TEI-C Board Meeting 2018-04-12
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of March and February of March
- Old Business
- Conference Update
- Membership Drive
- TEI-c Code of Conduct
- New Business
- Documentation
- Message about roles
- Updates
- Rahtz Prize Committee and Dates
- Nominations Committee and Election Timeline
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Laurent Romary (LR)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Michelle Dalmau (MD)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Susan Schreibman (SS)
- Kiyonori Nagasaki (KN)
Action Items
everybody: to attract further submissions from Japan, China, India to conference HC: to decide by April 25 on solution for payment of membership fee from Germany, then publish membership drive MD: to send out Code of Conduct to TEI-L for comments, prepare final document for next board meeting MD: to prepare message about new board roles in 2018 Election committee, Rahtz-prize committee: to publish calls
February Meeting: approved Winner of last Rahtz-prize to be member of the selection committee for next years prize: approved
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- February meeting minutes: Approved
- Approve minutes of March meeting: We have two votes via e-mail, LR to check if he can approve
Update on Conference (SS)
- 39 submissions
- no submissions from Japan, China, India by now
- everybody:
- repost to H-Net DH
- repost on WeChat
- extended deadline: April 27th
- length of abstract: is handled liberal
- Meeting space:
- Board: parallel to SIG meetings or parallel to excursion (thursday afternoon)
- Members Meeting: in the middle (Wednesday)
- Council: Friday/Saturday before conference, open meeting on Monday morning
- SIG-meetings: thursday
- Excursion on thursday afternoon
- Redistribute call for Early Stage Researchers (everybody)
- KT and KN organise board/council dinner
Membership Drive
- Membership drive pending until we can ensure that Germany can actually subscribe using something other than PayPal
- German payment still unsolved: Tim Noughton (Virtual) is checking for an alternative payment channel to the accounts managed by Virtual. Hugh is pinging them. Hopes on a couple of weeks to decide, May latest: HC decides April 25
- DARIAH is ready to step in in case of emergency (LR)
TEI-C Code of Conduct
- is ready to publish for comments via TEI-L, 2-3 weeks response time, try to present results on the Board Meeting (MD)
Google-Drive: internal documentation, incl. PDF, word files etc. To keep documentation together everybody is asked not to send around documents via mail, but to post links to the google docs in mail Wiki: open but living procedures to keep our work transparent TEI-C-Website: published minutes, we are in the process to move public procedures of the board to the wiki Access rights: Board discussed to give the board and the council access and publication rights, LM to discuss this with Kevin
Message about roles
report MD: 2017 minutes to be approved by KT, KN, LR MD prepares report on 2017 activities and introduction of 2018 board roles to be sent around via TEI-L by end of this week.
Rahtz Prize Committee and Dates
Committee: MS, MD (substituting KT as chair), HC Raff Viglianti invited to be member of the committee New general policy: invite previous winner to serve as member of the next selection committee: approved shift dates to April 30 etc.
Nominations Committee and Election Timeline
Committee: GV, MS, KT Julia Flanders nominated for TAPAS: Scott Hamlin Replacements in Council: 5, in the Board: 3 , in the TAPAS advisory board: open Committee follows https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TEI-C_and_TAPAS_Election_Process