Fall 2016 Face to Face, Vienna

Face to Face Meeting, Vienna, 25–27 Sep 2016


Agenda Items

Sunday 09-25, 09:30–17:00

Location: ACDH Meeting Room

Morning 10:00–13:00

Discussion: Need to write this code to be as generic as possible Where does this belong in the Stylesheets?



Monday 09-26, 09:00–17:00

SM unavailable, MT dividing time between Council meeting and eXist-db workshop


TEI Simple Discussion

+ LB: If Council will support this, it needs good documentation; Getting examples from EEBO would be good. The other question is about marketing: should this replace Lite? Consensus: No. + JC: Nexts steps to check documentation and go forward as we are. + LB: - Is this meant to support EEBO TCP? * Not solely - To support 90% of users 90% of the time? * No. that is more lite’s job + MT: meant to support a large number of projects + JC: meant for modern, western printed books ‘printed books by dead white men’, (e.g. printed: not manuscripts, books: not weird non-codex objects, dead: not modern weird textual objects, white: vaguely western European in background, men: expressing that it is a limited scope that doesn’t cope with a wide range of text or authors. Clearly, this description isn’t meant to be exhaustive. + LB: revised checklist of its aims: - it’s aimed at print not manuscripts - More early modern than other periods, not modern - Western European traditions and characters - Larger scale, shallow encoding projects, e.g. for libraries, archives - As soon as you need to do deeper encoding, then you should be using your own customisation - It can of course be used outside of these parameters, but not what it was mainly designed for + RV: Worried about how a beginner transitions from Simple to where they need to go + RV: what Roma should be like is to have this help in making decision where to start your customization: asking questions about the character of material and project + Discussion of entry points and the difficulty of establishing "prescriptivist" approaches for people new to TEI and how it might be a bad idea. + Side note from LB: helping people decide on their starting point in the TEI world with a ‘checklist’ or ‘decision tree’ approach + Relationship with TEI BPL. Should the header chapter in Simple match recommendations of TEI BPL? Probably not, but would be good to get Libraries SIG view on the TEI Simple Header. - https://github.com/kshawkin/Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries - Minutes from group meetings http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Workgroup_to_revise_the_Best_Practices_for_TEI_in_Libraries + Action on Council members to invite SIGs and community members to contribute their exemplary ODDs + Action on Council members to speak to Board about new home page for TEI website, re how people "start" with TEI (meeting tomorrow): - Re how TEI Simple is presented - Other options for beginning (including redesigned ROMA when it's ready) + Council agrees that it is not the marketing arm of the TEIC, while they are happy to help the Board with some technical issues Council have more than enough Guidelines issues, software development issues, etc. to keep them busy for a long time. (Especially post-SPQR, and now with LB leaving Council this will also have an effect.) + Council should advise Board that new web maintainer should have some experience with UX work.

Lunch break:


Work on tickets (see table below)

Tuesday 09-27, 12:30–17:30

MS and PS at the Translatathon workshop SM unavailable MT partially unavailable in the afternoon for the XQuery workshop

12:15–14:00, Joint lunch / meeting with Board



Tickets for TEIC/TEI

Group Number Status Title Notes
1502 Go <desc> and remark in TEI Guidelines Closed
1499 Go Misuse of @extent in an example MS: in progress
1478 Go Make attribute values in Guidelines examples match suggested values in attribute class (related to #1397) EM - doesn’t need discussion
1475 Go Deprecated attribute @render discussion needs revision EB: Will close once I remove the commented-out portions.
1468 Go <content> examples need pure content MS: No discussion needed
1447 Go Exemplar schema for ENRICH includes duplicate ids for Schematron constraint JC: No discussion needed - bug - not investigated why yet.
1446 Go Solve base-uri problem in Stylesheets before next release Closed
1441 Go the future of the Debian packages Ask Stefan (EM pinged via git)
1436 Go consider adding @xml:space as global attribute in Tite MT: doesn’t need discussion
1428 Go Refine elements that can contain <secFol>, <signatures>, <catchwords> EB: With commit 59f1f5a we added a deprecation warning, but modifications won't be made until end of deprecation period (2018-09-30). Changed status to Blocked and Deprecated.
1427 Go Restructure chapter 11 Do we need to discuss this? Not yet ready for prime time inmho.label changed to orange. Awaiting draft
1425 Go Allow <bibl> in <witDetail> Prod MT; MT feeling duly prodded
1420 Go <valItem> should allow <remarks>, too MS?
1419 Go <lg> and <gap> [SB to give quick report]
1417 Go Define useful constants for classSpecs, e.g. $MEMBERS RV: SKIP, low priority
1414 Go ogrophy elements should be in att.canonical MT: it’s Go to propose broader solution for dealing with ogrophy elements SB: decision (reinforced today) is to go ahead with <idno> 1st child(ren) w/o waiting for other ography element re-org.
1407 Go abstract model constraint problems on model.pLike elements SB no need to discuss (I had forgotten we already made it a “go”.)
1373 Go Need for some way to represent macro.anyXML in Pure ODD Progressed yesterday: waiting for trial implementation in stylesheets
1349 Go odd4odds should be in Exemplars SB — no need to discuss (but y’all should periodically send me complaints that this isn’t done. :-)
1344 Go data.temporal.w3c—taste the pain SB—needs brief discussion; I had not realized it was assigned to me, and am not sure what next step should be.
1333 Go Link checking in Examples
1331 Go examples combines @from with @notAfter SB — more discussion needed. I thought this was done & closed but, not surprisingly, the constraints we added last time were objected to by at least on person: MH.
1293 Go hors d'oeuvre unpalatable in 9.4 Waiting on SM
1290 Go dated info on XML processors SB— no need to discuss. SM and I are in middle of working on this
1267 Go TEILite has @calendar, but no `<calendar>` element it can point to Fixed in source. Need to check that schemas for exemplars are generated correctly during build
1196 Go <attRef> needs better documentation MH did. Closed.
1175 Go use of modal verbs in Guidelines JC: Since this is a periodic check, I'll go through large parts of more newly added prose and review our use of modal verbs again.
1082 Go update ODD documentation on www.tei-c.org and in Guidelines Nothing to discuss here. Move along.
1045 Go Most attributes lack good examples No visible progress. Close? Mark it Blocked
960 Go i18n revision due
869 Go half title pages in TEI Tite No progress since March. Ask Kevin if we can reassign to someone else. Or mark it blocked.
618 Go @expand example in att.lexicographic is incorrect.
564 Go create <schemaRef> element to give pointing to ODD. JC: Creating <schemaRef> as agreed by Council, just need to time to do.
548 Go Give more structure to abstract Closed for now
543 Go Make the content model of occupation more elaborate HC: Done
537 Go Support for non-ISO schematron (1.4) should be removed SB — requires brief discussion in *how* to proceed.
536 Go Make @source global JC: Complicated, agreed, nothing to discuss, just need to do it.
533 Go Add profileDesc as optional child biblFull HC: Done
527 Go Replace current eXist for Roma with updated version Closed
498 Go Permit new <persona> as a child of <person> No progress on this since April. Prod LB!
486 Go deprecating members of a content model Closed (yay!)
464 Go Need for some way to test the oxygen-tei package before release
379 Go retaining punctuation marks in the text of a TEI document No progress since March: blocked? Now assigned to EBB & EM

Groups for Monday

Groups for Tuesday

Group Number Status Title Notes
A 1505 Discuss Use of `@next/@prev` versus `<join>` with `@scope/@result` and `@exclude` needs clarification Use of @next here is unusual, but not forbidden by Guidelines, and we think we shouldn’t change the current practice. The current suggested practice by Guidelines and examples is to be preferred. No need seen for additional clarification of join/@scope unless martinH produces concrete proposal.
B 1500 Discuss A plea for behaviourSpec Needs more discussion and elaboration, we dont understand it
C 1497 Discuss Don't impose horrible algorithmic burdens on implementors Lots of agreement on this one, it’s GO, and Syd writes minority opinion on ticket
A 1496 Discuss Don't punt on model semantics Should still leave to implementor what happens but strongly recommend that any processor will at least warn of ambiguous model elements. It is probably an error in the ODD not in the implementation so the user should be made aware of this rather than the processing be made automatically happy by hiding it. [Council argues for a schematron rule to forbid this unlikely occurrence.]
B 1495 Discuss Confusing note on modelSequence We think we understand Magda’s comment, we’re not sure if we agree
C 1494 Discuss Clarify modelGrp semantics Recommend: make it GO, change to modelSequence, fix wording
A 1493 Discuss Allow <subst> in <line> please Subgroup thinks more interpretative elements should be *removed* from line, not more added. To add more is madness. Council agrees completely that where <substJoin>, <add>, and <del> are allowed, <subst> should be, too. However, there is significant disagreement as to the solution: allow <subst>, or disallow the others (and <app> and ...)? Generally council thinks it should remove all this bumf from line.
B 1492 Discuss Allow note in rdgGrp We agree that note shdnt go in rdg unless it’s a part of the reading itself. Problem is deciding what is being annotated: sequence is not very good way of linking note with thing annotated. But its used elsewhere in this way. We agree to allow note in rdgGrp. STATUS GO
C 1489 Discuss datatype of prefixDef/@ident Recmend: Make Go, Syd fixes with Martin’s suggestions STATUS GO
A 1487 Discuss Schematron rule disallows perfectly good markup Deprecation mechanisms not followed because we didn’t think anyone would be doing this and it isn’t deprecation, it is extra constraint through schematron. And we think Martin shouldn’t be doing this. STATUS CLOSED
B 1486 Discuss Location of ODD validation file for spec development We agree with Hugh . STATUS GO
C 1484 Discuss person and place elements should allow 'name' child similar to org. Needs discussion; Why shouldn't Simple just change the content models to permit <name> STATUS GO
A 1483 Discuss parameters to the TEI media type (generalizing their usage + a repository) Seems like a good idea, assigned to Piotr STATUS GO
B 1477 Discuss Merge and We agree with Gerrit STATUS GO
C 1476 Discuss Source links for examples sometimes missing; all have disappeared from HTML output Make it GO. Add schematron warning, divvy up 1514 examples and find sources or specify no source or unknown source Our thinking is to divvy ‘em up into sets of 100 un-sourced <egXML>s, and hand each Council member a set to do.
G 1474 Discuss Need to improve GIS/gazetteer encoding support in TEI
B 1473 Discuss PureODD may need other forms of datatype restrictions besides regular expressions We would need a new pure ODD mechanism to do numeric testing. Needs work on a proposal. Or we have to do it in schematron.
C 1471 Discuss new section on deprecated datatype macros Let's have the discussion on deprecating datatype macros!
F 1470 Discuss Example from address spec file is weird
B 1466 Discuss Add @place to <head> We agree. Add head to astt.placement, as an alternative to @rend. Example looks good. STATUS GO
C 1465 Discuss Xenodata oddities Closed
G 1463 Discuss Relation of @style and @rendition needs clarifying Suggest that we accept HC’s wording
B 1461 Discuss Add new element <unit> We are reluctant to add new element. Whats wrong with rs, or an ODD solution? STATUS NO
F 1459 Discuss Description of <textNode> is insufficient Dunno.
G 1453 Discuss `<path>` should exist alongside `<zone>` for non-closed areas in facsimile No, don’t do, look at SVG and IIIF, close or leave for discussion
B 1452 Discuss @class attribute on <msContents>, <msItem>, and <msItemStruct> should all be added to an attribute class. We agree. And note that other elements could be added to this class e.g. <p> STATUS GO
F 1431 Discuss clarify how to encode short-form citations SubGroup thinks it is daft - you should use <ref> and if not you could use @corresp. Update existing examples to use `<ref>` and not `<bibl>`.
G 567 Discuss Allow <relation> to occur intermittently within parent elements Prod SB
B 562 Discuss allow paras in various children of ographies Which elements currently containing model.phraseSeq should become model.specialPara ? LB says all, for simplicity’s sake.
F 539 Discuss New element annotatedU Prod LB
G 507 Discuss create generic policy for the TEI on integration of external standards Changed to blocked because not enough time
F 386 Discuss free-standing attributes -> class Prod EM + SB https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Punte188LwdqBko8m8-f9LzevP7EKoqhddUBlnXVSiA/edit
G 377 Discuss Improve guidance and restrict usage of biblScope Leave as is, but file bug report with zotero? JC notes they get it from us: http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/ZoteroToTEI As documented here: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/tei
F 374 Discuss Encoding of Standoff annotations Prod PS
G 367 Discuss rationalize content models of org and place and person Prod SB
F 299 Discuss att.editLike should not bring att.dimensions & att.ranging F: Group suggests it should be GREEN: GO; Do it with modification that Alexey recommended. (I.e., we think the list of actual elements should be reviewed, and pending that review this should just be done w/o any further ado — no further posts or deprecation needed.)
1501 (Discuss) Cannot generate valid DTD within oXygen This is a release blocker!!!
1400 (Discuss) Remove numbered divisions Agreed to make it a P6 issue
1350 (Discuss) some documentation wrong/missing for correspAction PS: Already done
1081 Blocked fDecl doesn't allow att.datcat yet
941 Blocked GLs say add 'ns' decl, but roma objects
820 Blocked "Add new attribute" errors, etc.
672 Blocked video html to tei
519 Blocked precision should be a member of att.datable*
482 Blocked The term strikes back - terminology chapter
470 Blocked att.measurement and att.dimensions overlap
325 Blocked Allow certainty etc. inside milestoneLike elements
293 Blocked add SourceForge feeds to http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/
290 Blocked att.canonical for model.persTraitLike CLOSED due to being overtaken by other tickets