Text Encoding Intiative Consortium Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Saturday, November 17, 2001 Grand Hotel Duomo, Pisa, Italy
[TEI Document No BM02: Archived by LB on 14 Apr 2002]
Text Encoding Intiative Consortium
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, November 17, 2001
Grand Hotel Duomo, Pisa, Italy
John Unsworth, Chair
Attending: Antonio Zampoli, Vice Chair, Association for Literary and
Linguistic Computing; David Chesnutt, Secretary, Association for Computers
and the Humanities; Jan Hajic, Association for Computational Linguistics;
David Seaman, University of Virginia; Claus Huitfeld, University of Bergan;
Sebastian Rahtz, Oxford University; Peter Robinson, De Montfort University,
Lou Bernard, Editor, Oxford University; Syd Bauman, Editor, Brown
University; and Tone Merete Bruvik, Executive Director, University of
Bergen. Absent, Julia Flanders, Brown University, Harold Short, King's
College London.
John Unsworth called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m.
1. Certification
Unsworth certified the presence of a quorum of the Board..
2. Review of the Agenda
Unsworth reviewed the agenda which was approved as prepared by the
Executive Director Tone Merete Bruvik.
3. Review of the Previous Board Minutes
Unsworth reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and reported on
several outcomes:
3.1 The consortium has 47 members at various levels, exceeding our goal of
enlisting 40 members in the first year. The membership database contains 60
institutions and projects which have been contacted as potential members.
(Bruvik noted that current members had been removed from the database as
they joined the consortium.)
3.2 The grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities has been
delivered to the University of Virginia which will administer it for the
consortium. NEH could not deliver the grant to the consortium directly
because we are still in the process of attaining non-profit status under
the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Once that status is attained, the
consortium will be eligible to hold and administer directly grants from
U.S. federal agencies like NEH.
3.3 The board's request for reports from the Manuscript Description Work
Group and the Master Project has been met. The two groups have been working
together and it is expected that a new work group will be formed with a
view of establishing a single set of guidelines for manuscript description.
3.4 The chair noted the election of six members of the Council and two
members of the Board for two-year terms; that we needed to select two
members of the Board to serve on the Council; and that we needed to appoint
four additional members to serve one-year terms so that only part of the
Council rotates off each year.
3.5 Some progress has been made on the survey of training courses proposed
at the last Board meeting through Julia Flander's efforts. Additional work
may be required.
3.6 The Registry of Documents proposed at the last Board meeting has been
established at Oxford.
4. Discussion of the TEI Council
4.1 After reviewing the by-laws, the Board agreed that the charge to the
new TEI Council should be taken directly from language of the by-laws.
4.2 The Board reviewed the member's votes in the election of Council
members and agreed to the appointment of the following for one-year terms:
David Birnbaum, Geoffery Rockwell, Fontis Jannidis, and David Durand.
4.3 Lou Burnard pointed out that the by-laws did not specify that the
Editors should be included in the meetings of the Council. The Board
amended the by-laws to read that at least one of the editors should attend
Council meetings.
5. Board Members to Chair and Serve on Council
The Board appointed John Unsworth as Chair of the Council and Sebastian
Rahtz as the second member of the Board to serve on the Council--the Board
having previously agreed that all Board members are considered as Officers
of the corporation.
6. Members Meeting in 2002
The Board discussed the tentative offers from Mathew Driscoll, University
of Copenhagen, and Martin Mueller, of Northwestern University, to host the
next Members Meeting in early October, 2002. Because so many of the TEI's
meetings and workshops were held in Chicago, the Board unanimously agreed
to pursue Mueller's offer and instructed the Chair to contact Mueller
7. Appointment of the Nominations Committee for 2002
The Board appointed Julia Flanders, Harold Short, Jan Hajic, and
Lou Burnard as the Nominations Committee for 2002.
8. Financial Reports
Claus Huitfeld and Tone Merete Bruvik reviewed the current financial status
of the consortium as well as the budget projections for 2002-2003,
8.1 The Board's previous goal of making the Executive Director full-time in
2002-2003 is largely dependent on securing adequate membership. The current
projections are based on having 72 members in 2002, 101 members in 2003,
and 121 members in 2004.
8.2 The Board's previous decision to include for-profit companies as
regular members has negated the Sponsorship category and the income
projections based on that category.
8.3 Additional grant funds need to be actively sought to ensure that the
consortium's income is sufficient to cover its expenditures.
8.4 The previously and currently projected income from training seems
unlikely to occur because of the ongoing training programs that are
currently in place at a number of institutions. Moreover, several Board
members felt that training should be viewed as a service to members rather
than as a source of income. John Unsworth then appointed a Member Services
Subcommittee to investigate the feasibilty of offering or certifying
training. Members appointed included Peter Robinson, David Seaman, and
Julia Flanders.
9. Bonding and Insurance
John Unsworth reviewed his efforts to secure bonding for the financial
officers and liability insurance for the Board--a situation which is
somewhat complicated by the fact that the consortium is registered as a
non-profit corporation in Virginia while its administrative offices are
located in Norway. Neverthless, Unsworth expects to receive cost estimates
from several insurers in the near future so that the Board can make a
The Board adjourned to dinner and further discussion of the agenda items.
10. The NEH Project
Unsworth and Burnard reviewed the NEH work plan. Burnard pointed
out that the work on "XML-izing" the TEI Guidelines is on or ahead of the
work plan schedule.
11. Editors Report on P4
A vigorous discussion of the most recent draft version of P4 over whether
or not to retain the alphabetical tag list was followed by a decision to
refer the draft to the TEI Council for review and recommendations.
The meeting adjourned at the end of dinner.
David R. Chesnutt
====================== End of Minutes ============
David R. Chesnutt
Papers of Henry Laurens/
Model Editions Partnership
Department of History
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Telephone: 803-777-8350
Fax: 803-254-4980
Email: Chesnutt@gwm.sc.edu