TEI-C Board Meeting 2018-08-16
Meeting via Zoom
Attendees: Kathryn Tomasek (KT), Luis Meneses (LM), Kyonori Nagasaki (KN), Laurent Romary (LR), Georg Vogeler (GV), Martina Scholger (MS), Michelle Dalmau (MD)
Regret: Hugh Cayless
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of July meeting
- Conference and Members Meeting
- Last-minute Update(s)
- Council Open Session
- Requests for Slides
- announce results of elections as well as Rahtz Prize
- Policy for funding catering during in-person Council and Board meetings
- Update(s)
- Membership
- Elections
- New Business
- Request from Marjorie Burghardt for letter of support for her grant proposal
Action Items:
- KT to email Hugh about reimbursing Susan for her airline ticket.
- KN to collect dates for joint dinner council/board via e-mail, incl. dietary restrictions.
- MS, KT, HC to prepare slides for members meeting report
- MS, MD, and Raff Viglianti to prepare presentation of Rahtz Prize.
- KT to prepare presentation of election results
- KT to request financial report from Virtual and to collect slides and notes for annual report to be sent to the members.
- KT to email Tim Naughton with cc to Hugh to ask about company credit card for Council Chair.
- MS (in cooperation with Marjorie Burghart) to draft letter of support for Marjorie’s DARIAH sustainability grant application, KT and MS to sign
- LR/LM to remind institutional members for voting via Wild Apricot
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
Approve minutes of July meeting: Approved. Conference and Members Meeting
Updates by KN
Program is published 160 registration by now (incl. JADH-conference)
Travel expense of keynote speaker:
KT will email Hugh about reimbursing Susan for her airline ticket.
Joint dinner board/council: planning for date (Wednesday?)
KN will collect dates via e-mail (joint list), incl. dietary restrictions.
Council Open Session—Martina
council session is parallel to workshops? which would change the number of people to be expected. KN: no, but there is room for 60 people in the council open session
MS: Extra abstract in the conference folder or just a mail via TEI-L? Just via TEI-L
Agenda for Members’ Meetings—Kathryn
Current schedule at https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/2018_Conference_and_Members%27_Meeting Council report: Martina, expect slides close to the meeting, incl. SIG reports treasurer report: Hugh short report on membership drive: LR
KT has contacted Anne for report on Journal KT contacted Julia for Tapas
Presentation of TEI 2019: GV, MS
Announce results of elections as well as Rahtz Prize
MS, MD, and Raff Viglianti for Rahtz Prize, LM: hand in election results
KT for elections
Policy for funding of catering of business meetings
Proposal to approve a general policy for reimbursement for catering during business meetings incl. additional expenses like coffee etc.: general policy is already there. How to put it into practice? Problem if chair cannot forward the money: preferred solution would be a company credit card.
LR: occasionally occurring costs can be collected and reimbursed by a member of council/board
MD: credit card would allow smoothing expenses for keynote speaker as well
KT to email Tim Naughton with cc to Hugh to ask about company credit card for Council Chair.
Updates Membership Drive
LR: peak in new members, e.g. Ottawa and others as supporter, since start of membership drive, correlation not completely clear => compare development with previous period to have a statistically more solid argument. Pay attention to switch it off before it becomes boring.
Only one critical reaction.
Communication with members / community
MD: think about communication channels in general; maybe collect reactions via TEI-L? Send out general mails to members? LR: In particular to institutional members: show administrative people that the TEI is working.
GV: I think sending around an annual report to the members would be good practice to show what is happening to their money.
KT: is willing to write a short narrative.
MD: Virtual should be able to do it.
make a financial report public could be good for legal reasons as well.
GV: publish slides of member meeting
LR: don’t forget TEI-L as main communication channel of community. The releases is essential in demonstrating our activity.
KT: will insert references to this in the report.
LR: collection of names for releases?
http://www.tei-c.org/guidelines/p5/ (This is under Figure 1. TEI P5 Releases)
Election: Voting status
Individual Members: 48 voted, 73 not voted Institutional Members: 21 voted, 25 not voted
nudging via Opavote: status
MD: additional nudging via Wild Apricot for institutional members?
LR/LM to nudge via Wild Apricot
New Business
Request from Marjorie Burghardt for letter of support for her grant proposal—Martina
MS: Marjorie Burghart want to apply at DARIAH for open source TEI editor (as plugin to jedit). Council has to be aware to message repo/developers: council sets up and maintains a public place and document this place. Additionally a general letter of support by TEI-board?
LR: remember the sustainability argument in the DARIAH call!
E.g. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0BxFnLn8g8TOYdFFaNmJGdVRnRlE
general approval
MS to draft (in cooperation with Marjorie Burghart)
to be signed by KT and MS.