TEI-C-Board Meeting 2018-06-14
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of May meetings
- Updates
- Elections--Martina and Georg
- Conference Update--Kiyonori
- Rahtz Prize (if discussion is needed)--Martina
- DHSI Sponsorship Redux
- Old Business that will have to be handled over email
- Membership Drive--Ready to launch?
- Members' Meeting Minutes posted?
- Needs review by current members of the Board who attended the 2017 meeting
- TEI-c Code of Conduct posted?
- Final approval of Code of Conduct: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/edit?usp=sharing
Present Kathryn Tomasek (KT), Kiyonori Nagasaki (KN), Georg Vogeler (GV), Luis Meneses (LM), Martina Scholger (MS)
Michelle Dalmau (MD), Hugh Cayless (HC)
Action Items
MD to approve May minutes HC and KT to sign MoU with Le Mans
HC to hand over member lists to LM for voting
LM to set up OpaVote test
KT to draft answer to re-request for TEI-support of DSHI 2018
KT to start documentation on TEI support in TEI-wiki
KT, MD and HC to decide on general board-mail
MD to publish Code of Conduct
MD to publish Member’s Meeting Minutes 2017
LR, HC to report on membership drive
GV to follow up TEI-C travel reimbursement policy for Board members
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
Approve minutes of May meetings Agreed by KN and KT, need third vote via mail (GV)
MoU from Le Mans for employment of assistant to support editor of jTEI: HC and KT will sign and return to Le Mans, 30 days for transfer for 20.000 $
4 nominations never answered in spite of reminder, others answered after reminding (mixing up May 30th and 31st :-)) Slate is published: http://www.tei-c.org/Vault/MembersMeetings/2018-info/mm79.html
OpaVote could be set up: LM contact HC to pass list of members, make test and set up final version.
Conference Update
detailed program will be decided during DH2018 in Mexico City 63 paper/posters, 7 workshops
Response from Asia? at least 20 presenters
Open Council Meeting on Monday works out.
Joint board and council Dinner on Thursday evening. KN will organise the location.
Rahtz Prize
7 nominations, one excluded by formal reasons; currently 2 applications, waiting for another 4, reminded twice, deadline is June 15th. DHSI Sponsorship Redux
Re-request from Elisa for TEI support of DHSI personal talk KT with Ray Siemens this Tuesday: Support sponsor of DSHI is 2500,- CD; no need of dedicated TEI teaching, as this is part of DSHI anyway.
Ask for new request for DSHI 2019 incl. a clear budget and planned use of this money.
- KN, GV, MS, LM support this strategy
- KT to draft answer
General policy:
- KT to start documentation on the subject in TEI-wiki
General Board-Mail
KT will write the mail next week, in coordination with MD and HC Code of Conduct / Members Meetings Minutes 2017
We all approve the Code of Conduct MD to publish both
Membership drive
LR, HC to report infrastructure is ready; move to Stripe missing
Old Business:
GV to follow up re: the TEI-C travel reimbursement policy for Board members KT will add to in-person meeting agenda the pros/cons of a single membership renewal date