TEI-C-Board Meeting 2018-07-12

via zoom


  • Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
    • Approve May, June minutes
  • Updates
    • Membership drive
    • Elections participation
    • Conference
    • Rahtz Prize
    • 2017 MM minutes
  • Postponed:
    • Rewrite travel reimbursement policy
  • AOB

Attendees: KT, MS, HC, LM, MD, GV

Regret: LR


  • May and June minutes approved

Action Items:

  • LR to report on membership subscriptions reaction to membership drive.

  • MD send Members Meeting minutes 2017 to LM

  • MD to draft streamlined version of the reimbursement policy on the wiki

  • MD and HC to check with Julia Flanders, if TAPAS support can be payed

Approval minutes:

May: MD approves, KT approves, GV approves June approved by GV, KT, KN


Membership drive

HC reports: last year: 19 payments in the same period, after membership drive launch 30 payments; Credit card payments working LR to report on membership subscriptions reaction to membership drive.

Elections participation

34 individuals, 11 institutional by now LM has schedule automatic reminder mails


KN: program to be published next week all of us in the current meeting will be there

Members Meeting minutes 2017

MD: awaiting a last check: KT and MS support the current version => MD send it to LM

Code of Conduct

is published by LM


Meeting of the committee end of July, MS to send out invitation 4 applications

criteria to be developed in meeting, based on the spreadsheet from last prize

KT suggests to document experiences in selection process to develop common criteria on the long run

Question of Travel Reimbursement Policy

Overhaul of documentation during Victoria meeting.

Current policy is on the Board Wiki:


Mail from Georg 14.6.:

“I took over the task to suggest changes to clarify the travel reimbursement policy of TEI-C.

This affects


and the sentence "Candidates may wish to indicate whether they can expect institutional support for their service if elected (e.g., time allowance for service, help with expenses)." from invitation letter model (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KksmnLcxoi4oG-xJDX6y5sRqvgQWGgiMXWwFa_uqU68/edit)

as far as I can see. Anywhere else to look?

I would suggest the following changes:

  1. in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KksmnLcxoi4oG-xJDX6y5sRqvgQWGgiMXWwFa_uqU68/edit):

replace the sentence in the invitation letter with a reference to a document explaining purpose and responsibilities of board members, including the reference to https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Travel_Reimbursement_Procedures_for_Council_and_Board_Members

  1. in: https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Travel_Reimbursement_Procedures_for_Council_and_Board_Members

  1. delete "and 75% of the per diem designated by the U.S. Department of State [Domestic https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates] and [Foreignhttps://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp] Per Diem Rates" and the whole section "Meals and Incidental Expenses (Per Diem)"

and establish a tradition that TEI-C is generous in inviting working people for meals during the meetings.

My arguments for the deletion of per diems is:

  1. the rules are very US centric
  2. my experience as general practice in academia is, that "visible" costs like travel and accommodation are generally accepted as costs to be covered by inviting organisations, while per diem is not everytime clear how to calculate that compared to everyday living costs (and in fact in scholarly context often not paid at all).

  1. rephrase "We encourage an individual's ability to subsidize or cover completely the costs associated with TEI-C-related business travel. " that it is easier to understand for non-English natives. If I (as a non-English native) understand that right my proposal for replacement would be:

"TEI-C honors the efforts of individuals engaging in TEI-C work. Financial needs should not be an obstacle to this. Please do not refrain from asking for the necessary support on a case-by-case basis."

@all, do you think this would make the reimbursement policy better?

@Hugh, what would you think on this as treasurer?”

General discussion: role of per diems is unclear, but it should support people with small personal budgets; reduce need for detailed documentation:

MD to draft a reimbursement form to simplify the reimbursement process.  Hugh will review that form with Virtual, Inc.


HC is paying jTEI support to Anne Baillot MD: TAPAS already payed? HC to check, MD to check with Julia Flanders

KT: start to plan on the long run: update / revise bylaws (e.g. proposals from May 2016: treasurer, elections)? Invite Tim Naughton to a meeting? Create a budget? => preparation for face-to-face-meeting; planning presentations for MM; report on jTEI bei Anne Baillot, report on TAPAS; MD to support KT (but there is the wiki :-))