TEI-C Board Meeting 2020-06-18
via Zoom
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Gimena del Rio Riande (GRR)
- Christiane Fritze (CF)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- James Cummings (JC)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
Action items
- see Asana
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Updates
- Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- Conference Subvention
- TAPAS Support / TEI Repository (KT)
- General guidelines or policy on when the TEI-C provides letters of support (PW)
- Finding a Webmaster
- Website: structure and content (HC)
- Internationalization strategy (HC, GRR)
- Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- Any Other Business
- https://grobid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction/ (GRR)
- wrap-up of the membership campaign
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- JC, GRR, KT approve last meeting's minutes
Strategic budget allocations (KT)
- Risks at spending the money this way:
- potential for fraud through buying cheaper tickets than applied for
- Solution: we could make arrangements (hotel, flights) for the people rather than giving them the money directly
- Question: where is the balance between motivating people and misuse
- PW: add travel insurance, to allay some risk to TEI (for cancellation) and offer cover to the bursary holder for health
- Connect financial support to a mentoring event to ensure bursary holders are welcomed into the community: add this point to the draft
- KT to add this points into the call
- From last meeting: JC wonders if we should review the amount of the
subvention to conference hosts - this $7K hasn’t changed for years I think?
(postponed from last month’s agenda)
- depending from the institution’s support how much is needed
- PW: open the conversation to the candidates. leave out of the call
for candidates
- reason: be more open be more welcoming, making it negotiable
- PW: drafts a wording for Hugh and Gimena to put for the members website
- Risks at spending the money this way:
TAPAS Support / TEI Repository (KT)
- KT forwarded the conversation with Julia Flanders
- GRR: we need repositories for archiving and for sharing, repositories should be open. There are other options like Github-Zenodo (which work very well together), Textgrid repository or humanum/isidore. Zenodo and HumaNum are open and free. We need to start a conversation with Julia about these things. A repository that does not allow anyone to store their data does not make sense: these benefits should be offered to the whole TEI community and not only to TEI Members in support of a more inclusive community.
- TAPAS is no longer as necessary as it was when TAPAS was founded. The community has gone elsewhere. (JC)
- JC asks a question about the number of users in TAPAS as opposed to other repositories, such as github. c.f. https://twitter.com/dr_pda/status/1264704189843640320 showing a large number of TEI files in GitHub. Do we get membership benefits to the worth of the amount donated from TAPAS. TAPAS has not become the TEI community hub.
- KT and PW writing an answer
- from chat:
- Tweet mentioning result of github search: https://twitter.com/dr_pda/status/1264704189843640320
- From Luis Meneses to Everyone: (11:58 AM https://teihub.netlify.app This is a side project which searches all public GitHub repositories for files containing the string teiHeader, as a way of discovering TEI-encoded documents.
- From James Cummings to Everyone: (12:00 PM) That seems a lot less documents than there really are? I mean the textcreationpartnership.org itself has 30K. ;-) (Oh, I see it only gets 1000 at a time)
- From Hugh Cayless, Ph.D. to Everyone: (12:01 PM) Papyri.info has many thousands…
- From James Cummings to Everyone: (12:01 PM) So the greater than 1M seems reasonable.
- From Hugh Cayless, Ph.D. to Everyone: (12:04 PM) (Just checking, we have somewhere around a quarter-million)
- From James Cummings to Everyone: (12:04 PM) Maybe we should talk to Philip Allfrey (behind TEI Hub) about getting some better list.
General guidelines or policy on when the TEI-C provides letters of support (PW)
- yes, we have an interest. (Letter of Nicholas)
- Important to have guidelines when to support and when to drop
Finding a Webmaster
- Has gone through IG. The call for Communications Manager was sent on June 8th 2020 to the TEI-L by KT
Website: structure and content (HC)
- table to next meeting
Internationalization strategy (HC, GRR)
- table to next meeting
Any Other Business
- https://grobid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction/ (GRR)
- This is related to Gimena’s work on journal publishing and her interest in promoting TEI in journal publishing.
- KT and GRR will join the regular monthly meeting of the TEI Journal editors in July and report back next month at the Board’s July meeting
- https://grobid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction/ (GRR)
Date of next Meetings
Every month on the Third Thursday
- Jul 16, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Aug 20, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Sep 17, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Oct 15, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Nov 19, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Dec 17, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Jan 21, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)