Notes from TEI Council Conference Call of 08 July 05

Call started at 13:03 UTC with

Review of ActionsThe following action items from the previous minutes were reviewed:JC: stylesheet HOWTO

MD: post summary of comments received on MS, with proposed responses

MD revisions to manuscript description chapter

Roma under Windows

P5 instructions for XMetal & XMLSpy

JW: P5 instructions for oXygen

MD: create some examples demonstrating the different approaches (of assassinating attributes)

SB: attributes & datatypes

JF & PW: post discussion of various methods for handling reg of the various naming elements

LB: Report on progress of discussions of index attributes

JF & EV: rationalization of cert attribute

SB: make all resp attributes into pointers

LB: research whether loc performs the same function as cref

SB & DD: finish SA discussions of XPointer

SB: fix P5 bibliography using bibl, report on usability of bibl

JW & NS: quick report on progress of the header element mapping

CW: Look at current epigraphical standards, report findings

Review of WG etc. progress

Standoff MarkupSee

Feature StructuresLB reports that chapter is still out for review in ISO process. Meeting to resolve comments garnered during this process will be Mon 22 Aug in Warsaw. Physical BibliographyJF reports that Murray McGillivray has hit the ground running, posting several interesting questions in the past few days. JF has responded and will ping others in the group to respond or to drop out.JF wants to know how closely PB should interact with MS. It was pointed out that most of the work of MS is currently in the hands of its chair (MD), and that further work is needed. It was also pointed out that the MS chapter has gaps, including collation, which it would make sense for PB to fill. CW suggests PB report to Council, which can then see if they wish to charter new group or take other action.

biblItemSB reports that per request of Council he has made no effort in this area, pending the results of the BIBL action item (see ).

IHSItem was covered in , above.

P5 progress

principles for publication of snapshotsAfter some discussion, there was general agreement that Sourceforge releases (as opposed to the continuing maintenance in the CVS tree) of the source ODDs, the derived HTML, and the stylesheets that convert the former to the latter can be made without explicit Council approval. There were three suggestions on when such releases would occur: a pre-defined timetable; when significant updates occur or have accrued, based on the editors' judgement; and at Sebastian's readiness to do so. This issue was left unresolved, but it was agreed by all that a new release should be orchestrated very soon, probably within a week or two.Eds ensure that P5 is in sufficient condition for a release 2005-07-19SR after Eds give go-ahead, create new release 2005-07-22It was generally agreed that the HTML version of P5 that is available on the TEI website should be the same as the most recent Sourceforge released version.

directory layoutCouncil agreed to pursue the two-directory structure recently outlined by SR, presuming Debian does not object. SB & SR will hammer out the details over the weekend in the hopes of having a structure ready (for use by SyncRO Soft) by Monday.SR & SB Hammer out details of directory layout 2005-07-11

infrastructure for translations of gloss and descNot discussed.

on Attributes and DatatypesConcern was expressed over the use of W3C pattern facets, particularly in the datatype There was disagreement about the general principle of whether or not the TEI should force itself to stick to strict W3C datatypes, but it was clear that the issue required more discussion.It was generally agreed that further evaluation of the proposals would be needed before fruitful discussion could occur. It was suggested (separately) that these issues be resolved both at the class meeting at the end of September and before that meeting.

Other businessCouncil agreed that an element to go inside figure and contain binary data was acceptable. However, the consensus was to use a more descriptive name than bob. It was suggested we look at what METS calls binary objects.Council placed a standing action on the editors to produce list of changes that have been made to (the CVS source tree of) P5 one week before each conference call or meeting of Council.

Next CallSeveral dates were discussed, without final resolution.

Call ended at approximately 14:30.