TEI-C Board Meeting 2020-02-20
via Zoom
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Christiane Fritze (CF)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- James Cummings (JC)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Gimena del Rio Riande (GRR)
Action items
- LM to forward the information about server migration to the infrastructure group
- PW, KT and HC to draft a proposal on bursary for people from the global south to attend to be able the TEI conference by March
- KT, JC and HC to draft a mini grant program by March or April
- MK and KT to work on the announcement of the Rahtz price including getting in contact with the last award winners
- LM to list his task as “webmaster”
- LM to send the old job advertisement to the Board
- HC to launch the membership campaign
- PW and KT to draft the changing election terms for Board and Council
- PW and KT to word the procedure about early outgoing Board /Council members
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Migration to Debian 10 Servers via Humanum (LM)
- Updates
- Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- TAPAS Support / TEI Repository
- Announcement of the Rahtz Price
- Finding a Webmaster
- Conference documentation (nomination PC chair)
- Membership Campaign and Institutional Membership (HC)
- Ticketing System for Board actions (CF)
- Changing election terms for Board and Council Members (KT)
- Website: structure and content (HC)
- Internationalization strategy (HC, GRR)
- FORCE 11 partnership (GRR)
- Any Other Business
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- KT and JC aprove the minutes from January meeting
- Migration to Debian 10 Servers via Humanum (LM)
- LM to let the Infrastructure Group (IG) know about this
- Need for documentation on the wiki
- all agree to let Humanum do the Server migration for us
- Updates
- Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- bursary for travel and accomodation for people from the global South to be able to attend the TEI conference
- HC: table exists with the estimated costs of this
- to do: build a group to outline of the proposal
- include PW, KT, HC
- include a variation of the dinner with seniors practice of DH
- work on this in March and present the draft at next meeting
- bursary for travel and accomodation for people from the global South to be able to attend the TEI conference
- TAPAS Support / TEI Repository
- KT summarizes that we don't have an agreement with TAPAS forever
- Board is unclear on the value we have from TAPAS
- other options might be:
- an arrangement with oXygen to do licensing for scholars in the global South --would need procedure
- localization, i18n projects ( <-- funding from Mellon?)
- consider to setting up a procedure for benefiting the TEI
- idea: kind of mini grant program
- schedule: is it linked with the conference? f.i announcement of winners?
- then in the next couple in the month,
- or rather announce the program during the conference
- working group: KT, JC with the help of the treasurer HC
- report on that by March or April
- Announcement the competition of the Rahtz Prize
- documentation in the wiki
- Committee is needed
- Board Chair, Council Chair, third person of the TEI community
- MS: is it okay always to have the same people in the committee? JC: These should change but determined by roles above which they have remained static for a while.
- It would be a good idea to have a fallback member of the committee.
- Perhaps add a member from the jTEI team.
- Or someone who is a respected member of the community
- John Walsh, Grant Simpson, and Saeed Moaddeli (winners of last years Rahtz prize)
- KT and MS will work this out
- Finding a Webmaster
- LM wants to step down.
- LM to look for the advertisment with the job description from last time and to list all his tasks.
- Do we need a webmaster or someone with far more sysadmin competencies?
- We do need someone who feels responsible for keeping us aware of what needs updating; someone who sees the big picture. This may be a point at which we really do need a webmaster/web designer, WordPress expert. And leave sysadmin to IG. Possibly seek a webmaster and assistant webmaster with slightly different skillset.
- Conference documentation (nomination PC chair)
- The time schedule proposal has been adapted for Nebraska according to the documentation of Georg – They are currently on track.
- Membership Campaign and Institutional Membership (HC)
- implementing was a lot more complicated than last time
- it is ready to go now
- Ticketing System for Board actions (CF)
- SaaS Kanban Tools with export functions are not for free
- https://kanbantool.com/
- 5 € per user per month
- https://trello.com/pricing
- 10 USD per user per month
- meistertask PRO
- 8.25 USD per user per month
- asana PREMIUM
- 10.99 € per user per month
- kanbanize
- 1-15 users 99 USD per month
- 16-25 users 129 USD per month
- Changing election terms for Board and Council Members (KT)
- Martina’s proposal for Council terms
- Council talked about it
- needs a policy/procedure for replacement of inactive council member
- PW and KT will work on the wording for this; JC suggests that it could be a separate section in the bylaws applying to both board and council.
- PW and KT to spend some time during next week
- Martina’s proposal for Council terms
- Website: structure and content (HC): postponed
- Internationalization strategy (HC, GRR): postponed
- FORCE 11 partnership (GRR): postponed
- Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- Any Other Business
- none