TEI-C Board Meeting 2018-03-08
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of February meeting
- Susan Schreibman, Program Committee Chair
- Old Business
- TEI-c Code of Conduct to be approved [[1]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/edit#heading=h.6mt6yycisdk "[1]")
- New Business
- Reports
- Conference--Kiyonori
- Rahtz Prize--Kathryn
- Elections--Kathryn
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Susan Schreibman (SS)
- Laurent Romary (LR)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Michelle Dalmau (MD)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
- Kiyonori Nagasaki (KN)
Action Items:
- ALL: Work on circulating CFP on social media
- KT: Ask Chinese colleague about using Chinese social media
- MD: Send SS host proposal
- LR: Draft message re: membership drive for TEI-L; MD to review
- Circulate February minutes for approval over email
- Circulate Code of Conduct for approval over email
Susan Schreibman, Program Committee Chair
- Points to website, CFP
- CFP posted to Humanist, DARIAH-L, Twitter, TEI-C website
- Emphasizes need to circulate CFP widely
- Discussion of ways to extend reach in Pacific Rim
- Calendar
- JADH on the Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
- Preconference workshops on Monday during the day with big shared keynote in the afternoon
- Board Meeting to be scheduled tentatively for Monday morning
- Only need a half day
- Plan to hold ~10 for Board meeting
- Council meeting days will be finalized once workshops have been submitted and accepted
as some Council members usually lead those
- Council will like to have an open session opposite a workshop slot as a way to invite the community to see their work up close
- Plan to hold ~12 for Council meeting except on Open Session which needs to hold 12+
- Members meeting to be scheduled as part of the main program
- SS would like to see the host proposal; MD will send that along
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of February meeting--tabled to email
Old Business
- TEI-C Code of Conduct to be approved [[1]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/edit#heading=h.6mt6yycisdk "[1]")
New Business
- Conference--Kiyonori
- Did not discuss
- Rahtz Prize--Kathryn
- MD updated the language to emphasize open-access / open-source nature of the project; nomination and application forms updated to reflect the same
- HC reviewed suggested changes and approved them
- LM will post updated version of Call on TEI web site: http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/rahtz.xml
- Elections--Kathryn
- Did not discuss
- Code of Conduct
- Quickly reviewed and decided we should approve over email.
- Membership Drive
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TEI-C_Free_One_Year_Workshop_Memberships
- Laurent will draft announcement for the List; Michelle will review announcement
- Hugh needs to reset the time period for closing message on banner
- Hugh will need to update the HTML to post to the guidelines
- Kevin and Luis will deal with the static web page web site updates
- Inquiry to Virtual re: Payment by PayPal (not received response from Virtual, Inc.)
- Open up the transactions to support credit cards, not just PayPal (if not cost-prohibitive)
- Conference--Kiyonori