, Luis)
- Status of webpage, wiki, journal instances (Luis)
- Q from KT, posting to webpage
- Status of webpage, wiki, journal instances (Luis)
- JTEI (Kathryn)
- KT met with John Walsh
- Timeline for proceeding with search for new managing editors
- Anne to draft call for new managing editors soon
- KT to send to John Walsh and Board for approval
- call for new managing editors to be posted by 1st May, 15 May latest
- deadline 30 June
- notification for face-to-face meeting in Graz in September
- FORCE11 (Kathryn, Gimena)
- Any Other Business
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Christiane Fritze (CF)
- Gimena del Rio Riande (GRR)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
- Martina Scholger (MS) excused
Action items
- KT to post the CfP to the American Historical Association, also to tweet from her own Twitter account and from the TEI-Consortium Twitter account
- All: please spread widely and often the Call for Papers.
- PW: to publish the call for nominations by end of April 2019
- KT: to stay in contact with the jTEI editors
1. Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements (Christiane)
The March minutes have been approved by Gimena, Kathryn and Christiane. 2. Updates
2.1 TEI Conference Graz 2019 (Georg, Gimena, Martina)
The conference organisation is moving along as planned. We have the usual challenges to get positive feedback from the people who has been asked to act as keynote speaker. We got no response or they are not available at the conference dates. Today we have only one submission in conftool. Deadline is 12 May 2019 23:59 CEST. Please announce the Call for papers and document it in the announcement protocol.
2.2 Nominations and Elections Committee (Pip)
The members of the nominations committee are set. These are Gimena del Rio Rande, Christiane Fritze, Hugh Cayless, Pip Wilcox, Scott Hamlin, Luis Meneses. The call for nominations well be send out by end of the month.
2.3 Infrastructure Working Group (Martina, Luis)
The tei-c.org domain is hosted by network solutions. John Unsworth is currently owner of the domain. Hugh initiated the domain transfer which caused some extra trouble on the part of the hosting institution. The moving to HumaNum is on the agenda of the next Infrastructure Working Group Meeting.
2.4 JTEI (Kathryn)
The Board discussed advice from the General Editor and Managing Editor on the optimum make-up of the editorial team going forward, and possibilities for remuneration or in-kind compensation. After consideration, it was agreed that the increasing workload was unlikely to be sustainable for single editors. The Board's preferred route was for a team of up to 5 editors at any one time, at least one of whom would have some technical proficiency. This arrangement allows for contingencies with its built-in redundancy, and for less experienced team members to learn on the job, becoming experts in their turn and sharing their knowledge with newcomers. The last issue (no 10) is published since 2016, these are the papers from the TEI Conference in 2015 in Lyon.