Face to Face Meeting, Prague, 5–7 Feb 2017

Topics for Discussion

Sunday, 5 Feb

Meeting started @ ~09:20 local time Attending: Alejandro Bia (AB) Syd Bauman (SB) Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB) Hugh Cayless (HC) James Cummings (JC) Elli Mylonas (EM) Martina Scholger (MS) Peter Stadler (PS) Sarah Stanley (SS) Magdalena Turska (MT) Raffaele Viglianti (RV)

09:00–09:30: Convene, set agenda


12:30–13:30: lunch 13:30–17:00:

Monday, 6 Feb


Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KOHtX3GvZwN6qgtRhQPw3pIaBL9gyt02bkXbJMwvlg/edit https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1ww0LfaUAcvQXpwd25iVGxETG8 Issue with @xml:lang set to "und" in arbitrary(?) ways due to processing. Apply Google Translate to help populate international examples, as a stage 1 to prompt work in correction/revision? (Easier than starting from scratch in a new language.) "Translate this page" button SB: suggestion: make a special GitHub for TEI internationalization PS: Make it more openly accessible (not burden on Council), crowd-sourcing TEI translation AB: automatic updating of all language exemplars when one is updated—will require some programming to implement.

Where to begin: "Translate this page" to the reference pages first.

===Google embed code for ‘Select Language’ plugin=== <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script type="text/javascript"> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE, multilanguagePage: true, gaTrack: true, gaId: 'UA-4372657-1'}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script><script type="text/javascript" src="//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script> === MS will generate google translations for a few languages (Fr, DE, EL, SP, IT, HE, AR) for about 10 glosses, to look at the quality. The various speakers of these languages in Council will evaluate the translations. If they seem good, we can try to add a “translate with Google” button to the spec pages or parts of the spec pages.

12:30–13:30: lunch 13:30–16:00:TICKETS! 16:00–17:00:

(all agreeing that using xslt is the best idea) MT: how to start? ie the current XSLTs don't easily give us a full overview because of their complexity SB: we don't want something that mimics what the current s/s do. ie don't ask: how did sebastian do this, ask instead: what's the correct implementation according to the guidelines? SB: not every step needs to be in XSLT - depending on the task MT: one approach would be to start with specs outline and proof of concept implementation, possibly investigating not only XSLT but also XQuery as long as things are streamlines, e.g. managed via maven + ant

Tuesday, 7 Feb


http://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5-dev/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/always has the last build

*Discussion:*JC: is this something that Council wants to adopt and support? It represents a particular view of ODD writing. It also implies continued maintenance. So we should actively decide to take it on or not. SB replies that the build process is very simple now, could be part of build process. PS will it have tests? Need to resolve: naming, whether to put in in Exemplars and/or somewhere else, and testing. How to indicate what it's for in oXygen: a template. Action on SB: have in oXygen build and present on this at TEI Members' Meeting. URLs:

http://teic.github.io/TCW/testing_and_building.htmlhas instructions for installing Docker and using it to build the Guidelines and Stylesheets.


Wednesday 8 February

The public day will take place on February 8th 2017 at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, room P104 (first floor), nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 ( map). http://www.ff.cuni.cz/methodologies-in-dh/

Discussion topics unresolved (from the whole week)

(Listing all the things we didn’t get around to here)

Bugs Needing Discussion

Groups: A: MS, SS, EBB, SB B: JC, HC, EM, AB C: PS, RV, MT "><listRelation> as child element of <body>Add listRelation to model.listLike; JC suggests this is an example of the “Argumentum ad ‘In inferno ignem quidni?’” fallacy; PUNTING THIS TICKET: suggestion of a new <ldb> element named after Lou, that although it stands for "linked data block" officially, only does so as a cover for Louis Derryck Burnard. C1542NDExtended Structure for <additions>No change. We suggest to use list. If the additions are considered substantial and therefore need more specific encoding, we suggest to encode them directly with msItems within msContentsA1534NDmove sample values from description of gap/@reason to <valList>Semi-open valList (add “deleted”), and type should be data.enumerated - Assign it to SydB1531NDrs should contain q and quoteSuggest giving rs membership in model.qLike. Syd will investigate and report back.C1530NDAdd <postscript> to att.written, add <handShift/> to globalAllow `@hand` on `postscript`. Agree with @peterstadler that there should be another ticket for moving `handshift` up a level.A1524NDSchematron inside ODD files should be more precisely specifiedSyd and group suggest to not worry about this for now until schematron processing becomes a problem. Don’t things work ok now?B1521NDactor should be member of att.canonicalSubgroup agrees with LB. Go, Green!C1519NDSort out TEI@version pleaseYes. See commentA1515NDplacement of nested <figure>s: allow <zone> in <figure>Should use zone, but outside of figure, sibling (within surface for ex.)B1514NDExpand att.notated to all elements commonly used in linguistic markup: <quote>, <s>, <cl>, <phr>, <w>, <m>, <c>, <seg>Go Green!C1512NDAdapt <etym> to allow for encoding of typed and complex etymological processes: (i) add to att.typed class; (ii) allow recursion;Green: sounds good.A1510NDMake orth member of att.notatedIf the information being recorded is just the script, then it should be in the @xmlLang attribute. But there seems to be more information that may be recorded (accented, unaccented). @notation seems like a good suggestion. But first check that script is insufficient.B1474NDNeed to improve GIS/gazetteer encoding support in TEIF2F subgroup sees no issues with adding @crs and @geoEncoding to the place and placeography elements, but suggests we need a working group with interest and practical experience to work on developing introductory documentation for the Guidelines.C1461NDAdd new element <unit>No. (see comment)A1453ND`<path>` should exist alongside `<zone>` for non-closed areas in facsimileOptions in order of preference: 1. Not allow new element <path> and suggest that he use SVG which is an external standard that works perfectly well for that purpose. 1a. Suggest that IIIF as an alternate solution instead of SVG. 2. Look at SVG solution more carefully to make sure that it isn’t problematic to interact with TEI (global attributes?) for ex. HC points out that the SVG coordinate system may not translate into the zone/facsimile coordinate system. 3. Allow <path> (but the group does’t recommend this one) 4. We don’t like @path attribute on <zone> at all.

JC notes some ppl interested in IIIF might likehttp://dmt.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/ B1431NDclarify how to encode short-form citationsSubgroup still agrees with last subgroup and that ppl should use <ref> for references. Add clarifying text and update existing examples. See also #1579 C1415ND`<taxonomy>` should allow both description elements and categoriesAll seems well to us- Done567NDAllow <relation> to occur intermittently within parent elements1578NDfloatingText being ignored inside p: abstract model violation #1578

Other Needs Discussions which aren’t bugs or feature requests

Group Number Title Notes
A 1574 New Problem with Installing TEI Framework Plugin for oXygen
B 1577 Appendix C: Element Spec Reference Pages could have navigation through all elements Seems reasonable to subgroup. They think SB should implement.
C 1568 typeNote is member of header module but only useable in typeDesc (msDescription module) Yes, it should be moved to the right module
A 1561 Mysterious maven stuff in the build HC says he will kill it with fire and a big sharp stick..
B 1540 Remove or rewrite TEI-Minimal JC volunteers to rewrite, making it the absolute minimal possible TEI
C 1536 Support for @context We suggest to drop this unimplemented feature silently.
A 1508 zone used with JSON, etc: need examples in Guidelines EB should link with larger discussions re text/image and integration of vocabs, including #1453
B 1506 remarks in specification of `<att>` have an ambiguous reference Subgroup agrees it should be clarified. It has suggested some wording on the issue.
C 1463 Relation of @style and @rendition needs clarifying HC will clarify the prose.
A 1459 Description of <textNode> is insufficient