TEI-C Board Meeting 2018-02-08
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of January meeting
- Welcome new Treasurer
- Minutes from October, November, December await approval
- Old Business
- TEI-c Code of Conduct to be approved [[1]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/edit#heading=h.6mt6yycisdk "[1]")
- Tasks for the next three months--Kathryn
- Rahtz Prize [[2]](https://www.tei-c.org/Activities/rahtz.xml "[2]")
- Elections [[3]](https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TEI-C_and_TAPAS_Election_Process "[3]")
- September meeting date means we need to begin process in March
- New Business
- TEI sponsorship for members to attend DHSI and its members' courses taught at the DHSI (Proposal Elisa Beshero-Bondar Dec. 13th, 2017)
- Request for funding for linguistics expert to attend Council F2F meeting in Cologne--Martina
- Reports
- Conference--Kiyonori
- Date of Members Meeting (for election timeline)
- DARIAH-DE event--Laurent
- Membership--Laurent
- Conference--Kiyonori
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Michelle Dalmau (MD)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Laurent Romary (LR)
- Kyonori Nagasaki (KN)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
Action Items
- LR to take up MD comments in the google-doc and prepare revision of Code of Conduct
- MD, HC to suggest revision of procedures for Rahtz Prize, to be approved by Board at March meeting
- MD to transfer conference portion of Code of Conduct document to documentation for conference organization
- KT to contact Julia Flanders for TAPAS participant on nominations committee
- KTto contact Gaby Bodard re: participation on Rahtz Prize committee
- KT to notify Elisa Besharo-Bondar that request for funding DHSI courses cannot be approved this year
- Table request for funding DHSI as a Supporting Partner
- Approve funding for f2f-Council meeting
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of January meeting
- Welcome new Treasurer
Hi Hugh!
- Minutes from October, November, December await approval
- MD is cleaning up the minutes from October, November, December along with Business Meeting minutes; Plan to approve all minutes over email
TEI-C Code of Conduct to be approved [[1]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/edit#heading=h.6mt6yycisdk "[1]")
Raised as a need by Board in 2013-2014 Current version initially drafted as guidelines for social media communications MD suggests to transfer conference part(at the end) to the documentation for conference organisation Ask Kevin who all has access to the @TEIC handle => brought forward to next meeting LR: Add an explicit reference to linguistic issue in cultural diversity: “Language: we celebrate our multilingual community and welcome people using social media in languages other than English (which remains the primary language of the TEI Guidelines). Multilingualism enables authorized users of social media to engage in non-English conversations and reach a broader audience. While every exchange will not be translated into English, it would be courteous as well as inclusive to write a summary post describing the conversation, e.g. “We’re discussing whether the TEI Guidelines are useful for encoding texts in Pāli. Please jump in and I’ll join up the conversation.” Humour: humour varies widely across cultures. What is clearly light-hearted in one culture can be seen as (passive) aggressive, dismissive, or confrontational in another. As part of being considerate and respectful, it is best to avoid humour in social media posts on behalf of the TEI, particularly irony and sarcasm.” MD: add to 3. Be considerate => brought forward : LR to take up MD comments in the google-doc and prepare revision
Tasks for the next three months
- Rahtz Prize[[2]](https://www.tei-c.org/Activities/rahtz.xml "[2]")
- 2017 was the first year: Raff Vigilanti + EVT (honorable mention)
- Last term: received 6 nominations
- We need an awards committee: Chairs of Council and Board + extra person, KT, MS, carry through MD
- plan to revise guidelines
- experience: nominations with not enough information accessible for evaluation => encourage open-source/open access activities
- MD, HC to suggest revision, to be approved by Board
- MD and HC to expand the revision to people outside official functions, e.g. invite Gaby Bodard
- timeline:
- revision by next week
- publish call (CfN) by End of February
- 1 April: Nominations Due
- 1 June: Submissions Due
- 15 September: Recipient Selected => August 15th latest, try be earlier (August 1st); not be mentioned on the public page (http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/rahtz.xml#body.1_div.3) => LM to modify page accordingly
- Annual Business Meeting: Recipient Announced => September 1#th
- Elections[3]
- nomination committee: KT, GV, +?
- suggestions by LM, MS, Tapas person?
- KT to contact Julia Flanders for TAPAS participant on committee
- nomination via google forms
- to be adapted
- documentation available at https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TEI-C_and_TAPAS_Election_Process#Nominating_Committee
- wild apricot to identify membership but not for voting roles
- LR can help with this
- September meeting date means we need to begin process in March:
- Conference and Members’ Meeting 10-14 September
- Members’ Meeting 1# September
- Voting closes 10 September (end of the day of the conference)
- Voting opens 1 June
- Slate published 30 May
- Statements & biographies 28 May
- Invitation to respond 14 May
- Deadline for nominations 1 May
- Reminders: as many as possible (like LM last term: every week), engage personally
- Call for nominations 1 April
- Conference and Members’ Meeting 10-14 September
- nomination committee: KT, GV, +?
Continuous revision of documentation:
LR proposes to set up a regular revision meeting before/at business meetings? => brought forward
Rough financial report
informal report by HC, who is still in process of looking into the status together with Virtual. We have roughly 200.000 USD, but we still have to see. Funding requests to be expected: Journal, Conference
TEI sponsorship for members to attend DHSI and its members' courses taught at the
DHSI (Proposal Elisa Beshero-Bondar Dec. 13th, 2017)
Discussion: HC: If we support, we need a general solution (set up process) MD: registration waiver is helpful , but the travel costs can be significant; the TEI community is supporting DHSI curriculum LR: preferring local/regional TEI events with no support? Suggests to encourage young researcher in attending the conference KT: TEI is in new situation (Virtual, new treasurer). We are in the process of budget forecasting. Decision: unanimous vote to rejectcurrent request at this time, KT to draft response
Request for funding for linguistics expert to attend Council F2F meeting in Cologne
before DHd2018
Linguistics SIG is very active, amongst them Susanne Haaf (BBAW): cover her extra night in Cologne: approved
- Conference--Kiyonori
- Date of Members Meeting (for election timeline):10th plenary lecture, every time afterwards => traditionally at the final day: preferable prefinal day (13th)
- Working on CFP with Susan
- Challenges of tools when working with Chinese colleagues
- website will be launched soon: https://tei2018.dhii.asia
- DARIAH-DE event--Laurent => off-line
- Membership--Laurent => off-line