TEI-C Board Minutes 2018-05-10
Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements
- Approve minutes of April meetings
Old Business
- Membership Drive--Ready to launch?
- The German problem
- Members' Meeting Minutes posted?
- Membership Drive--Ready to launch?
Members Meeting Minutes 2017
- Needs review by current members of the Board who attended the 2017 meeting
- Email to list from Martin Mueller about TEI Budget and publication of members meetings documentation
- Message about roles--Kathryn
- Webmaster--Luis Meneses has agreed to continue in this role for another term--Kathryn
- Email to list from Martin Mueller about TEI Budget and publication of members meetings documentation
New Business
- Email from Daniel O'Donnell about Force11
- Conference Update--Kiyonori
- Confirm dates for meetings of Board and Council and meeting spaces (see April minutes)
- TEI-c Code of Conduct public comments--Michelle
- Rahtz Prize Nominations--Martina
- Nominations for Board, Council, and TAPAS--Martina
- Conference Update--Kiyonori
- Kathryn Tomasek (KT)
- Michelle Dalmau (MD)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Kyonori Nagasaki (KN)
- Luis Meneses (LM)
- Laurent Romary (LR)
- Georg Vogeler (GV)
Action Items:
- ALL will approve April meeting minutes over email by 16 May 2018
- ALL will approve recommendation for online payment system in time to launch the membership drive by 18 May 2018
- KT will add to in-person meeting agenda the pros/cons of a single membership renewal date
- KT, KN (and HC, LM) to review 2017 Members’ Meeting Minutes for approval by 16 May 2018
- KT will let Dan O’Donnell know that the TEI-C would like to be affiliated with FORCE11
- MD will incorporate Code of Conduct public comments by 29 May 2018 for final review by Board
- MS, MD and Raff Viglianti to review Rahtz Prize nominations, finalize the application submission form and contact nominees
- GV to follow up re: the TEI-C travel reimbursement policy for Board members
- MS will contact all those elected to stand for election to submit an application with statement
- Meeting Procedures and Other Announcements - Approve minutes of April meeting
- Will approve over email, ideally by Wednesday, 16 May
- March minutes have been approved by three persons and are public at http://www.tei-c.org/Board/bm76.xml
- Old Business
- Drive held up by allowing German members to make payments
- Situation with PayPal is worse than he thought. Germans would be required to setup a PayPal account so they can actually pay.
- Tim Naughton at Virtual is looking at Stripe (like PayPal) but more modern, better
- Stripe has a headquarters in Germany! Better international support.
- Wild Apricot announced that they are setting up their own payment portal. International support is unclear. Easier option to setup, but we don’t know much more about the partner company (Affinipay).
- HC recommends that we need more clarity on the Wild Apricot option, but we know Stripe will work.
- Membership Drive--Ready to launch?
- HC would like to decide by next week and launch the drive! By 18 May.
- HC will circulate the options over email. We can decide over email.
* We would lose PayPal as an option. Wild Apricot can only support one payment gateway at a time.
+ Need to let people know about this transition.
+ We can always pay by credit card (for those of us who are PayPal users)
* KT would like to look at an annual renewal date. Something to discuss as part of strategic planning.
+ Need to understand the financial implications
+ Need to extend people’s membership for the year that we did. We might have a shortfall.
- 2017 Members' Meeting Minutes posted
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WySLgPuU0OrcyModsjzDe8JGgMfyb6Iz1amKCC-e8I0/ (password protected)
- 2017 Members' Meeting Minutes posted
- HC will circulate the options over email. We can decide over email.
* We would lose PayPal as an option. Wild Apricot can only support one payment gateway at a time.
+ Need to let people know about this transition.
+ We can always pay by credit card (for those of us who are PayPal users)
* KT would like to look at an annual renewal date. Something to discuss as part of strategic planning.
+ Need to understand the financial implications
+ Need to extend people’s membership for the year that we did. We might have a shortfall.
- Needs review by current members of the Board who attended the 2017 meeting
- Approve by Wednesday, 16 May
- Email to list from Martin Mueller about TEI Budget (currently http://www.tei-c.org/Board/#body.1_div.2 lists budget reports 2003-2006)
- MD responded to the TEI-L about the minutes
- Once Business Meeting Minutes are approved, question about finances will be made clear.
- Will be able to distribute balance sheets at Members’ Meeting in September
- Message about roles--Kathryn
- Email to list from Martin Mueller about TEI Budget (currently http://www.tei-c.org/Board/#body.1_div.2 lists budget reports 2003-2006)
- Approve by Wednesday, 16 May
- Webmaster--Luis Meneses has agreed to continue in this role for another term--Kathryn
- New Business
- Email from Daniel O'Donnell about participation of TEI as official partner in the FSCI by Force11 (http://force11.org/fsci) ("partnership" program: US$150 discount (>10%) on registration for the week-long Institute to members of partner organisations. In exchange: use your logo and/or name as a partner institution, advertise the event in our members community)
- KT: there’s no financial commitment to support FSCI.
- MD states that TEI is used in journal publishing and TEI is an important part of the scholarly communication ecosystem (at least states-side)
- KN feels that this affiliation would be a good impression for Japanese librarians and TEI.
- KT wants to make sure that we extend the profile of the TEI and FORCE is working on reaching out to spanish-speaking nations.
- Email from Daniel O'Donnell about participation of TEI as official partner in the FSCI by Force11 (http://force11.org/fsci) ("partnership" program: US$150 discount (>10%) on registration for the week-long Institute to members of partner organisations. In exchange: use your logo and/or name as a partner institution, advertise the event in our members community)
- Updates
- Conference Update--Kiyonori
- Confirm dates for meetings of Board and Council and meeting spaces (see April minutes)
- Board: parallel to SIG meetings
- Can provide room for the Board meeting as well
- KN will provide a room at the same time as the SIG meetings (in the morning)
- And will organize excursion to make it possible for Board members to attend--a good message
- Council: Friday/Saturday before conference, open meeting on Monday morning
- KN received tentative schedule from Martina.
- Can provide room for Council
- Board: parallel to SIG meetings
- Confirm dates for meetings of Board and Council and meeting spaces (see April minutes)
- TEI-C Code of Conduct public comments--Michelle
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/
- MD will incorporate public comments by 29 May
- Most significant change will be Reporting Issues section
- Board agrees that we should introduce steps between incident and official reporting
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVRdO0xXfxorLNAhy9rw8-qA93sjKhNw0JNFLSJ0iuU/
- Rahtz Prize Nominations--Martina
- 7 nominations
- Next step: send out email to those nominated and invite them to apply
- Michelle, Martina & Raff will touch base before sending out applications
- We have an email we can tailor for inviting applicants: https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Rahtz_Prize_Invitation_to_Apply
- Nominations for Board, Council, and TAPAS--Martina
- question about funding of travel costs by a nominee, who would not be able to be part of the board, if there is no funding support. => Do we have a published policy on this?
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Travel_Reimbursement_Procedures_for_Council_and_Board_Members
- TEI-C will reimburse reasonable expenses but encourages institutional contributions to offset travel costs. Full reimbursement requests are considered on a case by case basis.
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Travel_Reimbursement_Procedures_for_Council_and_Board_Members
- Roughly 44 nominations. Really good response rate!
- 4 for TAPAS
- 8 for Board
- 18 for Council
- Next steps is to send out the acceptance form.
- MS: Made the form open; no Google account required to submit election information.
- question about funding of travel costs by a nominee, who would not be able to be part of the board, if there is no funding support. => Do we have a published policy on this?
- Conference Update--Kiyonori