TEI: TEI-C Board Meeting 2018-09-11
Meeting in person, Tokyo
Attendees: Kathryn Tomasek (KG), Michelle Dalmau (MD), Georg Vogeler (GV), Martina Scholger (MS), Luis Menes (LM), Laurent Romary (LR), Kyonori Nagasaki (KN) partially
Excused: Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of August meeting
- Conference and Members' Meeting
- Renewed request for slides for business meeting on Wednesday
- Are corrections needed to slide deck?
- Updates
- Letter of support was circulated to Board/Council list and sent to Marjorie Burghart for her DARIAH proposal.
- Website--Luis
- Other old business?
- Planning Board Activities for the Final Quarter of 2018
- call for hosting of TEI2020 and TEI2021
- Opportunity for joint meeting with TPDL in Europe--Laurent
- Membership
- Status of membership drive
- Institutional memberships
- Annual Report
- Formal document to include
- When to prepare
- When to distribute
- How to distribute
- Strategic Planning
- Where do we want the TEI to be in five years? Ten years?
- Grants
- Past practices?
- TEI Access as referenced on website
- call for hosting of TEI2020 and TEI2021
- Any other business
Action Items
KT, GV to prepare the call for conference hosting 2020 and 2021
LM to organise membership drive switch on/off and revision of slogans
HC to consult with Virtual on changing fiscal year to Sept-Aug
KT/MS to draft annual report with aid of volunteers
HC/Virtual to evaluate financial situation / budget space for new activities
KT to check with John on TEI Access-program
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of August meeting: approved
Conference and Members' Meeting
- Renewed request for slides for business meeting on Wednesday
- Are corrections needed to slide deck?
- Voting:
- current status:
- individual members: 62 votes, 59 still awaiting
- institutional: 27 votes, 9 still awaiting
- current status:
- KT has sent a reminder email to TEI-L and MD to the Members via Wild Apricot
- jTEI
- assistant in LeMans funded by by TEI-C is hired
- Letter of support for Marjorie Burghart’s DARIAH proposal was circulated to Board/Council list and sent to Marjorie.
- Thank you, Martina!
- Martina and Kathryn have received copies of the submission. Copies upon request; Letter is stored in Google-Drive.
- Website--Luis
- Move to Wordpress is finished. The new site is much easier to use
- Follow-up on aftermath of ADHO server fail: see evaluation of the situation below
Planning Board Activities for the Final Quarter of 2018
- Opportunity for joint meeting with TPDL in Europe
- Stable attendance 200-400
- strong in the library community
- maybe in 2021, decision to include organisers of the TEI2021
- 2020/2021: Open Call
- 2020: The Americas
- 2021: Europe
- protocol: https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Conference_Protocols_for_the_TEI-C_Conference_and_Members%27_Meeting
- Timeline:
- Call soon (before Sept. 25th)
- Repeat
- Deadline for submissions: March 1st, 2019
- 2020/2021: Open Call
- Opportunity for joint meeting with TPDL in Europe
- Stable attendance 200-400
- strong in the library community
- maybe in 2021, decision to include organisers of the TEI2021
- KT, GV to prepare the call
- Status of membership drive - Dates for periodic use of banner * favorite seasons: end of year (Nov-Dec), in time before conference (July-Aug) * take it down Sept 20th - Call for Slogans in March (2019)
- LM to organise this (in cooperation with membership coordinator)
- Institutional memberships
- be aware of sending out renewal reminder in time (before end of the year)
Composition of Annual Report
- Move fiscal reporting time to Sept-Aug (to accord with conference)? - Impact on taxes?
- HC to consult with Virtual
- Formal document to include
- Letter(s) from chair(s) of Board and Technical Council
- strategy / address future plans
- appendix with MM minutes and financial report, Council f2f meetings
- Report on TEI2018
- Change in personal (leaving and new)
- Letter(s) from chair(s) of Board and Technical Council
- Formal document to include
- When to prepare / When to distribute: by October / November
- How to distribute: TEI-L, Members, Website-News
- Models: see old letters (MD)
- KT/MS to draft with aid of volunteers
- Examples from 2015 and 2016:
Communication Board to Community
- Posting minutes on TEI-L (incl. highlights)?
- More News: ideas “monthly digest”, announce conference etc., council news
- Twitter feed?
- Who to encourage?
Strategic Planning?
Where do we want the TEI to be in five years? Ten years? We discussed the following questions as possibilities:
- Grants
- Support grants in the community by Letter of Supports
- remind partners of the possibility to include contributions to the TEI in the proposal (institutional membership).
- TEI as mediator or applicant for grants? No current practice.
- Sharing the Logo etc.
- TEI is willing to support activities featuring the TEI, if there is no money involved
- Funding support by TEI-C?
- do we want to institutionalize?
- keep room for technical activities, e.g. additional meetings, support for volunteer contributors, infrastructure
- Sharing the Logo etc.
- Grants
- Support grants in the community by Letter of Supports
- remind partners of the possibility to include contributions to the TEI in the proposal (institutional membership).
- TEI as mediator or applicant for grants? No current practice.
HC/Virtual to evaluate financial situation / budget for new activities
- Free membership for workshops members
- The process is not very well established and cumbersome. Can we set up a better process or should cancel it due to administrative overhead?
- publicity?
- How to attract members?
- What is the benefit?
- e.g. Tapas access
- Oxygen-free-licences?
- Give visibility to private companies?
- Update Website on membership?
- What is the benefit?
- Council
- enlarge?
- prolong the terms? And keep turn-over?
- establish roles liek “volunteer members” or “deputies” to involve more people?
- TEI Access
- Service and Member Benefit in partnership with APEX in which the TEI-C serves as an aggregator for the outsourcing of digitization and encoding (following TEI Tite guidelines).
- How to attract members?
- Free membership for workshops members
- The process is not very well established and cumbersome. Can we set up a better process or should cancel it due to administrative overhead?
- publicity?
KT to check status of TEI Access with John Unsworth
bring forward to next meeting
Technical infrastructure
- Current infrastructural need:
- Council with root service for Jenkins, ROMA, Oxgarage etc.
- Board with GUI oriented services for Website, documentation (wiki, files), jTEI, administrative databases, mailing-list
- Current solutions:
- administrative: Wild Apricot, Virtual
- Mailing lists: teil-l/Board/Council: Northeastern, nabble (for the archive)
- Website: Wordpess@ADHO
- Wiki: mediawiki@ADHO
- Jenkins (UVic, Paderborn)
- Council anything else ADHO
- Documentation / Agreements
- Which software is involved?
- Do we have official agreements? Do we need them?
- Possible solutions
- replace payment from institutional members by in-kind contributions in form of technical infrastructure?
- Management of passwords
- LM to set up keepass file. Update passwords as well.
Any other business