TEI-C Board Meeting December, 13th, 2018

via zoom


  • Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
    • Approve minutes
      • Members Meeting: please review!
      • November Board minutes
  • Internationalization and procedures for requesting/granting funding
    • UK request from Huw Jones
    • Funding request Update Chinese version
    • Policy summary by Kiyonori:

========================== Internationalization and procedures for requesting/granting funding TEI guidelines aims to realize efficient exchange for research materials according to research for humanities in general. It means that the guidelines must be global in any ways because researchers and objects of humanities are spread in the world. Then, as a step to do it, it is important to translate the guidelines into any languages so that any researchers of humanities can be involved in the activities of the global humanities.

However, instead of the importance of translation, it must be carefully treated to grant funding for the activities due to ensuring fairness of each language as far as possible. We can take at least two ways below:

  • 1.       To pay money with determination of limitation of sum of the funding per year (or so).2.       Not to pay money but to endorse grant applications for any kind of projects including translation of the guidelines.If the consortium will adopt the latter, it would be so easy to go through the procedure. Moreover, it would enable to keep fairness among languages (except English, but it is out of scope in this matter).On the other hand, the former requires to define its procedure. I would like to show a tentative plan below:
    1. The consortium decides the limitation of grant for translation of the specs of the guidelines (https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/tree/dev/P5/Source/Specs) in the next year, consulting with the treasurer
    2. The consortium accepts applications of funding for translation works which has been finished or achieved n% (for example, 80%) during several months in the beginning of year (such as Jan-Feb). (To avoid payment for unfinished future work, the application is limited to finished or nearly-finished work).
    3. The consortium will evaluate the application and share the budget among appropriate applicants. The proportion to share the budget is depend on the actual work, that is, if the work is addition to the existent translation (such as current Japanese case), the proportion depends on the amount of the work (for example, 50%). Actually, Japanese translation team will not be able to submit in the next year, but if do so with 50% and other language will submit with 100% new translation, the proportion of both is 50% vs 100%, that is, the budget for translation work in the year is divided by 2:1 ratio.Moreover, to encourage the translation work without funding, the consortium gives a thank you letter with signature of the chair of the board according to request of each project.


  • Updates
    • Result of Marjorie Burghardt's DARIAH proposal
    • Upgrade Wild Apricot to add more “contacts” (2 events are waiting)
    • TEI2019 Program Committee
      • Gimena accepted role as co-chair
      • all current and future Board and Council members are invited
        • Elisa Beshero-Bondar
        • Vanessa Bigot Juloux
        • Magdalena Turska
      • local organisers and PC-chairs suggest as further members
        • Kiyonori Nagasaki
        • Martin Holmes
        • José Calvo Tello
        • Claudia Resch
        • Julia Flanders
        • Helena Bermúdez Sabel
        • Franz Fischer
        • Frank Fischer
        • Susanne Haaf
        • Susanna Alles
      • PC to
        • review proposals
        • comment on the the program, the CfP, and the keynotes
      • next steps in conference preparation
        • invite PC
        • select and invite keynote speakers
        • draft CfP
        • setup conftool instance
    • TEI Infrastructure--HumaNum and hosting (Laurent)
    • JTEI
      • Managing Editor wants to leave by summer 2019
        • Need about 6 months of overlap with new person
        • Previously have found new managing editors by referral
        • Challenges of finding people with requisite skills and time/energy
        • There are procedures in GoogleDocs
      • General Editor wants to leave by 2020

  • New Business
  • Any Other Business



  • Georg Vogeler
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki
  • Kathryn Tomasek
  • Laurent Romary
  • Luis Meneses
  • Martina Scholger
  • Hugh Cayless


  • Michelle Dalmau

Action Items / Decisions

  • KT to talk to John Walsh on jTEI, talking about the possibility to have Susan Schreibman as managing transition to open call. Continue discussion on process in the next meeting.
  • LR to respond positively to HumaNum and establish contact
  • HC to upgrade Wild Apricot
  • KT to review Tokyo MM minutes
  • KT: to write to Marcus Bingenheimer, that we are setting up the technical infrastructure for i18n first, and before this we cannot spent money; but we will support grant application..
  • MS to set up proposal working group for translation issue
  • All: encourage use and reuse of TEI-logo as you like in any kind of TEI related activity
  • KT to respond to Huw Jones that TEI-C cannot give financial support; TEI-C offers a letter of support, and suggest to encourage library SIG to hold a meeting on the occasion of the event.
  • KT/KN to inform Local Committee on the name of the conftool guy to copy previous installation

Put forward

create and publish general policy on funding support Minutes

  • Internationalization and procedures for requesting/granting funding

+ UK request from Huw Jones (Oxford Workshop on TEI and msDesc) + Funding request Update Chinese version (Marcus Bingenheimer) + Policy summary by Kiyonori

Subproblem A: Internationalisation

    • Community activities: Japanese, Spanish (Gimena, Susanna et al.)
      • Implementation of translations (Martin Holmes offers for Japanese)
      • How to maintain that?
  • KT: question of fairness: workshop for translation funded?
  • LR: we have to find a common policy. Prefer technical activities.
  • MS: i18n has to be solved anyway. It’s a technical problem, not only a workforce problem. council would be glad to be able to invite experts to meetings. Expanding number of council members.
  • HC: better technical infrastructure for i18n workflow needed
  • LR: Frank Fischer reports problems in the workflow. Should encourage volunteers.
  • MS: process should include review
  • MS: Council needs to develop a sustainable workflow for supporting translations.
  • LR: transparency of decision on translation is crucial

decision: KT: to write to Marcus Bingenheimer, that we are setting up the technical infrastructure for i18n and before this we cannot spent money; but we will support grant application etc.

MS to set up proposal working group for translation issue

Subproblem B: shall we grant money at all?

LR: Are we are a funding body or do we spent the money to central activities (e.g. council) HC: similar to TAPAS (10-15K $) could be handled in the current financial situation. Call would be a bit to far ranging (procedures, infrastructure) Support community activities for translation?

LR: supporting community activities seems a good idea, e.g. translation hackathon alongside TEI MM

LR: Emphasizes important of training young scholars to support council work.

GV: such things might include a Technical Council summer school with travel bursary and food

GV: workshops with bringing forward TEI core activities could be e.g. SIG libraries meeting; general TEI using/teaching workshops out of core activities

decision: KT to respond to Huw Jones: suggest write letter of support; Suggest to have the library SIG;

Put forward: publish general policy on funding support

Use the TEI-Logo?

LR: be as open as you like

decision: use, reuse and abuse of the logo (!) as you like

Approve minutes

  • MM: KT to review
  • November Board minutes
    • KN: approve
    • KT: approve
    • LR: approve

Result of Marjorie Burghardt's DARIAH proposal

  • has been accepted, which is highly appreciated

Upgrade Wild Apricot to add more “contacts” (2 events are waiting)

  • HC: Upgrading would gain us 1,500 contacts for almost double the current expense. Budget could cover that.
  • LR: more members is core activities
  • KT, GV: support LR

decision: HC to upgrade Wild Apricot TEI2019 Program Committee

  • all current and future board members are invited
    • LR has already agreed to be part
    • all others accept to be added
  • Gimena accepted role as co-chair
  • local organisers and PC-chairs suggest as further members
    • Kyonori Nagasaki
    • Martin Holmes
    • José Calvo Tello
    • Claudia Resch
    • Julia Flanders
    • Helena Bermúdez Sabel
    • James Cummings
    • Franz Fischer
    • Frank Fischer
    • Susanne Haaf
    • Susanna Alles
  • PC to
    • review proposals
    • comment on the the program, the CfP, and the keynotes
  • next steps in conference preparation
    • invite PC
    • select and invite keynote speakers
    • draft CfP
    • setup conftool instance
  • KT/KN will inform Local Committee on the name of the conftool guy to copy previous installation

TEI Infrastructure--HumaNum and hosting (Laurent)

Head of HumaNum, Olivier Baude, accepted, would like to used it to advertise HumaNum activities. Technical people should get in contact: LM to prepare. Be aware, that technical contact is not proficient in spoken English.

Lyon Computing Centre as technical backbone, incl. long term preservation.

LR to serve as liaison and interpreter in case.

decision: LR to respond positively to HumaNum and establish contact


KT informs about situation, which can be considered critical:

  • Managing Editor wants to leave by summer 2019
    • Need about 6 months of overlap with new person
    • Previously have found new managing editors by referral
    • Challenges of finding people with requisite skills and time/energy
    • There are procedures in GoogleDocs
  • General Editor wants to leave by 2020

Susan Schreibman has ideas how to handle the crisis and would serve as general editor for a year of transition. LR: have an open call for general editor

KT: need for leadership in the transition phase

LR/HC: Anne Baillot is in general willing to support transition even beyond summer.

decision: KT to talk to John Walsh, talking about the possibility to have Susan Schreibman as managing transition to open call. Continue discussion on process in the next meeting.

New Business

none Any Other Business
