TEI-C Board Meeting Minutes 2017-08-17
- Michelle Dalmau (MD)
- Kiyonori Nagasaki (KN)
- Laurent Romary (LR)
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- John Unsworth (JU)
- Pip Willcox (PW)
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- May Minutes Approved. Luis Meneses will post to web site.
- Need to review July 2017 minutes; to be approved over email (password protected)
- Nominations/Elections
- Review Committee Appointments
- Finalize Elections Timeline
- Update on MM/Conference for 2018 and 2019
- Update on Rahtz Prize
- Update on the Zampolli Prize awarded at DH 2017
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
May Minutes Approved. Luis Meneses will post to web site. Need to review July 2017 minutes; to be approved over email (password protected)
KN has appointed nominating committee: LR, TAPAS representative (TBA), Hugh Cayless, Alex Bia (both from the Council), Luis Meneses, who will be setting up OpaVote for the first time. MD has contacted Julia Flanders re. TAPAS representative to ensure smooth communications following the election. The Board agreed it was ready to open elections. Elections Timeline was agreed: MD set timings using last year’s as a guide. We have a later start (and a later conference) and the voting period will be shorter. People tend to vote towards the end of the period, and this year (due to the later conference) it does not need to take account of a long holiday period. KN to adjust dates on the wiki as the committee advances in its work. All to help KN as required throughout the process. Review of Committee Appointments: we will not wait on a TAPAS representative before opening the committee: that person could join later. Julia Flanders has confirmed there are two places to be filled on the TAPAS Board. We are ready to open nominations. The forms from last year helped streamline the process and avoid mistakes. Minor changes need to be made. PW to make changes. We all have access to the Google docs: Elections" folder. We have boilerplate for nominations, acceptance of nominations etc. We will duplicate the files before editing (to keep a record of the original as well). PW to make changes before everyone can edit.
MD to draft position description for new Treasurer and circulate for comments/approval. MD has made notes with JU on this, with the new responsibilities outlined. Timeline would be
Virtual, Inc update:
JU reported that Virtual, Inc are working to the Members’ Meeting to have arrangements in place. This could be the time to announce the Treasurer, or to garner interest in applying for the position (depending on timing). Bank account set up with Citizen Bank (saving money on wire transfer fees amongst other things). As usual, there is about $215,000 in the account. No recurring payments incoming. The few recurring outgoing payments go through PayPal (e.g. copy editing for the Journal). Automatic membership renewals will not go through (because the account will no longer exist): JU to start putting new bank information on invoices and institutional renewals and it will force people to update their details. There are few recurring outgoing payments and no reimbursements owing. Where should I record the banking information including routing and account numbers? Virtual, Inc will keep this. MD has the details stored securely locally.
Update on Members’ Meeting/Conference for 2018 and 2019
Tokyo has accepted the invitation to host 2018. LR has discussed the 2018 workshop event with colleagues in Goettingen who understand the decision to go to Tokyo and are happy to arrange an event that will complement and not compete with the Members’ Meeting. This is likely to be in late spring 2018. Graz has accepted the invitation to host 2019. They asked if they could announce it early and were asked not to make it public, saving the announcement for the Members’ Meeting. An early announcement for Tokyo is recommended due to its early date and the late date of this year’s Members’ Meeting to save the date. KN confirmed Tokyo is happy for an early announcement, at the same time as JADH, 12 September 2017. MD will draft an announcement for review and subsequent dissemination soon. There will be space at the Members’ Meeting for KN or another representative to showcase the event with, e.g. a video or slideshow.
Rahtz Prize update:
Excellent nominations received and awaiting review by MD and the Prize judging team. MD to pick this up and report back next meeting.
Zampolli Prize awarded at DH 2017:
MD, KN, KT and PW all attended the acceptance speeches by Nancy Ide, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, and Lou Burnard. It gave an excellent overview of the history of the TEI. The speeches were recorded and MD will have access to the video. We will link to it from the TEI website. The TEI had a good showing at the DH 2017 conference with many papers discussing it and using it to power reported research. MD to investigate whether we are able to edit it for showing at the Members’ Meeting. Lou Burnard orchestrated the celebration of the community, asking current Board and Council members to stand, then former members, then everyone who has used the TEI, then everyone who dislikes the TEI—with the aim of getting the whole room to stand. Lou Burnard made explicit the link with Antonio Zampolli and the early history of the TEI. LR reported that at a recent conference many libraries discussed how they are using TEI. PW reminded the Board that Christine Madsen wrote a report on libraries and their Special Collections cataloguing, reporting that the majority used TEI. PW to circulate the report. PW suggested that we identify funds for professionally editing the Zampolli speech recording to make a shorter version that can be used to promote the TEI to interested parties; consider enhancing the Zampolli speech by showcasing TEI projects to demonstrate what the TEI can do, by crowdsourcing suggestions from the List.
PR campaign:
LR requested we return to discussions of this summer’s PR campaign. It is a timely opportunity, with the Zampolli Prize. MD suggests we take this up by email for summary/update next time we meet. LR to compile where we are with membership drive; add next steps and implementation strategies to the next agenda.